
Swiped from Captain Morgan’s Wench

**Update: Swiping Allahpundit’s tone in a link back to this post from Hot Air, and nothing against him, but a) remarks meant to demean very often are presented as “jokes,” b) Biden’s comments were not made in a vacuum. Talk about a woman’s appearance is fine with me, but one must consider the source. This after his party, and now his boss, went out of their way to make sure a certain woman was shut out of a position she earned. After all, how many votes does a woman need to get to be nominated for Vice President? And let me just note that the patronizing tone isn’t relegated exclusively to the Left. This is an issue about respect. For those of you on the right already whining about the issue, go buy another package of Depends because you’re gonna need ’em. It seems for some people there’s nothing more nauseating than promoting the right candidate who also happens to be part of a politically marginalized group.



If some Democratic women were still unsure about whether or not sexism is a factor in the Democrat party and their recent choices, this should continue to make things clear–the depth of Joe Biden’s public commentary on Governor Palin, his opposition for the second highest office in the land, is that she’s “good looking.” That’s fine. Let him see her as a “thing” and he’ll go into the debates just a tad unprepared. And let Democrat women get another dose of the attitude that has run their party for quite some time.


And I’m sorry to all you Hillary fans, but this next point must be noted and is fundamentally relevant to the issue we face today–a sexist and reckless Democrat party that treats women’s rights as a slogan and nothing else. All of this would be less of an issue if feminists drew a line in the sand when Bill Clinton proved to be a sexual predator. Instead, Democrat women, including his wife, lined up to support and defend him even after he lied through his teeth about the Lewinsky affair and scores of other incidents highlighting his sexual compulsion and contempt for women. It is a lesson learned–when you tell the men of your party they can do whatever they please to you, don’t be surprised when they do.


And in the meantime, another liberal man has chimed in about Governor Palin. Alan Colmes (another indication, frankly, of the wildly different standard on television when it comes to the appearance of men and women) inferred in a blog post that her decision making after her water broke with her last, and Down Syndrome affected, child was negligent. He since took that post down because of the uproar. When a cached version of the post still made the rounds, he said he removed it because of the comments, which of course is ridiculous. You can easily disable comments and leave a post up. Environmental Republican exposed Colmes’ rank misogyny and cowardice.

One thing all of this tells you is how the liberals are all panicking because of Palin. Her nomination highlights their shallow and petty hypocrisy. These attitudes also make it clear why Hillary was not going to get near the ticket. It’s not because of her, or Bill, or anything else. It’s because the boys did not want to actually, finally, ‘allow’ a woman into The Club.

Here’s a Newsflash for Democrats and liberals: It’s not up to you anymore.

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27 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    Obviously someone didn’t get the memo!!!!

    “From the first moment a woman dared to speak that hope – dared to believe that the American Dream was meant for her too – ordinary women have taken on extraordinary odds to give their daughters the chance for something else; for a life more equal, more free, and filled with more opportunity than they ever had. In so many ways we have succeeded, but in so many areas we have much work left to do.”

    ~ Barack Obama, Speech in Washington, DC, 11/10/05

    Maybe they weren’t listening, or could it be that it’s all just a load of Bravo Sierra. Lip service is cheap. . . just ask Bill Clinton.

  2. jeweytunes says:

    For anyone who doesn’t want to wade through all the comments, the vast majority of which were disgusted by his post, here’s a great one not to miss:

    “Of course, Alan, had she gone to a medical provider who crushed the baby’s head with forceps and vacuumed out the fragments and remaining tissue, she’d be a progressive exercising her reproductive choice, right?

    And if during such procedure, the fetus were to emerge live born, Barak Obama would support the right of the physicians to let it die on the table.

    But you want to talk about her prenatal care in conformance with the advice of her personal physician.

    Just stunning, Alan. Stay classy.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. J

  3. snowcloud says:

    This is about as low as it gets.

    In a way it’s a good sign they are attacking her in this way. She must be clean.

    GO SARAH!!

  4. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    So clearly and succinctly put, Tammy, MARLEED and JEWEYTUNES. As I’ve said, if only there would be more thinking and reasoning voters this time around. All too often when you try to engage in a discussion about candidates, the other person goes ballistic speaking totally out of emotions and hormones, the mind and intellect never have a chance. It’s the old saying in action: “Engage brain before operating mouth”. That’s been the opposition’s best weapon. Until now. I pray it’s changing, this time.

