Saint Hillary

A post by Maynard

Drudge linked to this Washington Post article about Hillary’s religiosity. It’s a puff piece of historical revisionism. It describes of Hillary’s long religious history, and indeed the long religious history of the Democrat party in pursuit of the Christian ideal of “economic justice”.

This would all be well and good if the story were “truthy”. But anyone who lived through the Clinton presidency knows we didn’t hear much in the way of religious rhetoric from co-President Rodham until recently. Neither did Bill Clinton exude any particular religiosity, except for frequent politicking in black churches (because he was the self-proclaimed “first black president”). This isn’t to say that there were no church-oriented publicity photos, but nobody ever accused the Clintons of being “too religious”, as they do with Mr. Bush.

Clinton briefly found God when the Lewinsky affair came crashing down, and he decided his repentance would be accomplished with the aid of rigorous spiritual counseling. The Reverend Jesse Jackson heard the call and rushed to Washington, accompanied by Karin Stanford, Jackson’s assistant (and also his mistress and mother of his “love child” — but we didn’t know about that part yet).

Okay, so the Clinton White House was not the most pious of places, and that’s okay. What irks me is the blatant lying. These people must think we’re incredibly stupid.

Contrast the Post’s newly-minted history with your own memories, and add this little note about how Hillary hired an evangelical consultant to boost her stock with the non-Left, and the picture becomes clearer:

Burns Strider, one of the Democratic Party’s leading strategists on winning over evangelicals and other values-driven voters, will join Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as she prepares to launch her 2008 presidential campaign.

Strider now heads religious outreach for the House Democratic Caucus, and is the lead staffer for the Democrats’ Faith Working Group, headed by incoming Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.).

Incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) created the working group in 2005 when Democratic strategists recognized that the party lost ground in the previous election because of trouble appealing to centrist and conservative voters in rural areas, who tend to be church-goers driven by moral issues. Strider was an aide to Pelosi when the group formed and joined Clyburn’s staff as policy director of the Democratic Caucus in 2006.

Strider’s move to Clinton’s camp suggests that Democrats will woo so-called faith voters in the 2008 election. The plan is buoyed by the Democrats’ success in winning over religious voters in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania in the midterm elections.

In this critical era, it’s disturbing that so many politicians are either themselves morons, or they believe we are morons.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. I’m a Democrat, and I have an extremely short memor- I’m a Democrat and I have an extremely short me- I’m a Democrat, and I have an extremely short- I’m a Democrat and I have an extremely s–
    I’m a Democrat and I have an extrem- I’m a Democr– I’m– I’m–

    Nutroots, all and every one of them, to harbor the likes of this carpetbagger!

  2. radargeek says:

    Fake, fake absolutely. Beggar idealhomeless beggar. Look at the demeanor. I want you vote, I’m the nicest politician.Oh, look at me!!! I know your pain! What a bunch of weasles these clintons. And the gullable, ignorant people around them. Makes me sick. They will say, do, express anything to be elected. By the way, what page in the Bible does it express “economic justice.” I imagine she doesn’t know.

  3. robert108 says:

    We should all realize that “economic justice” is leftie code for Marxism.

  4. Dave J says:

    “…so many politicians are either themselves morons, or they believe we are morons.”

    Or both.

  5. stormsurge says:

    I don’t usually do this (in fact, up until now I can’t remember ever having quoted the Good Book), but I can’t help but remember this passage whenever I see Bill/Hill:

    2 Timothy 3rd Chapter
    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

  6. Marie says:

    The religion thing is just another blow-hard way to get votes…too bad people can’t see pass the crap…

    Did anyone read the article about Hillary wanting to give every newborn child $5000.00 for a college fund or to buy a new house with when they turn 18? A die hard Dem friend of mine thinks I made the entire thing up to discredit her (like she doesn’t do a good enough job herself!!) I need a reference so he can read for himself and see who he is voting for…

  7. mrfixit says:

    I remember a candidate named George McGovern that promised to give every American $1000 to spend as they pleased, in order to stimulate the sagging economy. Now we know who inherited his political playbook.

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