A post by Maynard

Can anyone explain the phenomenon of Obama? As facts come out in complete contradiction to the façade he’s created, I keep expecting his crowd to turn away in disgust. Are they too deeply invested to acknowledge damaged goods?

The Huffington Post is reporting Obama’s claim that he’s a foreign policy maven.

“Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain.”

Is he really that smart? Hillary doesn’t think so.

“I’m somewhat shocked by that since I don’t see any evidence of it,” Clinton said, chuckling. “This is, you know, kind of hard to square with his failure ever to have a single policy hearing on the only responsibility he was given, chairing the European and NATO subcommittee on the Foreign Relations Committee.

“And as he admitted in the last debate, he was too busy running for president to pay attention to what we needed to do to improve our chances in Afghanistan and get NATO more involved. So, you know, I, I ,I don’t, I don’t know, I’m speechless. I mean, you know, making an assertion like that belies the facts and the record.”

But Obama doesn’t need all that official stuff. Obama knows people.

“…when I speak about having lived in Indonesia for four years, having family that is impoverished in small villages in Africa–knowing the leaders is not important–what I know is the people…”

If spending years in a foreign country under harsh conditions qualifies one to be president, I think McCain wins on that point. But set that detail aside and get back to the people claim, and juxtapose it against Obama’s pastor problems.

Now that the core depravity of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ is being thoroughly exposed, and after a long series of reluctant steps by Obama evolving from denial and faux bewilderment to mealy-mouthed distancing, he has finally resigned his church membership.

Should we applaud? The true test of character is revealed by how we act when we’re not in the spotlight. Obama’s twenty-plus years at the forefront of this merry band of racist hatemongers testifies to his natural inclinations. His latest actions are made under duress, rather than by choice. The true Obama is what we see in his church.

Either Obama is himself a stealthy hatemonger, or perhaps he was a naive waif who didn’t realize the serious corruption that surrounded him. Or maybe, just maybe, he knew he was in the company of evil jerks, but he thought he could show them a better way. If that’s the case, then he’s failed miserably.

I had mentioned Obama’s claim that he could handle foreign policy because he’s knows people. But on the evidence, he’s spent his life hobnobbing with an ugly element of humanity, and he hasn’t influenced them in any positive way. It seems that Obama hasn’t been a “people person” so much as an enabler of despicable behavior. If we want the West to survive, we had better not send him to deal with the Ahmadinejads of the world.

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23 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Padre Steve says:

    I think Obama knows the media will just accept what he says as the truth. Now they can begin to state that his strength is foreign policy. The truth is not important here. Let’s pray the American voter is smarter than that come November! God bless! Padre Steve

  2. Shawmut says:

    Add to his extensive foreign policy knowledge his understanding of WWII – Auschwitz remark.
    That episode raised a point for me. Did any else notice the subconscious exposure of his own lie.
    Granted he is an educated man who has mastered rhetoric. So did any comment on:
    “..a uncle..” not ‘an uncle’. There’s phenomena some interrogators watch for. A person makes an error within a lie to rationale it.

  3. Skeptic says:

    Obama has an excuse for everything. Twenty years listening to the hateful, racist words of the people he willing chose to associate with are not excusable. Obama is now going to try to claim that any discussion of Trinity is off-limits because he has withdrawn from the church.
    Well, it isn’t off limits. This is a direct read on Obama’s judgment, temperament and his lack of responsibility. Obama said he took the tapes of Reverend Wright’s sermons with him to Harvard Law School, he has studied the speaking style to capture the black church experience. You can hear when he drops into that cadence, especially with black audiences. He starts clipping words, changing the pronunciation of words.

    Rezko, Wright, Michelle Obama, Flegher, Ayres, Obama sure knows how to pick friends. He was a community organizer, more like an activist that was to foment socialist ideas.

  4. Jack Bauer says:

    “I wish I knew how to quit you, Trinity.”
    Brokebarack Obama

    We’ve all heard about Michelle Obama’s Princeton graduate thesis… but she ain’t actually running for President. Though it does reveal her to be a race obsessed narcissist in which everything is about her… And who do you think wears the pants in HER family?