  5. Miss Kathy says:

    Seems to me Governor Palin exercised her right to choose–she had the tests, she knew the risk, and she CHOSE to have her baby. Not every woman would have had the support she has, and when faced with the same decision, might have had to make a different one–to choose either way is a heart rending decision. Isn’t that the big Dem catchword. . .CHOICE? Like feminism, among other things, is the right to choose to be a stay-home mom, or a working outside the home mom? Or are you only pro-choice if you make the “right” choice? Or it’s only “free speech” if you agree with the party. . .(Enter the Twilight Zone theme music here) This is starting to sound eerily like. . .dare I name it. . .I can’t be the only one to see this. . .socialism??? But then, I come from an era where they actually still taught history in school.

  6. NavajoSierra says:

    I was at the gym today working out and thinking about Sarah Palin, thinking what a fabulous role model she is for women, and especially for young women and girls. She is brilliant, beautiful, strong, fearless and, most important — INDEPENDENT! Completely her own person, her own person as a WOMAN – not as a wanna be guy! I love it! She recalls for me the cowgirl spirit that I grew up with, true grit. The frantic, pathetic reaction of the libs crystallizes what disgusts me so about them – their spinelessness. What we called “sissies” back in those cowgirl days. I just realized that for me is the essence of Obama, this kind of sissified guy who hasn’t even had any job in this world for longer than 3 years, while Sarah was up north kicking butt. And, Alan Colmes, I guess he didn’t bother to read Sarah’s website, which I read months ago — where she introduced her son to the world, and people from all over the world wrote in and shared their stories of their very special experiences with their Downs Syndrome children. It is incredibly moving to read.

  7. ConnecticutBruce says:

    Alan Colmes’ sister in law is the wonderful Monica Crawley. How sad she must be 🙁

  8. TLindaman says:

    And the hits keep coming. I browsed a bit of DailyKos (thanks to a link from Drudge since I wouldn’t usually go to the Kosmonauts’ website willingly), and they have grown adults claiming that Palin ISN’T the mother of her son because they claim photos don’t show Sarah Palin as having a “baby bump.” (Of course other photos show a bump, but hey, why let actual facts get in the way of an anti-Republican, anti-woman screed?)

    The more I see of the Left’s vile attacks on Sarah Palin, the more I’m glad I renounced them back in 1994, and the more I see how utterly scared they are of Palin.

  9. LongviewCyclist says:

    I like that picture of Palin. Not as well as you and Snuffy, though.

  10. Tink says:

    Tammy, you’re right to challenge Allah on this one. The first thing my best lefty friend did was refer to her as just a beauty queen. Biden was being just as dismissive as my friend. Men don’t comment on other men’s appearance in any way shape or form. Can anyone think of an example? I can’t.

    And the Heather McDonald thing barely rates mentioning because it’s so ignorant of what we think. No Heather, we’re not excited about Palin just because she’s a woman. I’m glad it’s worked out that way, but I’m over the moon because she’s a real Conservative… of the Reagan generation. Hell, even Cokie Roberts gets it. She nailed it this morning when she said that Palin will appeal to Reagan Democrats. My cousin said all the guys at the firehall love her. I told my Dad that typically Palin is they type of woman you see in the military, but she’s just chosen to serve her country in this way instead of the military.

    Did anyone see the NBC nightly news Palin profile at the end of the half hour on Saturday night? It was going along just beautifully, interviewing people in her hometown who all said glowing things about her–then all of a sudden the segment jumps the tracks and hops the crazy train going into a bit about the black girl that beat her for Miss Alaska..they show their photos side by side and the reporter says “And she can sing good too” –they play several seconds of this crazy music and the segment ends. I said out loud “What was that?! Are they drunk?” It was bizzare. Just dead ends with the former Miss Alaska singing some weird country music.

  11. crossroads_gunner says:

    Wonderful comments, all. Re Clinton/Lewinsky: Last Friday evening, during a dinner break from the outdoor-sports store where we work, a few colleagues and I were enthusing about Gov. Palin as the VP choice, and one of my colleagues opined that it will be nice that, for once, we will have a woman in the halls of government that will actually BE AT the desk, working, instead of UNDER it….

  12. WHT says:

    I have certainly read comments that if she weren’t a woman, she have had no consideration for the ticket. Ahh. Am I wrong?

    Bobby Jindal’s name had been circulated as a possible running mate. If it had been worked out, there would have been criticism of his age and experience. But as much as has been leveled at Sarah?

    He has roughly the same amount of public experience, and is years younger. I like Bobby, but have thought Sarah sounded a little more mature. I hope he is a future national candidate. Right now, she is.

  13. ussjimmycarter says:

    I am stunned that we have gotten to the point in America where not only is the killing of a viable child born alive acceptable, but now the decision of a mother to bring a baby to term who has a disability is questioned by the left! This is the first shot and is very very scary stuff! When the state takes over our health care and people like Alan Colmes are in charge these decisions will no longer be left to us, but to lefties who will insist that these children not be born so that the good of the collective not be negatively impacted!

