
Mr. College Man, the Better Arkyteck of Our Lives

From some clodhopper in a Small Town who pulled his head out of Bitter long enough to send me an email.

To: tammyblog
Subject: My State’s As Red As My Neck
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:02:32 -0400

My hands is so sore from draggin’ my knuckles that I caint rightly hold onta my scripture book or my shootin’ arn and I caint neither get my hood over my head. And I’m a bitter one I is. Please Mr. College Man tell me what I needz to do. I knowz now cuz a you tellin’ me that the Govmint is my one true Savior. You’re an audacious hopin’ man so I’ll stop takin’ care of my own life and I’ll hand them reins over to y’all in Warshington cuz y’all know what’s better for us than we does ourselves. You kin be the arkyteck of my life and I’ll just be settin’ here out by the cement pond a waitin’ fer all them Govmint checks. They all’ll know me, I’m the one what’s got more elbows than teeth. Thank y’all.

P.S. Gomer and Goober say Hey


Related Post:

You Small Town, Bitter, Ignorant Reactionary Rednecks, You

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ruth Anne says:

    You’re an audacious hopin’ man…


  2. fiona says:

    LOL. Perfect.

  3. josai says:

    That’s precisely how the “heroes” of the working man, ala Maureen Dowd and her ilk perceive ordinary Americans. You’re right Ruth Anne, that is pretty damn funny.

  4. WillThunder says:

    So, apparently, Senator Obama thinks that if you hold to your Constitutional Rights, specifically the Second Amendment; if you are a person of faith; if you want your government to protect the security of America; and, if you want a fair shot at maintaining your job in America – then apparently you are a violent, ignorant, superstitious, racist, white trash isolationist.

  5. Rod says:

    The disdain the Dems have had the last 50 years for average Americans has been painfully clear the last two presidential cycles. First with JFK and now Obama,
    Bush did not win because he was well liked, he won because he did not plainly look down on working “blue collar” Americans. Both JFK and Obama clearly think working people are surfs. A view held by many in Frisco for generations (my family has been there over 200 years), so its only fitting he should publicly display his disdain for average Americans there.

  6. ussjimmycarter says:

    Excellent! Interesting that “The Magic One” thought he was speaking to a closed group without anyone there to publish his remarks! Especially in S.F.! Us rubes here in Middle America shall continue to hang on to our guns, God and bitterness until Obama is elected at which time we suspect that guns and God may become quite illegal while bitterness shall remain…

  7. Paul From Hamburg says:

    This episode actually helps us understand his response to Jeremiah Wright’s comments. In San Francisco, Barack clearly equated religion with racism. When Wright made various bigoted comments, Obama didn’t protest because he didn’t realize how un-Christian those statements were. For someone who puts religion in the same category as racism, nothing Wright said would be a surprise.

  8. billyv says:

    And this is the guy who’s going to “talk” with our enemies? If he can’t control his yap enough to avoid insulting the majority of his own countrymen and women, how’s he going to be diplomatic enough to talk the Iranians out of bombing us?

    Between his mouthy wife, his Rev and his pal, Bill “The Bomber” Aires, is there anybody out there with half a brain who still thinks this bum should be elected to dogcatcher? Title for your next book, Obama: The Audacity of Bullshit.

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