    So… where’s Obama’s The Foreign Policy Maven’s 1983 thesis?
    From David Bossie’s Citizens United

    In 1983 when President Reagan and then-Vice President Bush were standing toe-to-toe with the Communist threat from the Soviet Union, Barack Obama was, according to the New York Daily News, attending “socialist conferences” in New York City. Also in 1983, Barack Obama penned a thesis at Columbia University entitled “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament.” As of today, Obama has not released his thesis, and the media (even though they got copies of MICHELLE Obama’s thesis) has not bothered to ask him for it.

    Despite the MSM and the University of Chicago inflating his status and prestige by deliberately and mis-leadingly calling him a Law Professor, he was a only part-time lecturer on the faculty.

    Here’s the slippery, truth-lite statement on the UoC website…

    From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are “considered” to be members of the Law School faculty and are “regarded as professors,” although not full-time or tenure-track.

    This is baloney.

    Academic hierarchy at American faculties:
    * University Professor or Institute Professor (not all universities)
    * Distinguished Professor (usually a “Named Chair”)
    * Professor (“Named Chair”)
    * Professor (“Full Professor”)
    * Associate Professor
    * Assistant Professor
    * Instructor (sometimes “Lecturer”)

    The ranks of Lecturer and Senior Lecturer are used at some American universities to denote permanent teaching positions with few or no research responsibilities. At other American universities, the rank of Lecturer is equivalent to that of Instructor.

  5. pat_s says:

    The phenomenon of Obama is a result of charisma and media hype. Facts don’t matter to the enthralled.

    Facts don’t matter to Obama either. His decisions as president would be based on the leftist ideological template he will never question.

  6. JWS says:

    Why is it that every comment/ column written about B Hussein Obama, tap dances around the fact that he is a racist? No one of any prominence (or lack thereof) wants to say it out loud, instead chiding him and his equally racist wife for their “lack of judgement”, etc. Was OJ a murderer, or did he display a lack of judgement in prematurely ending two peoples lives? Obama is a racist and a dangerous radical, among other things. Yet he is being treated with kid gloves, and we all know why…

  7. LongviewCyclist says:

    JWS, I say it all the time (under cover of internet anonymity, hehe).

    He would have been laughed out of the race months ago, if he weren’t black. There were certainly other factors in play, but without the fact of his color, they wouldn’t have been enough.

    Ya gotta love those racial double standards.

    Like the Padre, I’m all for praying. Hard.

  8. jdb says:

    The first liar doesn’t stand a chance!

  9. Shawmut says:

    Just in a couple of weeks we should re-adjust our understanding of Welt-Politik. Tiny countries are not important, and in provincial terms, large states aren’t either; like Michigan and Florida.
    And if, the Senator from Illinois considers the Chief Ayatollah to be the leader of the Iranian regime, then George Soros would be the leader of Obama’s. (Barak and Mahmoud could go out and play on the swings.)

  10. WK says:

    Sorry to see you have been so negative this election cycle, Tammy, both against McCain and Obama at different times, though I believe reading the latest you will be supporting McCain grudgingly.

    I posted some months back in here that I will be supporting Obama in the election, and nothing has changed in my view. The main impacts against Obama nationally frankly has been by association (Rev. Wright and Pfleger) more than specific issues against Obama. My goodness, if someone gets disqualified in this country any more based on the church they go to and the words spoken by others, then we have some very serious issues in this country among the electorate.

    McCain frankly has little to offer to the public other than not being Obama or Hillary, and he has benefitted from this extended infighting in the Democratic primary. Once this is settled, the boom is going to come down and come down hard on McCain. McCain’s sordid past with Keating 5 and other bad things will come out to mitigate any political points the GOP thinks they are currently getting against Obama.

    I am beginning to suspect that Obama will be selecting Hillary as his running mate. After the initial negative reaction, if these two team up, it is lights out for the GOP in 2008 and likely 2012. This all depends on Hillary being able to stomach being V-P for 4 or 8 years. The other people Obama can pick are good but they don’t plug as many holes as Hillary does, even with all her many faults.

    I declared in here back a number of months my choice of Obama, and posted that I have helped support every president elected since 1980. Let’s see who is going to be correct this time. I’m going to predict in the range of 300-350 electoral votes for Obama with a plurality in the popular vote by say 7-10 points when this is all done. I say this because McCain inspires little, and the contrast will show when they debate in the fall, the classic example of old against young.

