**Bumped up from yesterday. My thanks to Real Clear Politics, Little Green Footballs, Boycott US Weekly, and Gateway Pundit for posting/linking. Thanks everybody!**



I’m pleased to let all of you know that I have an op/ed piece published in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. Titled “A Feminist’s Argument for McCain’s VP” it offers a feminist perspective on the sexism and misogyny prevalent in both the Democrat Party and the Obama camp specifically, and why feminists and liberals can and should vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

A feminist’s argument for McCain’s VP

In the shadow of the blatant and truly stunning sexism launched against the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign, and as a pro-choice feminist, I wasn’t the only one thrilled to hear Republican John McCain announce Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. For the GOP, she bridges for conservatives and independents what I term “the enthusiasm gap” for the ticket. For Democrats, she offers something even more compelling – a chance to vote for a someone who is her own woman, and who represents a party that, while we don’t agree on all the issues, at least respects women enough to take them seriously…

Clinton voters, in particular, have received a political wake-up call they never expected. Having watched their candidate and their principles betrayed by the very people who are supposed to be the flame-holders for equal rights and fairness, they now look across the aisle and see a woman who represents everything the feminist movement claimed it stood for. Women can have a family and a career. We can be whatever we choose, on our own terms. For some, that might mean shooting a moose. For others, perhaps it’s about shooting a movie or shooting for a career as a teacher. However diverse our passions, we will vote for a system that allows us to make the choices that best suit us. It’s that simple.

Please do read the whole thing. 🙂 And as you’ll seem, the “comments” section online for the Chron is apparently unmoderated and what are known as “Obamabots” are swamping it with, shall we say, the sort of comments that prove my point about the sexist and malevolent nature of the Obama campaign, illustrated in this instance through his supporters. I’d say, in general, we seem to have touched a nerve. 🙂

So help spread the word by sending the article along to your lists, and if you feel inclined, please do comment on the Chronicle page to counter the Obamatrons. One thing I can tell you, the sort of hostility you’ll read there indicates a level of panic among his supporters which is going to grow as they days go by and McCains numbers continue to rise.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
38 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MopUpOnTwo says:

    Any chance your columns can get on RealClearPolitics.com?

    By the way give Camille Paglia credit for her comments on Palin : “That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician”

  2. silvercreeklady says:

    Thank you Tammy…I agree I am now an Independent I did not leave the Dem party..they left me!

  3. Mike says:

    I think Camille Paglia made those comments after hearing only her brief speech that she gave on Aug 29 when she was being first introduced. It will be interesting on what Camille has to say since then.

    Excellent article Tammy! Also great work you’ve been doing on Fox News. Super articulate and fast on your feet!

  4. Kelly says:

    It was such a refreshing change to see your name and intelligent analysis when I opened the Chronicle this morning. My hometown paper makes no attempt to hide its liberal bias and it’s virtually unreadable.

    The responses online are unfortunately predictable and I’m sure that the comments that come in during the week to the editorial page will be similar. Here’s hoping the paper has the guts to print letters agreeing with you as well. I’ll keep you posted on that front.

  5. shkoder14 says:

    Great article Tammy 🙂

    But if I have to read one more comment where they refer to you as a “fake feminist” or say “fox news contributor…enough said” then I am going to barf. I still get amazed by how close-minded these people are.

  6. AntonK says:

    Wow, the headcases are really out in the Comments section to Tammy’s article. It’s a frightening look into a deeply delusional world…

  7. Talkin Horse says:

    I’m sure Ferraro will end up voting for Obama. She’s too heavily invested in the Democrat culture to do otherwise. But it’s noteworthy that she could evince an ambiguity about her inclinations. It’s a sort of acknowledgement that, although she’ll yield to her knee-jerk compulsion, she has a sense that maybe it’s the wrong choice. Perhaps this message will not be lost on those Democrats who aren’t locked into the system.

  8. Mike says:

    Well done, Tammy. I can only hope that more and more Americans, female and male, look beyond rhetoric and see deeds. If they do, they will notice that the Republican party alone has put far more women and minorities in positions of great power, in positions where they can actually make meaningful change rather than engage in community organizing. The primary difference has been that these people have been Secretaries of State–for example–who happened to be black or black and female, or cabinet officers who happened to black or other minorities/nationalities rather than black cabinet officers.

    If elected, Sarah Palin will be the first VP who happens to be female. Americans will vote for such a candidate, but will not, and should never vote for a female VP or a hispanic VP, or any other adjective preceded VP.

    Regarding abortion, only McCain and Palin have been honest about their positions, while Obama, as far left as one can get on that issue, has continually danced around it. The truth, however, is that America at large is unlikely to ever allow the abolition of abortion, and as Tammy noted, McCain and Palin have never been anti-abortion crusaders. There are far more pressing concerns than abortion. While a Democrat administration might well be obsessed with such concerns (to the detriment of America and the world through neglect of what is really important), it’s highly unlikely that a Republican administration would find the time, and we should all be thankful for that.

    No one is perfect. Politicians are not personal saviors. We hire a president to, in effect, manage the biggest and most important business on the planet. Hire the best manager for a capitalist republic and let Obama get back to that for which he is best suited: Organizing the South side of Chicago. After all, look at all of the success he’s enjoyed in that endeavor to date.

  9. dasche44 says:

    excellant article Tammy !!!!
    the level of hate and plain out ignorance
    boggles the mind.
    I registered and commented as well

  10. Huan says:

    The recent campaign of Hillary Clinton and the current campaign for Sarah Palin has brought the topic of feminism to the forefront for me. I have been amazed at the responses, predominantly from the left (as can be witnessed in the comments following your article at SFGate), and from a surprising percentage of women, on what they believe feminism is about.

