
Amnesty Politicians–Same Game, Different Name

**Bumped up: As of 9/21, this Rule has now been published in the Federal Register which means you can add your Comments. While the Feds essentially say what you think doesn’t matter about this rule, comment, comment, comment, and call your all your congressional representatives, the DHS, and the White House with your rejection of this back room effort to grant amnesty to tens of thousands of illegals. Scroll down after the jump for more info, updates, phone numbers, etc.**

On its surface it sounds reasonable, but once you get into it, like anything related to the government’s attitude toward illegal immigration it has amnesty and open borders written all over it.

In this instance, the Bush admin, via the Department of Homeland InSecurity (of course) is bypassing legislation and using the the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to establish a “rule” allowing illegal aliens who are supposed ‘crime victims’ to receive visas and special benefits. But, of course, it’s really more than that. I’m sure the Amnesty Republicans feel this use of ‘regulations’ and ‘rules’ is one surefire way to avoid your pesky interference in their efforts to open the borders and the sovereignty of this nation. Let’s prove them wrong. Again. There is a way for you to make a difference here. I’ll have an action for you at the end of this post.


Skeletor, Amnesty Shill-in-Chief

Special Visas for Illegal Aliens Who Become Crime Victims

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Wednesday announced an interim final rule that grants “temporary immigration benefits” to crime victims who assist government officials in investigating or prosecuting the criminal activity.

The goal is to bring crime victims out of the shadows where they tend to hide if they fear deportation.The new rule establishes procedures for applicants seeking “U nonimmigrant status.” (Congress created the “U” classification in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act.)

People eligible for “U nonimmigrant status” include those who have suffered substantial mental or physical abuse because of illegal activity; have information regarding that activity; and are willing to assist government officials in the investigation and prosecution of the crime.

According to USCIS, “Individuals granted U nonimmigrant status may remain in the United States for up to four years, and may be accompanied by eligible family members (spouse, children, unmarried siblings under 18, and parents). “Not only do eligible petitioners obtain legal status to remain in the country, but [they] will also be provided referrals to nongovernmental organizations for assistance and additional resources, and automatic employment authorization.”

How is this a defacto “Z” visa which would have given perpetual renewals of residency to illegals? From page 6 of the the Rule itself:


I would support the notion of not deporting a crime victim or one who reports crime, but that’s the extent of it. Here we are creating nothing less than amnesty, again, using the issue of crime to manipulate Americans into accepting it. The description and requirement is so vague, anyone who applies for the “U” visa will probably get it. It becomes, in essence, a defacto “Z” visa.

So, all you have to claim is “mental” abuse because of crime (“I live in a place where there is a gang! It upsets me!) and simply be ‘willing’ to help in some way with prosecution, unlike other crime programs where your assistance is key to the conviction of a criminal. Nope, the illegal just has to be ‘willing.’

But the capper is the nonexistent ‘cap’–10,000 special visas a year (which you know will be increased,) But there’s no cap on all those extended family members. There’s also no indication that the rest of the family even has to be here. But they will be, the moment their anchor illegal gets upset after experiencing some crime of one sort or another.

There is something you can do about this. The rule requires 60 days of public comment. You can make your comment about what you think of this at the regulations.gov website. The so-called interim final rule is Docket Number USCIS 2006-0069. It’s possible the Rule has yet to enter the system. It doesn’t appear under a search, but according to Page 3 of the Rule, you can contact a Linda Dawkins at the USCIS at the DHS for further information. Her number is ——. Well, now we’re not sure about the phone number provided in the rule is good. Not that we’re surprised by a Fed eff-up. I’m having Nikki go through DHS to find Ms. Dawkins and will have that update for you shortly.

UPDATE 9/21:

This proposed Rule has been published. Choose in the search pull down menu the Docket Number option and input the docket # USCIA 2006-0069 and the “New Classification for Victims of Criminal Activity; Eligibility for U Nonimmigrant Status” will be one of your options for comment.

Also, call your congressional representatives alerting them to this rule and that you oppose it and every other attempt to pass amnesty in a piece-meal way. Let them know you are still here, still opposed and will still punish them if they vote for amnesty. The senate switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

The White House comment line is 202-456-1111.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    The “U Visa”, you say? Sounds more like the “F/U Visa”.

  2. Rod says:

    Your picture is either backwards or your are saying the current GOP leaders are to the left of GWB’s #1 supporter the last 6.5 year. I of course refer to Chappaquiddick Teddy. Some Reagan people have been saying the last few years that the “new GOP” is in fact to the left of the Democratic Party. I think that is a stretch but it is clear that they are way to the left of where they have been telling us for 7 years they are. The GOP needs to start telling the truth if it does not have a death wish – which it seems to me it does.

    I commented 3 months ago that the Bush clan shows haw “progressive/liberal” with their push for the “bleeding heart” amnesty/pardon of 12,000,000 – 15,000,000 criminals. (Yes they break the law so they are criminals despite what Rudy says or did!) In reply another commenter said I wass being too harsh on the Bushes that GWB was “now supporting amnesty because he has been beaten down by the MSM.” I responded, “ no that is not true the Bush clan has been pushing this “kinder gentler” pardon for years”. I said do not take my work for it go to LaShawn Barber’s blog she has been tracking it since 02; or Michell Malkin’s who has been tracking it for at least 15 years.

    The progressive I voted for is bound and determined to ram this pardon down our throats one way or another. It seems to me at this point to be a matter of clan pride. GWB is doing this because the Bush Clan has supported it for decades and it to him is now a matter of clan honor.