  11. WK says:

    One other random thought on your commenters. I use to be angry as many as of your posters are in here, I am glad I am not angry in this election cycle. The angry people seem centered either on the GOP side or the hardcore Hillary supporters. I have seen much less anger from the Obama camp, it is weird for me to be in agreement with so many I use to disagree with but perhaps those of us who will be voting Obama can look past many of the other differences amongst us and recognize leadership when we see it. I sure as hell know McCain doesn’t have that influence.

    Do some of your posters get tired of being angry?

    The major issue left in this cycle to me is racism among many of the American public, and frankly I think this issue singlehandedly can harm Obama if it shows the ugly side of the American electorate (which is definitely out there as we just were reminded with ‘major’ Hillary primary victories). The whole world is watching, folks, to see what you are going to decide. No one internationally wants McCain other than Israel (just like with Bush who is at less than 30% support).

  12. Jack Bauer says:

    No one internationally wants McCain…

    Well, that’s one McCain plus voting point for reluctant conservatives right there! Folks just love being told who to vote for by Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, China, the Sudan, et al

    Thanks for pointing that out Paasive-Aggressive WK.

    Sorry if that came across as too “angry” — but I was just watching Michelle Obama, man, is SHE one angry momma.

  13. Talkin Horse says:

    Poster WK is worth noting, because he makes the points we’ll have to address in the coming months. What’s wrong with his arguments?

    The angry people seem centered either on the GOP side or the hardcore Hillary supporters.

    The Trinity Church crowd seems pretty darned angry, not to mention hateful and racist. The videos are right there for anyone that doubts it.

    My goodness, if someone gets disqualified in this country any more based on the church they go to and the words spoken by others, then we have some very serious issues in this country among the electorate.

    Obama doesn’t have much history, but his participation in this church is a big part of it. It’s absurd to suggest that this association should be irrelevant to voters. Never mind his words; what has the man done? There’s your answer, and it’s ugly.

    The major issue left in this cycle to me is racism among many of the American public, and frankly I think this issue singlehandedly can harm Obama if it shows the ugly side of the American electorate (which is definitely out there as we just were reminded with ‘major’ Hillary primary victories)…No one internationally wants McCain other than Israel

    In other words, if you vote for McCain, you must be a racist or a Jew, or a pawn of the racists and Jews.

  14. WK says:

    I will reply back that this is a fair comment to make by Talkin Horse about what Obama has done on his resume. I fully suspect this will come out in the campaign, and we can all draw our conclusions. My main point is that the GOP seems to have drawn comfort from pinning Obama with controversial assocations. and I agree that Rev. Wright and Pfleger promote views that I do not personally agree with. The point is that Obama also does not agree with them, and has dissociated with the church, but many are sceptical that he is being disingenuous. So since Obama seems to be an unknown still to so many, the attack goes against controversial associates versus Obama himself.

    Since associations seem to be in play this cycle with some of you, let’s remember that while McCain was not pursued for charges, he is a member of the Keating 5 group that had improper and suspicious associations with Charles Keating. And I doubt Obama had a financial interest in Trinity Church, unlike what McCain and his wife had with the Keating investments, so if I were the GOP I would be steering from the association issues cause you will come out on the short end of this one.

    I do agree with the other poster that said there were also angry views in the Trinity Church caught on video and replayable on YouTube, and all Americans should repudiate those remarks in the church and I do. Let me know if you feel in any of Obama’s speeches that he hates America as well as the basis for making that assertion (or ‘God Damn America’ as Rev. Wright put it).

  15. JWS says:

    Good grief.”…The point is that Obama also does not agree with them…” He doesn’t? Based on what? His 20 year long membership in that racist “church” or his politically expedient move of sort of, kind of “leaving” it? The mindlessness of B Hussein Obama’s followers is staggering. Look, if he had joined that “church” and listened to that racist garbage for a few months and then left, you could argue that his “judgement” was screwy (why stay for more than the first sermon-you know the G D America one which HE stated inspired him so much that he became fast friends with the racist who screamed it?) But to become so inspired that 20 years goes by with them (including marriage, etc…)? Sorry, Obama IS A RACIST.

    “…Let me know if you feel in any of Obama’s speeches that he hates America…” Unreal. He will never state it outright. He does, however, scream it by befriending the likes of Mr Ayers, etc.

