Have a good one everyone, as we celebrate the birthday our our great nation. As a little reminder, while we all know how to keep our human family safe on a day like this, our pets have a very different experience. Here’s some advice from the Humane Society about how to make sure your Sydney and Snoopy make it through our unusually loud celebration without too much anxiety. Here’s wishing a safe and happy 4th for everyone in your family.

Oh yes, and consider this an open thread, with any and all discussion fair game, for the day.

Here are some 4th of July related headlines and stories for your information and amusement, not necessarily simultaneously.

U.S. heightens security for 4th of July

For the 4th: How to Photograph Fireworks

Odd and interesting baseball happenings on the 4th of July

Paris’s July 4th Message: Don’t Drink and Drive

Nation Celebrates Independence Day With Parades, Music and Fireworks




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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pat_s says:

    Happy Birthday America! I love you!

    Just in time for the Fourth, the bald eagle has been removed from the endangered species list. Hopefully the traditional American spirit will soon follow. The triumph over the immigration abomination is an encouraging sign.

  2. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Yes! Happy Birthday America! May your (and our) best days be ahead! Hopefully, clearer and cooler minds will prevail, with huge doses of common sense and wisdom…

  3. RandyGrHa says:

    Happy 4th of July! May our actions be worthy of our noble forebears, who promised their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” in defense of freedom. Randy.

  4. Keenan says:

    Sweet Land of Liberty.
    Thanks for the reminder about our beloved pets.

  5. pat_s says:

    Well, sadly the American spirit is still endangered in New Jersey.
    New Jersey Won’t Honor Declaration Signers

    When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to honor the grave sites of Declaration of Independence signers, don’t count New Jersey in. It says it can’t afford it.

    A plan to spend $200,000 to spruce up grave sites and mark their locations with new plaques has bounced around the Legislature for more than three years without becoming law, a victim of chronic state budget woes.

    “These five men literally pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for the independence of this country,” said Republican Assemblyman Bill Baroni, paraphrasing the Declaration’s famous final line.

    “We should be honoring these five men,” said Baroni, another bill sponsor. “Keeping their graves marked and restored is the least we can do.”

  6. aqvik says:

    Please help! Yesterday, OSHA made it known that it is seeking to squelch the sale of legal ammunition to law-abiding citizens who are reluctant to depend on the government to preserve our life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    This NRA alert (http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=3145) has the details, and potential responses. I personally added a “public comment” to the proposed rule and the process was anything but intuitive (undoubtedly on purpose). In the face of everything that is happening, it is unthinkable that regulatory agencies like OSHA pull this kind of Nanny State manipulation. Because of the arrogance of the Bush administration, socialist democrats are about to gain control of our lives, disarm us, and make us sitting ducks for the enemies of freedom.

    I feel it necessary to say I am merely a concerned and loyal citizen of the United States, with no other agenda than to preserve our great nation, and provide a safe and secure future for my children. I have watched the Grand Bargainers in Congress foist Shamnesty upon an unsuspecting citizenry. I have watched the collusion amongst the power elite trying to turn us in to an EU facsimile, and I have supported all conservative grass roots efforts by you and others to restore our nation to its founding principles.

    If you need to know more about me before taking action, my thoughts are here (http://christophobe.blogspot.com/). I do not want publicity, I just want action.

    I would have written an email rather than taking up comment bandwidth, but I couldn’t find one on this site.



  7. Rod says:

    The bird looks determined to defend America. Too bad the man I voted for is not determined to defend America.
    The only similarity between Washington and Bush(either) is first name.

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