
When Sarkozy got elected I ended my boycott of France, which allowed me to welcome back with open arms all sorts of wonderful things I had missed for years. Now it seems I’ll need to go out of my way and find even more imports to show the French some love. Heck, I might even have to visit Paris! Woo hoo! I guess I better find someone to kiss, too. 🙂

Iran scorns French warning of war

A warning by France’s foreign minister that the world should prepare for war over Iran’s nuclear programme has drawn an angry response from Iran.

Iran’s foreign ministry said the remark had damaged the credibility of France, while the official Iranian news agency accused Paris of aping Washington.

On Sunday France’s Bernard Kouchner said: “We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war.”

Meanwhile, the top UN nuclear official said force should be a last resort.

At a conference of the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in Austria, Mohamed ElBaradei said he saw no clear and present danger, and that talk of force was counter-productive.

Yeah, maybe that’s because ElBaradei isn’t a Jew nor is he in Israel. I suppose being Arab, in Austria, and incompetent does give one a different view of what constitutes a ‘clear and present danger.’

Related Links:

New France gets tough with Iran

Jerusalem Post: Where’s Germany?

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    What a difference an election makes – from the song of a similar title!

  2. Hadsil says:

    US/France friendship



    It’s good to be able to eat french fries and french toast again. Viva la France!

  3. RagingBullmoose says:

    Reminds me of something my father told me once about the French, back before the build up to the Gulf War:

    “The French are kinda funny this way. They always hem and haw and drag their feet, but they always end up lacing up their spikes and getting in the game.”

    I thought this concept dead and burried ever since Chiraq and his cliq vehemently opposed the US/UK/Ausie mission to “take out the trash”.

    Now it looks like the French just might break out their Adidas’s after all.

  4. Kimj7157 says:

    Merkel and Sarkozy have been a breath of fresh air wafting over the Atlantic. Way to go France! (I needed a little lift since I’ve been hearing more this morning about this frakkin’ “Dream Act” that Turbin Durbin is pushing. More incentive for illegals… . Aaargh!!!)

    And as far as Elbaradei, he’s more of a nuclear LAPDOG than a watchdog.

  5. pat_s says:

    Whoa! These guys are really getting tough. France plans DNA tests to fight illegal immigration

    A French government proposal to DNA test would-be immigrant families, as well as make them prove they have financial backing and speak French, is to be debated in parliament. The new measures are contained in a bill that is part of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration. Civil liberties groups claim such legislation would be inhuman and racist.
    Concerning DNA testing, even some geneticists agree. “DNA tests on families would be immoral because in French families, for a long time, we have said family is not just about biology and the transmission of genes,” said genetics expert Professor Axel Kahn.

    But the government says it wants to ensure that when potential immigrants apply to join their families in France, they are really family and will be well provided for.

    “We know that there is abuse of the system,” said Professor Bernard Debré of the Cochin Hospital in Paris. “We know children who have nothing to do with a family come in this way, and DNA testing isn’t dangerous.”

    A dozen other EU countries already request DNA tests from immigrants. But they are expensive and it is the potential immigrant who has to pay.

  6. DEM because I say so.. says:

    The only “FRENCH” thing I didn’t boycott was “FRENCH KISSING!!!”


  7. SKMA says:

    Hmmm…make immigrants prove they speak the language?! What a concept. Maybe we could learn something from the French after all…

  8. N_Campbell says:

    Skma, what do you expect from a President whos nickname is “Sarkozy L’American”?

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