    Vote for this racist radical if you want. But do not insult anyone with vapid rationalizations. He and his wife are who they are…

  16. WK says:

    It is amazing how this process works. JWS feels Obama ‘s followers are mindless, was I mindless when I supported Bush twice in 2000 and 2004 or now. If I am mindless then I am far from alone, JWS, and we’ll see how this goes. Cause say what you will, but I follow and understand all of Obama’s points of discussion and issues clearly. I will not insult you, JWS, so don’t insult me by calling me and other Obama supporters mindless. You and I see it different and that is why we have elections, isn’t it.

    Is the entire world mindless? Because there is about no one excited out there about the prospect of a McCain presidency, he is old, is boring and is unexciting. I am not better off in 2008 than I was in 2000, you may be in a different position and if so that’s great. I’m not rooting against anyone doing badly, even those I disagree with. In my case, the GOP has deserved to lose my vote this time and it should be interesting to see how else this goes based on the economic issues involved.

    Racism is alive and well in this country, sad to say, on both sides. I am disappointed how many racists there actually are in the USA, based on the evidence of the primary season and voting behavior. I am not one of these racists I am proud to say, and I am voting for the man I feel is better qualified to lead for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

  17. Mahatlek says:

    The fact that he sat in Trinity all those years listening to the hate and racist comments I guess makes him a “people person”. The sheer arrogance of bringing up ones experience as a child and using that as a credential that he has “international experience” is truly sickening. Would you use your child-like experiences on a CV if your were applying to be the Secretary of State?? But it is just fine to use this experience to get in the White House.

  18. JWS says:


    If you follow and vote for a man who is clearly a racist, who is clearly anti-American, who is clearly a liar, and who is clearly corrupt, (and a dope to boot) AND you admit these things but say “I couldn’t care less, I’m all for him!” that’s one thing. If, however, you try to explain away those qualities, or you actually believe that he sat in that “church” for 20 years and knew nothing, or he knew nothing of Ayers, or Rezko, etc, then sorry, but you are mindless.

    No, the entire world is not mindless. For example, conservatives are up in arms over how corrupt the Republican party has become. We hate it. Liberals, on the other hand, love the direction in which they are perpetually headed. A racist is the better choice over McCain because McCain is old, boring and unexciting? (boring and unexciting, Hmm…). That sure is some way to pick a president. In fact, some might even say such a thought process is, well, mindless. Like, Obama is sooo cool and like, McCain is like sooo boring! Good grief.

    Racism? Sorry to have to hit you with this, but most of the racism in this country comes from blacks nowadays. Based on voting you say? Now that is mindless. Unless you are referring to so many whites voting FOR Obama along with so few blacks voting AGAINST him. Racism indeed. To the mindless, the only way for whites to prove they aren’t racists is to turn out 100% for Obama. Racism. Sigh…

  19. WK says:

    JWS you have the impression that Obama is racist because Rev. Wright, Pfleger, etc. spout racist ideology in their sermons. I’m sorry I don’t share that opinion. I said before that those remarks are repugnant, there is no debate on that, but that does not have to correlate down that this imputes to Obama just because they said it. I am not supporting Obama based on anything that happened in Trinity Church, the associations issue is much more of a concern to your side than it is mine. I am supporting Obama because I feel he is much more qualified to be president compared to McCain. I also do not approve of the way the GOP organization is running the country at this time, and as you know, that view is shared by a substantial majority of Americans. Congress is also faulted.

    Racism is not an issue to me, so I am not part of your racist caricature. In fact, in the very early days of this campaign, I don’t recall the race card being played at all until Hillary pulled it out with obfuscatory remarks in New Hampshire and the MSM jumped on the MLK comments and things took off from there. I didn’t agree with it then and I don’t agree with it now. It is irrelevant to my vote, unlike what I learned with many of my countrymen. This is the first time a black man has advanced this far in the process as we know, and look at what we can learn about the voting patterns based on this race variable.

    I’m sure there will be plenty of time coming up to vet this issue in the general election. McCain has plenty of stuff we’ll be talking about as well, the GOP is not going to be overly successful in only generating its attack message on Obama this time without effective response, the Obama financial machine potential has the capacity to drown out a lot of that message with Democratic supported advertising. Tammy acknowledged that in a higher posting thread this morning about the GOP being behind the curve in acknowledging this potential issue to McCain.

