A rant by Maynard

Today I listened to a bit of mainstream political television. I don’t normally do this, but I had no choice. I was visiting the elderly lady down the street, working to revive her computer. She somehow manages to tie her machine in knots every few days. While I was struggling with the tech stuff, she was watching “Hardball”-type shows, and I couldn’t help hearing them.

My gosh, that stuff is toxic! It drones on and on, with pissy little self-important people taking cheap shots at George Bush and fawning over all things Democrat. The topic-de-jour was that Bush, in addressing the Knesset, warned of the dangers of appeasement; a reference to Neville Chamberlain’s Munich Pact, under which Hitler was allowed to take a chunk out of Czechoslovakia in exchange for “peace in our time”. Mr. Obama, deciding this was all about him and taking umbrage, shot back:

“It is time to turn the page on eight years of policies that have strengthened Iran and failed to secure America or our ally Israel,” Obama said in his statement. “Instead of tough talk and no action, we need to do what (Presidents) Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan did and use all elements of American power—including tough, principled, and direct diplomacy—to pressure countries like Iran and Syria.”

This always bugs me, the suggestion that George Bush is the worst president ever, and does stupid things that no other president has done, and everything was rosy until Bush ruined it. Bush has simply been doing what every other president has done, which is wrestle with difficult long-term issues. Isn’t it interesting how these guys speak of Reagan and Nixon as role models, when in fact they excoriated Reagan and Nixon back when they were in power? Obama conveniently forgets that America fought in Vietnam while refusing to speak with China; only late in Nixon’s presidency did we finally get around to diplomatic relations. Nor did any of these presidents recognize or dialogue with Castro’s Cuba, in spite of the missile crisis. We talk when we can, we fight when we have to, we apply whatever leverage we have. We change directions when we see things go wrong. Bill Clinton was easygoing and let some problems build up; then along came 9/11 and George Bush decided to be more proactive.

So Obama’s supporters explained that Obama wasn’t “appeasing” Iran the way Chamberlain appeased Hitler. The situations, they told us, weren’t parallel, since Hitler had been taking pieces of other countries, whereas Obama merely wanted to talk to Iran.

It seems to me there actually is a pretty good parallel between Nazi Germany and Iran. True, Iran hasn’t actually annexed foreign lands. But Hamas and Hezbollah are Iran’s surrogate armies, and are illegally controlling Gaza and southern Lebanon. The international community has basically winked and nodded at Iran’s bloody expansionism, much as it once winked and nodded at Hitler.

I’m not going to lay out a strategy on how to handle Iran, because I don’t know what to do. But I do know that Iran has been a long-term problem ever since Jimmy Carter let the mad mullahs take over. If George Bush hasn’t been able to solve it, neither has anybody else. So again, Obama is taking a cheap shot here, and his smooth delivery makes it sound as if he knows what he’s talking about, when in fact he’s got nothing but a slogan.

Of course, all politicians give us slogans. We’ve got to examine their track records, which may give a clue as to what they’ll actually do. Unfortunately, Obama doesn’t have much of a track record, other than his long stint in his hatemongering church under the tutelage of his paranoid “uncle”…an association that should have been damning enough to disqualify any ordinary candidate. And this brings to mind a couple of pictures you’ll recognize from recent months.

Obama the Somali

On the left, you see Obama wearing Somali tribal robes, taken during his travels in 2006. I don’t regard this pose as necessarily being, in itself, unforgiveable. We can allow a certain leeway for one who, when in Rome, does as the Roman does. But we also expect a presidential candidate to be American in his heart. To love this country above all other countries. It’s nice that Obama pays his respects to foreign hosts. So how about, when in America, you do as the Americans do? That gonad-grabbing move during the National Anthem conveys a message that doesn’t sit right. (For the record, the hand-over-heart is not simply an American Anthem/baseball custom, it’s the law. As a senator, Obama knows this.)

Likewise, Obama told us why he stopped wearing a flag pin:

You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin,” Obama said. “Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest.

So he’s sending a message by not showing the flag. And this is a man whose outspoken wife has never been proud of America, and whose church damns America. Again, these are messages that don’t sit right; especially from a man who is anxious to appease, I mean dialogue with, the biggest murderers and scoundrels on the planet.

Obama finds the flag

Hey, is that a flag pin?

Rather weirdly, within the last 24 hours, the lapel flag suddenly appeared on Obama’s collar. Has he had a change of heart? No, I think it’s a trick. My guess is that, the next time Obama forgets how many states there are, he can look down and count the stars before he makes a fool of himself.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pat_s says:

    Obama and his defenders are making a big deal over the meaning of the word “appeasement” and its use in the context of Nazi Germany. Technically speaking, Obama is not suggesting explicitly acquiescing to any land grabs, therefore not an appeaser.

