
NYT Hdqtrs in New York. Would make some nice loft space, no?

Yes, today’s Shock and Awe, with an emphasis on the ‘awe’ part. Congratulations everyone. For the first time the propaganda rag for the worldwide Left may lay off reporters because of its biggest ad revenue loss in its history. While the economy is shrinking somewhat, there is no doubt the tripe the NYT tries to spin off as objective “news” reporting is being rejected by consumers everywhere. There could be no better news than the failure of the New York Times in its current incarnation. Some reports have ad revenue falling by 9.2 percent, while others note an astronomical drop of 11.1 percent. Either way, it’s a disaster for a newspaper whose current owners thought it was a good idea to make the newspaper into a leftist pamphlet. Our response? From newspaper to toilet paper. Keep it up my friends.

New York Times Swings To Loss

New York Times Co. said Thursday it swung to a first- quarter loss, hurt by a charge and a steep decline in advertising revenue at its newspapers… New York Times Co. (NYT) lost $335,000, equivalent to breakeven on a per-share basis. In the same quarter a year earlier, the company earned $23.9 million, or 17 cents a share…

The company said in February that the New York Times would need to cut its newsroom staff by about 100 positions. Late Tuesday, employees were notified that the paper would fall short in its goal to have most of those jobs eliminated by voluntary buyouts, meaning that there will probably be layoffs.

First-quarter revenue at the company’s newspaper properties fell 5.7%, to $ 719.7 million. Ad revenue fell 9.2%…

The New York Times Co also owns the Boston Globe, the Little Leftist Sister of the NYT, and an even bigger failure.

Boston Globe March ad revenue plunges

The New England Media Group, the bulk of which is made up of the Globe, saw a 25.9 decrease in ad revenue in March compared to the same period last year. The New York Times Co. (NYSE: NYT) said the freefall was mainly due to decreases in the travel, automotive, banking, telecommunications and financial services categories.

For the first quarter, the New England Media Group, which also contains the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, posted a 9.3 percent loss in revenue compared to first quarter of 2007.

The Times Co. reported a companywide drop of 6.4 percent in March. Ad revenue dropped 11.1 percent…

The American Thinker has more thinking on the more-than-welcomes freefall. Remember, just because something seems to have always been here, like the NYT or the IRS, doesn’t mean it deserves to continue to exist. The truth is, when something has become not only useless, but a scourge to the American way, like both of those entities, it’s time for them to go quietly into the night. And if they won’t let’s drag them, shall we?

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Sparky says:

    My spouse and I get the weekend NYT. I must admit, I love it. I love the theater and arts information, the indepth “local” (in my case, the “Connecticut” section) and other truly fascinating stories in such depth that it boggles my mind.

    The politics?…eh…not my cup of tea. Too anti-American for me.

    If they went for a TRULY unbiased reporting style, the NYT would be the unabashed best paper in the US…and would MAKE A PROFIT.
    well, IMHO anyway.

  2. Talkin Horse says:

    The demise of the NYT will be blamed on the “Bush recession”.

  3. Ripper says:

    Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger and his mania for political correctness, affirmative action, et al – (including his former editor Howell Raines)has run the paper into the ground. A classic case of a boobish trust fund baby who thinks he got his position because of his smarts instead of his last name and granddad’s influence. I hope that paper goes down. As a New Yorker I have not bought that paper in 4 years.

  4. Next year we’ll call it Pravda.
    Things will pick up for Pinchy under The Demoncrats.
    It will be the only game in town.
    This blog will be taken over for The People (not your peeps Miss Tammy).

  5. josai says:

    Hello Mr Soros it’s Arthur. May I procure a small loan from you? Hey that’s great, I know we can bring the ol’ gray lady back. Cheney tried but failed!!!! We can meet at party headquarters so the politburo can approve the deal. Don’t forget your Che t-shirt and beret. Your comrade in the fight, Arthur.

  6. A good number of us already call it Pravda.

    I won’t miss it when it’s gone.

  7. PeteRFNY says:

    I have to walk past that monstrosity of a building that the Times erected on 43rd and 8th Ave every day, and what an architectural abomination it is! The thing looks like a giant, demented tinker-toy set. I don’t know what the hell they were thinking when they designed that thing, but what a butt-ugly mess it is.

    Oh, and the best part? When we get an ice and snow storm, they have to close the corner because all the frozen matter that collects in the tinker-toy parts starts to fall on pedestrians when the temperature warms up. Hoorah!

    Just for blighting the New York skyline with that repulsive eyesore, I hope the go bankrupt.

  8. mrfixit says:

    I used to take the weekend NYT. Cancelled it in 2004 after the elections, as it decended into it’s biased reporting and promoted it’s collectivist adgenda. Here’s a marketing plan for NYT: Argue that since there is no National Public Newpaper, as there is National Public Radio, that taxpayers should support the NYT (without any paid advertising) to advance it’s totaly unbiased and objective (excuse me while I wrech) reporting. After all, we must support and validate all those liberal J-school grads, and pay them as we would if they worked for highly successful profitable news outlets.

    The argument that the internet is sapping away all their ad revenue falls flat. Most people do not consult the internet for the local business ads. Look at the dismal failure of Air America, in an otherwise vibrant talk radio environment.

    We just don’t like to listen or read a steady diet of how bad we are, and when we catch them in an outright lie, we turn the dial, or drop the subscription.

  9. crossroads_gunner says:

    “And if they won’t let’s drag them, shall we?”

    Hell, let’s push them to the edge of the deep, dark chasm of oblivion and kick their asses over!

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