  20. JWS says:

    I believe Obama is a racist because he befriended and took as a spiritual mentor (his words, not mine) a disgustingly open racist (not to mention an anti-American, and anti-Jew). He gave thousands to that “church” and befriended that piece of garbage because he didn’t believe in him?? It is profoundly intellectually dishonest to dismiss that he is a racist after a 20 plus year, extremely close, personal relationship with a monster (not to mention his first, ridiculous “bio”, which is filled with, um, lots and lots of his feelings towards “typical white people”). You are essentially saying that if I were to sit through 20 years of KKK ranting, and befriended their leader, and then said that I only stayed because some of those guys have great recipes, and I had NO idea they were raving racists, you would buy it. That’s BS, and you know it. You are voting for a racist. That makes you either a dupe, or a racist yourself. That is your shame.

    The race card was played immediately by Obama and his wife. Or do you not recall Michelle lamenting the constant danger Barry faces JUST because he is black. You say race is irrelevant, but you then see some sinister “pattern” in the voting. Huh? The only “pattern” is that many times more whites are willing to vote for black man than blacks are willing to vote against him. Inconvenient, but true. And sad.

    He’s more qualified to be president? You must be basing this on his brilliant analysis of foreign affairs. Or is it his superior judgement, which has somehow (through no fault of his own of course) lead him to befriend racists, terrorists, and convicted felons. Oh and he greatly admires Louie Farrakhan, but that too is irrelevant, right? And besides, McCain is like, so boring.

    I’ll stick with mindless as a diagnosis…

  21. WK says:

    JWS, my comment on race being irrelevant pertained to me and not to the voting electorate at large.

    There is a lot of stuff floating out there in the public domain already on this. Michelle Obama made that comment, from what I recall, well after all of this racial stuff started in the campaign, not setting it up.

    Like I had said, I am not going to insult you (and others who feel similarly) for your opinion and I intend to stand by that. You can label your oppponents however you wish, I just will not reply in kind.

    McCain is boring in comparison. It amazes me that many who despised the man on the GOP side months back now see him as your only alternative to Obama. I have been with Obama from the start and will see it through to November. I don’t know where you were in the begiining of the priamry and who you supported, but I can label those that have changed to support McCain disingenuous (at the very least).

    I can hang out this time in the Dem blogs but I also want to get out and know what the other side thinks about the election.

  22. JWS says:


    If you don’t care that Obama is a racist, or worse, if you truly believe that he attended that “church” and knew nothing (please remember, the very first “sermon” he heard was the infamous GD America, anti-white one) of what he was witnessing, either at the start or for the following 20 years, then this is done. You have said nothing that leads one to believe he is qualified in any way-intelligence, spiritually, or character-wise. I suggest you look into your heart and have an honest debate with yourself as to what kind of a man listens to that crap, joins a “church” on the basis of said crap, befriends the monster spewing it, and then enjoys it for 20 years.

    You “argue” like a true liberal. You have addressed none of the issues I have challenged you on. I suspect this is because you know you have no real points, nothing of substance to back your candidate other than the fact that you are voting for him just because. I brought up legitimate issues of character, and you have addressed none of them. I would love to debate his qualifications with you, if you are up to it. I won’t hold my breath as you have already stated Obama is qualified and McCain is boring.

    Believe me, McCain is not my first choice. I can admit and site every reason for this. I will, however, hold my nose and vote for him because I will never vote a racist and a terrorist sympathizer POTUS.

  23. WK says:

    JWS, one of us has to get the last word in here and I’ll let you have it. You may feel I haven’t addressed your issues. Frankly, the issues I feel I want addressed by Obama so far have been addressed. I told you before that I felt the church remarks repugnant, but you insist on labelling the man a racist. That’s your prerogative, its not my place to say you shouldn’t feel that way, should you choose. I’m only saying I differ with that view, and I’ll leave it at that. I’m not going to try to persuade you to see it my way.

    I will be monitoring the campaign as I know you all will in here for any changes, but at this point, I’m with Obama for my own reasons including my dissatisfaction with the GOP leadership and the way things are being run in Washington. You feel differently and I can respect that, but I’m sure glad I don’t have to feel I have to hold my nose to cast my vote.

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