  14. AntonK says:

    Hi. I’m looking for a larger example of that wonderful campaign poster above “Change You Can Believe In”. I couldn’t even find a blog or web page called Captain Morgan’s Wench.

    Can anyone help? Thanks.

  15. Dave J says:

    WHT, Palin/Jindal in 2012.

  16. norm says:

    The left will have plenty of help with the so-called feminists in attacking Sarah….aka…female lefties who hate anyone who doesn’t think and act like them and the complicit and disgusting monsters in the press. Eleanor Clift…the high priestess of media lefties and a so-called feminist…said this of Sarah Palin….

    ELEANOR CLIFT: This is not a serious choice. It makes it look like a made for TV movie. If the media reaction is anything, it’s been literally laughter in many places across news-

    You have got to love their bigotry….intolerance…hatred…elitism….hyprocracy….

    yep, Sarah was the right pick if she is illiciting these sorts of response from the lunatics on the left.

  17. jeweytunes says:

    Here’s a link to an article (sent to me by a frustrated life-long Democrat!) in the New York Post by Dick Morris, singing Palin’s praises. It also has the full-sized pic of Palin that is used in the “Change…” slogan pic above.

    Remember that Morris was pushing all over the place for Kay Bailey Hutchison to be the VP nominee. I don’t know if he ever addressed the possibility of Palin or not. J

    [Editor’s Note: I’ve changed it this time, but you included a long URL in this post. Please, when linking to an article, use and change the url to tiny. Thanks, Jim]

  18. Libssmell says:

    I was in Alaska for 23 years and was a union construction worker. If anyone understands the “good old boy network” it is I. I am so excited about this election. For the first time since I started voting Republican in 1996, I have never felt so calm and secure about the Republicans going for another 8 or more years

  19. laughingatpinheads says:

    Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter is PREGNANT. You know, the dems are going to make political hay out of this and I can hardly blame them. Is it too late to nominate Mitt Romney? I think this revelation may sink Palin in the eyes of many though may cement the white trash vote.

  20. Idiot#3 says:

    Another smear that’s making the rounds (again Alan Combs, I believe) proclaims that Sarah and Todd’s first child was born less than 8 months after their wedding. All over Manhattan on one coast and up and down Rodeo Drive on the other, liberals must be loudly whispering, “Why that hypocritical trollop, she was having sex before marriage, can you imagine?”.

    My only concern is the upset to the Palin family, moving from Alaska to the stinking but gilded, shark-infested cesspool that is Washington, DC. It will have to be difficult putting aside their interests and outdoor lives to serve us, especially surrounded by the likes of most Senators and Congress hacks.

  21. AntonK says:

    You can “hardly blame them,” eh LIBSSMELL?


    “If my daughter makes a mistake, I don’t want her punished with a baby”


    “As [our daughter] faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.”

    (also… “Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family.”)

    That the candidate in the family doesn’t view her daughter having her baby as a punishment makes all the difference.

  22. Idiot#3 says:

    Another snarky comment wafting around leftist columns is that Sarah has “big hair”. Of course that’s supposed to elicit images of some low class, tavern haunting redneck cow. I’m a guy, so big hair to me is Dolly Parton’s do, not Sarah’s fast up-do that I personally find quite fetching.

  23. laughingatpinheads says:

    Yeah, AntonK, I can hardly blame them. Wake the F up, you sound like a republican sycophant. Maybe you’re smelling your own kool aid drinking ass.

    I am a CONSERVATIVE. First, let’s all recognize that Juan McAmnesty is a crappy, disgusting choice to begin with. So what’s he do? Instead of bolstering the ticket with a strong, proven leader, such as Mitt Romney, the stubborn old son of a bitch picks a neophyte like Palin, blatantly pandering to disgruntled Hillary supporters.

    Worse yet, McCain KNEW about the daughter’s pregnancy when he chose Palin. “Family values” my ass. Palin is going to be viewed as a ditzy out of touch weirdo whose “wonderful” parenting skills
    produced a 5 months-pregnant 17 year old.

    McCain/Palin ’08 Boy oh boy, ain’t that inspirational. Lucky for McCain, Obama/Biden is even worse.

  24. marleed says:

    Palin is going to be viewed as a ditzy out of touch weirdo whose “wonderful”parenting skills produced a 5 months-pregnant 17 year old.

    By whom? . . . Sally Quinn?

  25. AntonK says:

    Listen Idiot#3, try to control yourself. You sound drunk, insane, or both.

  26. fiona says:

    Tammy, thank you for being the only high-profile Conservative who actually takes misogyny seriously enough to take on anyone-left or right-who’s seemingly guilty of it. Given Allah’s & Colmes’ many past misogynistic comments, their current attitudes are no surprise.

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