
Official Diva SondraK, with me on Some Beach.

I want to thank all the Tammy Peeps for getting me into the Top 4 of Gay Patriot’s Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2008 competition. The official winner is SondraK, who has won before. Once a Grande Diva, always a Grande Diva. I am also honored that SondraK very generously announced that I am her honorary co-Diva. Cool. I’ll take it. I am more than pleased to be with her on her Some Beach.

Yes, it’s pretty cool to be nominated and be able to hold my head high, considering the boys at Gay Patriot have a Top 4 instead of a Top 3. I think that is very sweet of them and only matters to me, of course, considering I was #4. I did consider surrendering to SondraK when she was a good 1000 votes ahead of everyone, but that would have been way too French, so I decided to stay to the end, no matter what. What did it get me? It got me on a chick’s lap on a beach. Not too bad.

If you are unfamiliar with SondraK, now is your chance to visit her site and see what all the fuss is about. While I’m happy for her, I probably won’t help her with that damn dress she wears every year she wins…you know, the one where you have to carry the rest of the dress because there’s a mile of fabric that trails behind? Yeah, like Princess Diana’s wedding dress. I’ve suggested the simple tuxedo, with tails if that turns her on, but at least with a tux no one has to carry your clothes behind you.

Bottom line, she won. But only for 2008. Remember SondraK, 2009 is another year, and just one year away during which all the rest of us can practice being Diva-ish.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Poodle says:

    That was a very gracious speech, Tammy. I voted for you numerous times, and I am confident about your chances for next year.

    As for the dress, I believe the word you are looking for is “train”. I saw Diana’s dress when it was on tour from Althorp. Totally surreal.

  2. majorfactor says:

    As a loyal subject to Headmistress SondraK and a daily reader of your weblog, let me be the first to congratulate you on the honorary co-Diva.

  3. Kelly says:

    Congratulations, Tammy. No matter what that poll says, you’re the top diva on our list.

    We’ll get you that crown and scepter next year.

  4. AmeriDan says:


    As a longtime lurker to this fine blog, I will always consider you a Grande Diva Blogger.

    But I voted for SondraK many times because, well, she would kill me if I didn’t.

    That doesn’t change the fact that you have one of the best blogs on the web. I also enjoy seeing you on Fox News and hearing you on the radio.

    You are a wonderful person.

  5. I read SondraK too, but I voted for you Tammy. I find your blog less oblique and more welcoming. Like other Brucies, I love your presence in the media as a commentator.
    And even though I support Mitt, I really would like to see you as V.P. for Rudy. That would be a great ticket! Merry Christmas!

  6. Condignity says:

    I am with “Poodle”: Vote early and vote often!!! Hee!hee! I’m sorry I don’t know Sondrak, but I only need Tammy for my impartial and conservative news! HUM! Long live our Queen Tammy!!!

  7. Lamplighter says:

    Sorry Fearless Leader, we’ll get you the crown next year. And unlike a certain governor, we won’t ask (demand) anything in return, except that you keep up the good work. You’ll always be my Diva Supremus.

  8. whitney says:

    Tammy’s show, like her prose, is just getting better and better and better; time seems to only make her writing and words, easier and easier listening; it’s a pleasure, and a chuckle. Thanks for a good 2008, Tammy.
    Whitneymuse, San Diego

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