God help us all.

Arctic August: NYC Sets Record For Coldest Day

(CBS) NEW YORK Don’t forget to bundle up if you’re headed out in New York City today. After all, it is August 21. The city along with the rest of the tri-state region is feeling the chilly effect of a cold front sweeping through the region, accompanied by cool rain showers.

Tuesday’s high temperature in Central Park was just 59 degrees. The normal high for today is 82 degrees. The normal low is 67.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Trinity says:

    LOL! It is a wonderful 60 something here in WNY and I love it..bring on that warming Al. Did you hear the latest from Norway? Seems the scientists are all worried that Moose burps are the new issue. Yep, I kid you not. Moose belching and flatuence. I have said this before and will again, the world simply needs a big supply of beeno!


  2. gmee says:

    You know, one of the reasons that temps have been so high recently is that they’re measured at stations like this one.

  3. DaveS says:

    And how can we forget about the global warming conference (in DC?) which was canceled due to snow . . .

  4. PeteRFNY says:

    I think Al Gore is purposely fudging around with his weather machine to mees around with us. Cut it out, you rascal!

    PS – It went down to 48 degrees out in the Jersey ‘burbs last night. Brrr!

  5. N_Campbell says:

    Well, here in Northern California at the edge of the Central Valley, we’ve had some warm periods, and some exceptionally chilly spells. Including rain, which doesn’t normally happen here in the summer. On the whole, it’s a lot more mild this year then it was last year, which had the high for August around 120.

  6. jeweytunes says:

    Yeah but I gotta tell you, in the South we’re about to buy Al’s whole package! We’ve been setting record highs (even some folks dying, sadly) for weeks, and yesterday in Atlanta we broke our highest HIGH temp on record for August.

    Too bad the global-warming-Chicken-Littles can’t grasp the concept of balance. J

  7. mrfixit says:

    As time goes on we see more studies of more ice and sediment cores that indicate 30 – 100 – 1500 and even 25000 year cycles that occur. Sometimes they stack up on each other to create greater warming, sometimes not. Many paleoclimatologists are saying that we are near the end of an interglacial period, and are headed for a severe cool-off. The global warming mongers are covered. They claim global warming triggers ice ages, by stopping the thermohaline circulation. Others say that the circulation stops starts and has large swings in its flow. But where did all the Co2 go during the last glaciation? Should we burn up some more fossil fuel when the next one hits?

  8. mythusmage says:

    It’s been unseasonably hot here in San Diego County recently. Temperatures in the 80s along the coast, and reaching into the triple digits in the inland valleys.

    This ahead of our usual hot season, September and October. (Kid you not. September and October is Santana season around here, when hot, dry winds blow down out of the mountains, and temperatures can get into the triple digits along the coast. My first experience with a santana was in 1961 when I was 7 years old. Before they cancelled school becuse of the heat I had fun watching my crayons melt in my hands. 🙂 )

  9. mythusmage says:


    Those cycles are important, but they don’t negate the effect of additional greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Besides, three of the cycles all point to an upcoming ice age. An event we seem to have dodged starting back in 10,000bc thanks to agriculture.

    That’s right, human impact on the world’s climate is nothing new. As a matter of fact, it could well be that we need to put more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than we are now, in order to prevent an ice age from destroying our civilition in the coming centuries.

  10. mrfixit says:


    Check out the Orange County Register Parade Magazine section for Sun. Aug. 26, 2007. The “in the news” item on pg. 16 claims that mine fires in India and China are burning up to 200 million tons of coal each year, enough to equal all U.S. auto emissions of CO2. If CO2 is really the driver of global climate change, which I doubt, would it not make sense to attack CO2 discharges that have nothing but negative impact on the environment? Mine fires release a lot of nasty stuff, like Dioxins, mercury, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and waste a lot of potential clean energy (provided it is burned in a controlled manner).

    There is also much evidence that CO2 follows warming, rather than leads it. I worry much more about man’s attempt to fix a perceived problem, rather than get a real handle on it. In 1977 scientists actually advocated spewing soot all over Antarctica to counteract the coming ice age. Now we have scientists advocating spreading iron sulphate in the Bermuda Triangle area to create a large carbon sink that would eventually sink to the ocean floor and sequester millions of tons of carbon. Will the reaction be worse than the action? Will the cure kill the patient before the disease?

  11. N_Campbell says:

    Funny you should mention what’s going on in the South. When I was in New Orleans back in April, it was around 60 with freezing rain. And my girlfriend laughed at me for getting off the airplane wearing a jacket. 😛

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