Probably about :30 past the hour or so. The segment is about the lack of coverage of violence at three Juneteenth celebrations. There has been a few newspaper stories, but nothing really extensive. My point was the media, like everyone else, has been made afraid to discuss issues that involve race. Yet, ignoring violence like this. committed primarily by young people, further isolates communities. The real racism here is not discussing violence involving Americans who happen to be black, but in ignoring serious social issues and the continuing despair in the inner city.

I brought up the fact that at gay pride festivals, where you have the same dynamic of thousands of people drinking, partying, live entertainment, etc, people don’t kill each other, and bystanders aren’t attacked. The man they had opposite me, some talk show host from Oregon, started out with some classic homophobia, about homosexuals and pedophilia, and then went on to argue that talking about this was some sort of conspiracy to make black people look bad, or something of that sort.

I’ll tell you, the ignorance out there is astounding. For those of you not familiar with the Juneteenth violence in Austin, Milwaukee and Syracuse (and many of you won’t be because the EM isn’t covering it), here are some links.

Man killed by crowd outside Juneteenth festivities

Violence at Milwaukee Juneteenth Day

Juneteenth board discusses violence at festival

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. brikwils says:

    I couldn’t agree more with your comments on the Factor, we need to quit tiptoe-ing around these issues and just get to the point. If Sharpton and Jackson are at one end of the spectrum nowadays, where is the other end? Who will step up and stick to the addage “dont judge one from the color of their skin, but the content of their character” (who said that?)

    These news stories, kept out of the mainstream, are about character, not skin.

  2. helpunderdog says:

    Leftists, through victimhood indoctrination (in schools, colleges, and on tv), want to see the fall of capitalism at any cost, even if it means contributing to the delinquency of an entire race of people.

  3. chase says:

    Wow! Tammy you looked absolutely wonderful this evening!

    As we all witness the continual collapse of our society, I comforted watching an attractive conservative woman embody all that has made America great . Please never stop or waver.


  4. ltlme says:

    CNN did cover the violence yesterday. Although, it was only five seconds worth. The new 10 Commandments for driving that the Pope issued received more coverage.

  5. kasdan says:

    Interesting to read someone write that these stories are about character, and not skin. That is true, but I think it’s a bit naive to think everyone views it that way. I’ve had to deal with colleagues tell me how we (blacks) are known for being criminals, and also have parents of friends not let me in their house, because of feared stereotypes of blacks being dangerous. Even had friends from other countries say they warned to interact with blacks, because of images that were shown of blacks in their home countries.

    That’s why I have a problem with people like Tammy Bruce. I’m still waiting on that commentator who can say there is a problem with the despair in the inner cities, but also bring up the other side of the issue, which is how these images fuel stereotypes and agendas in certain people. I never hear that point come across from anybody, even from black commentators.

  6. chase says:

    Even though I was stunned by Tammy’s beauty and persona, I do believe she did indicate that the MSM does focus on the effect, violence instead of the cause, failed liberal policies. Opps! my bad, I wasn’t suppose to say that, it’s a secret. Shhhhh.


  7. Skylark says:

    “Leftists, through victimhood indoctrination (in schools, colleges, and on tv), want to see the fall of capitalism at any cost, even if it means contributing to the delinquency of an entire race of people.” Posted by Helpunderdog on June 21.

    Helpunderdog could not be more correct. I am currently teaching an education course to future teachers with a book that just stuns me. Since I was in school taking such a course, things have progressed to the point that subtlety about socialistic indoctrination has now disappeared. It’s out in the open, big time. And the agenda is stunning.

    According to this book, Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society, all cultures are equal and, therefore, must be preserved, along with their languages, at all costs (if that is true, why do they come here in droves?). We are NEVER to tell any child that they are not using language appropriately, since the child must return to his/her neighborhood and home and we do not want to offend those people by implying that they aren’t speaking correctly. Oh, no. And we must put aside all that we hold dear so that we do not offend those from other countries with our customs and culture. After all, our culture is in dire need of fixing.

    Privileged and advantaged people in the mainstream culture now need to learn social justice (redistribution of wealth), abandon meritocracy (rewards commensurate with hard work and ability, which is deemed unfair) eliminate competition and encourage cooperation (what will THAT do to NBA basketball?), stop offering equal opportunity and, instead, guarantee equal results (like dumbing down school curricula?), and on and on, and it just gets worse. To make matters absolutely insufferable, the authors paraphrased a quote from Karl Marx, himself, which epitomizes the ideal they expect to eventually see our society strive for: “from each according to his or her ability, to each according to his or her need.”

    If the authors of this book get their way, and believe me, they are not alone in pushing this agenda, our nation will eventually become a socialist country. By programming teachers to buy into this, and forcing them to teach subjects in accordance with these beliefs, our children will be likewise indoctrinated, much like children in Hitler’s Germany were. It can, indeed, happen.

    Worse, these authors insult minority groups with the implication of fragility (they can’t take it if we don’t handle them with kid gloves) and lack of ability (they can’t learn our language, so need to keep theirs, can’t make it in our schools unless we dumb down the curricula, need wealth redistribution since they can’t make as much as others, etc.). They encourage the victim mentality, as well.

    When Nikita Kruschev, a former Soviet Union leader, banged his shoe on his desk back in the fifties and proclaimed that they would conquer us from within, no one believed him. Now I see what he meant. Wake up America, before it is too late!

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