    I commented a month ago on the new “Read my lips…!” from the new Bush the “tough” immigration policy. I said then that if I read at Christmas that 5,500,000 criminal aliens had been deported I would believe GWB was not telling another lie. This means I do not have to wait till Christmas for proof GWB told another lie. This makes the bogus announcements of August a bad joke and worse lies.

  3. St. Thor says:

    So, now you get a special visa if you can stage a “crime” against yourself. Is there a complete brain in the combined heads of the President, Cabinet, and Congress? Apparently not. How about a new “kick in the ass” Visa throwing you out of the country immediately if you commit any crime, petty offense, misdemeanor, or felony if you are in this country without a current visa.

  4. N_Campbell says:

    Unfortunately, I understand the underlying principle, but I disagree with the implementation.

    On my delivery route, I have a couple heavily Hispanic neighborhoods, and I’m pretty sure that if ICE swept those neighborhoods, they’d make their quota. However, a few months back, there was a serial rapist targeting women in the area, because guess what? He figured that he was pretty likely to get someone who was here illegally, and so wouldn’t go to the police.

    Now, if we had to grant temporary legal presence for the sole purpose of catching and convicting scumbags like that, I would not argue with it. The moment we allow permament residency, it becomes unacceptable.

  5. jeebie says:

    Good points, N_Campbell. Trouble is there is no such thing as “temporary” as far as this administration is concerned. I would reference the Liberians who fled their civil war 16 years ago, and are still here on “temporary status”. Or the Guatemalans seeking refuge from hurricane damage, 10 years ago. The war is over, and the hurricane damage? Repaired long ago. DHS wanted to deport both groups, but Bush interfered and extended their temp status. Those temporary visas just continue forever. Like the “guest” worker, who never, ever goes home again.

    The best prevention is offered by St. Thor. If they weren’t here in the first place, the crime of illegal entry followed by the crimes of those who prey upon them, would never happen. A burglar who is injured during his crime or is injured by an accomplice, deserves neither sympathy or special treatment by law enforcement. All should be sent packing, where they can levy their grievances where they belong, laid upon the steps of government in the nation that they are citizens of.

    Try sneaking across borders, breaking into any other country on earth, and then complain about the injuries or injustices sustained. Law enforcement will laugh, and deport or imprison you swiftly, everytime. We need to be equally sensible here.

  6. N_Campbell says:

    Don’t misunderstand me Jeebie, for every illegal we have, someone who’s trying to enter legally is being forced to wait.

    However, I have a problem with Thor’s solution. I would include a list of crimes for which illegals serve their sentences, and immediately after which, then we can deport them.

    On a slight side note, allow me to share one story of sanity. A couple years back, I was making my appearance for a speeding ticket, and they had the arraignments for people being held for misdemeanors and felonies before they got to us. One of the people was an illegal being held for obtaining a California Driver’s License with fraudulent documentation.

    The public defender argued that he had roots in the community and was not a flight risk. The judge looked at the file, looked at the defendent and said, “Counsel, this man obtained a driver’s license with false documents, this is the definition of a flight risk. Bail denied.”

    Sanity lives.

  7. jeebie says:

    Hello, N_Campbell. Great sanity report, even more rewarding to hear that the decision came from a California judge.

    And a belated “Thank You” to Tammy for the link to regulations.gov. I wasn’t aware of that site. Looks like it will be on my “favorites” from now on. If anyone else finds the identifier for the U visa regulation, please share.

  8. Sean Arther says:

    The nicest thing I can say about this proposal is that at least the administration is consistent.

    To review:

    Enter the U.S. illegally and cavalierly ignore U.S. immigration, employment, tax, etc. laws;
    merely claim to be a witness to a crime COMMITTED BY a U.S. citizen;
    stay in U.S. with entire alien extended family for 4 years (plus renewals).

    Enter the U.S. illegally and cavalierly ignore U.S. immigration, employment, tax, etc. laws;
    commit repeated, unspeakably savage crimes AGAINST adult or minor U.S. citizens;
    stay in U.S. indefinitely.

    Question: what exactly does one have to do to get deported from this country? Oh, I remember now…break U.S. immigration laws twice, stay for 10 years, refuse to learn even a syllable of English, hide out in a church for a year, and get picked up by uncharacteristically-awake U.S. agents while attending an open-borders, pro-amnesty rally. Of course, the upside is that this approach will put you on the fast-track for a diplomatic post representing the useless country from which you fled (which conveniently immunizes you from prosecution for entering the U.S. for yet a THIRD time).

  9. mrfixit says:

    Immigration lesson number 613. How to cram 20 million illegal aliens through a 1000 illegal alien loophole.

  10. chiefj says:

    The rule is up as of today Monday 17 sept.

    Title New Classification for Victims of Criminal Activity; Eligibility for “U Nonimmigrant Status
    Legacy ID
    RIN 1615-AA67
    Federal Register Number E7-17807
    Date Posted 09/17/2007
    Comments Due 11/16/2007

  11. pat_s says:

    For the record, the U visa was legislated in 2000 in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. It took seven years to write the regulation and this is just an interim regulation. In the meantime ad hoc applications were taken and will be honored retroactively.

    The few media stories about these visas would make you think they apply only to abused women. How could anyone be mean to a battered woman? The regulation is of an absurdly broader scope and ridiculously generous in its benefits.

    What it shows is that they were up to stealth amnesty for sometime now. I bet they regret the Grand Bargain gambit. Now we’re really on to them. We’re watching closely and finding out what they managed to get past us before.

    Congress doesn’t accept any defeat as final and we shouldn’t either. Now that we know about U visas, it’s time to get to work and end them.

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