    Appeasement is not limited to such a narrow definition. With respect to Iraq, Obama says he will withdraw American combat forces according to a timetable. What are the implications for leaving Iraq vulnerable to Iranian aggression?

    Mr. Obama said, for example, that the part of the residual force assigned to counter terrorism might be based outside Iraq. He also emphasized that the residual force would not have the mission of deterring Iranian involvement in Iraq.

    He said, Iran’s support for militant groups in Iraq reflected its anxiety over the Bush administration’s policies in the region, i.e., Iran’s belligerence is based on their security worries. Nevertheless he is concerned about Iran’s behavior. He says he will offer economic benefits and possibly a promise not to seek regime change as inducements for Iran to behave better. So President Obama will attempt to placate Iran with friendship presents and then leave them free to takeover Iraq. Iran’s excuse: to stabilize the region for their own security.

    Appeasement? Naivete? Stupidity? Sabotaging the American national interest? Definitions won’t matter when Israel is a pile of rubble, Iraq is under Iranian rule and madmen own the Middle East. Obama’s policies are wrong no matter what you call it.

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    Great post, it reminded me of something else I’ve encountered from my left-wing associates. When I point out that Obama is nothing more than a bunch of slogans surrounded by nothing, their defense is not to explain what Obama is actually about, but to use the occasion to rip Bush (again).

    The standard reply is usually, “At least ne knows how to speak properly”, or “At least he knows how to pronounce ‘nuclear'”. I’m sorry, but how does being a good deliverer of speeches suddenly automatically qualify someone to be President?

    It’s the old Liberal tact: if you cannot defend your own positions, insult your opponent. Nothing ever changes.

  3. pjhluke says:

    Great Post … refreshingly on the ball. Or maybe I could say “un-refreshingly on the balls” as far as the image goes…lol.

    Obama strikes me as a leader of a group of U.S. Citizens who feel lousy about themselves, and thus turn around and project it all over their country.
    The images you chose convey that quite well. His whole body language in that shot is “I suck…I think I’ll go fill my lungs with smoke off a cancer stick as soon as this stupid pledge is over…”

    How did we get here … to a point where so many of our fellow citizens feel so lousy about themselves, it’s created a movement called the Democratic Party? It’s quite sad, when you think about it.

  4. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    This always bugs me, the suggestion that George Bush is the worst president ever, and does stupid things that no other president has done, and everything was rosy until Bush ruined it.

    This is vintage MSM. They did it with Reagan, how the Gipper was a moron who needed his wife to think for him, how the Millennium with the peaceful Soviet Empire was ruined by war-lover Reagan, how blacks, women and Jews would be targeted for extermination during a Reagan presidency (this was before anti-Semitism and misogyny became fashionable among our moral betters on the Left), how a generation of American youth would be deliberately slaughtered by Reagan in illegal imperialist wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, how the world was certain to suffer a nuclear holocaust because Reagan hated all life on the planet and wanted to kill everybody, blah, blah, blah.

    It’s safe to consider the hatred and scorn of the Left a badge of honor and a sign of moral sanity.

  5. One thing I discovered a while back is that liberals confuse (their leadership deliberately, not so sure about the average liberal) liberalism with intelligence. By that I mean that the more liberal a person is, the more intelligent that they’re supposed to be. If you agree with the liberal intelligencia on all the issues you are a certifiable genius, while the more you disagree with them on those very same issues the less and less intelligent you get until you are a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.

    Agreeing with those on the left does NOT make you more intelligent – they just say it does.

  6. MyKidsMom says:

    This is for Maynard.
    In your post you mentioned you watched TV. What you should have watched was Desperate Housewives last night. Two of the main characters (husband and wife) had a baby boy and were going to name him Connor. Then the man got news that his grandpa died and wanted to name the boy after him. Wife agrees until she hears the name—-MAYNARD—–. She still agrees but later behind the husband’s back changes the birth certificate to read Connor. Her husband finds out and tells her a name should mean more than a name. It is important that the baby has someone to look up to. He explains that his grandfather opened the first segregated school in Tennessee (i think) and was a very honorable man. So they named him Maynard and at the end showed the wife painting a beautiful mural on the wall of th baby’s room with the the name Maynard being the centerpiece of the mural.
    How do you like that!

  7. Shawmut says:

    Obama’s reflection that tiny countries don’t cause problems.
    It only cost Al Qaeda (not even a tiny country as we know one) $500 thousand to do $500 billion in economic damage.

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