
Rielle Hunter. Manifester Supreme.

It seems quite a few people have had odd encounters with John Edwards’ girlfriend, Rielle Hunter. This opinion piece, though, in the Los Angeles Times has got to be one of the funniest and most revealing of all. Not only is it an entertaining read, it speaks perfectly to exactly the sort of encounter one has at one point (or many points) living in Los Angeles. It also reveals a heck of a lot of how much of an idiot John Edwards really is. Here is a New Yorker who transplanted herself to Los Angeles after September 11, and her two encounters with the energy-sensitive manifesting airhead called Rielle Hunter.

Priceless. Yes, of course, read the whole thing…

Edwards’ affair? My fault

I blame myself.

It is totally my fault. Well, maybe it’s just my energy’s fault. But wait — do we control our energy? Don’t we just, like, attract what we put out? Anyway, I have really powerful energy, and I refused to respect it, and now it’s too late.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s my fault that Rielle Hunter had an affair with John Edwards. It’s my fault his display of moral laxness let down his supporters, let down the country. It’s my fault he cheated on his cancer-stricken wife and betrayed his three children.

Let me explain. I, like every other New Yorker who valued their life, moved to Los Angeles in October 2001. Almost immediately, I rented a room in a house in Benedict Canyon, owned by a friend of a friend, and lived there for almost a year. When I moved out of that room — and I don’t mind telling you at this point that Harrison Ford did the built-ins in the den and possibly some of the kitchen cabinetry — Rielle Hunter moved in…

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jeweytunes says:

    This is fantastic. What a freak show! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Really. J

  2. bstndance says:

    Oh no! I think Rielle was my roommate.

  3. Rich B says:

    Good Lord! What an airhead! Is she from San Francisco by chance?

  4. syd says:

    I hope everybody takes the time to read the entire thing. Holy cow!

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