    I have always thought that feminism was about supporting a woman’s right to become what ever they want to be. Women should be doctors (over 51% of medical students are now women), lawyers, soldiers, athletes, politicians, and whatever else she desires. And to be a feminist is to support these opportunities for yourself as a woman and for other women.

    Apparently I am wrong. According to the left, including leftist women, all it takes to be a feminist is to be a woman who is pro-choice.

    How sad they have become, resorting to name calling. Too bad they just don’t get it even after you tried to tell them otherwise.

  11. Senrab says:

    Judging from the reader comments, it looks like you’ve hit a nerve. 😉

  12. Rusty Boudreaux says:

    I just read through the hundreds of comments. All I can say is WOW. The level of hatred, bile and anger is truly stunning.

    Comment after comment reads “well, she’s from FoxNews” or “she’s really Ann Coulter” or “the difference between Tammy Bruce and Bill O’Reilly = lipstick”…OK, that was kinda funny. Untrue but funny.

    How can we have reasonable discourse with the left when they spew vitrol? I’m coming to viewpoint the only solution is, to paraphrase McCain, “To defeat them”.

  13. RagingBullmoose says:

    Kinda surprised the SF Chronical would run anything you wrote, the Chronical being, like most media outlets these days, especially the print media, just another vacuous mouthpiece for the Dem party line and, most recently, smear pieces directed at the Palin family.

    Not surprised at the swarm of Obamabots that came out of the wood work to attack the piece. I guess the gist of their argument is: “Shut up! You’re no feminist! You’re a traitor! Shut up and get back in line or else!”

    Those folks didn’t drink the Kool Aid, they’ve drowned in it.

    Good piece, btw.

  14. WHT says:

    Wow! Maybe not stunning, but confirming. I mean the comments on the Chron against you Tammy. I did not want to register there, and my comment wouldn’t have mattered much.

    Hypocritical bigots. For so many it really is an issue that we only support you if you think like us. Applauding a successful, powerful, ground-breaking woman? Only if she isn’t an inexperience offensive nobody. Hmm… Do some of the so-called social liberals and feminists really think all conservative women should be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen?

    I am an independent with moderate views. I do want to know more about the social/political stances Gov Palin will demonstrate as vp. So far though, props to Sen McCain for stepping outside the box. Props to Gov Palin for being so strong and determined.

  15. Tammy, That’s great stuff. I’ll be posting about the phenomenon known as Hurricane Sarah later this morning at my blog. Until then, here’s the link to another Sarah post:


    BTW, Obama said yesterday that he could probably take her in a game of horse. I’ve got $50 that says she’d kick his ass & make him wimper.

  16. KatieSilverSpring says:

    I’ve just read through everyone of the 260 comments to Tammy’s article (and I have a headache now). I am always suspicious of a person’s thinking process when they say “well, it was FOX”. I listen to as many different versions I can (but still prefer CSPAN on TV and radio), when I have time. I prefer FOX but I do listen.

    Those comments were triggered by someone somewhere. Granted ours were too to some degree.

    All I can say is, good for you, Tammy Bruce; you are a very brave woman. Keep it up. I hope you get into more venues that expose their audiences to you. If nothing else, it pumps up their oxygen take and blood to their brain. Eventually, they may use it to think again.

  17. Romulan Disruptor says:

    Great column Tammy, and as usual, the clueless and the hired thugs come out to comment. Sarah Palin represents the utter failure of the left to “liberate” women. Sarah Palin was raised with religious and conservative values, not the vacuous values of the left. The Palinator is showing women can be whatever, and whoever they want without scarificing their ideals, morals and values … all without embracing the ideology of the left.

    She is a dagger in the dark heart of leftism.

    Rock on Sarah!

  18. DWPeat says:

    Pro-choicers should realize that McCain/Palin will be, if elected, subject to the 10th Amendment. In other words, if they manage(please,please!) to create a majority of originalists on the Supreme Court, the WORST they can do is return Roe v. Wade TO THE STATES!

    The Abortion debate needs to play itself out in the “laboratory of Democracy”: the 50 states. The bypassing of the states has been responsible for the rancor nationally on this issue. Let the people decide the Abortion issue through their legislatures, as provided by the 10th amendment.

  19. Ripper says:

    The San Francisco Chronicle is home to the worst columnist in American Mark Morford (followed by the Boston Globe’s Derrick Z. Jackson).

  20. Ripper says:

    Ah feel the love from the liberal/leftists!

  21. norm says:

    Great article, Tammy…I know it was a excellent article by the rabid posts from the San Fran Nan readers following the article. Their biggest arguement seemed to be that you are a Fox News contributor….I guess if you were a MSNBC contributor, everything would be cool.

  22. ladykrystyna says:

    I posted a comment, Tammy. You rock! I didn’t read all the comments but most of them simply have guzzled too much Left wing Kool-Aid to fully understand how they have been taught NOT to think for themselves. Any woman who has done her own thing (whatever that “thing” is) and has done it HER WAY is a feminist in my eyes, regardless of her stance on abortion or equal pay, etc. I respect women who make their own decisions, do their own thing and do not, for one minute, look for approval from anyone for it.

    The left wing nuts can’t see that and many probably never will. Sad, really.

  23. Azygos says:


    Very nice article. You must be right on target considering the flak you are drawing (paraphased of course). I am an independent conservative and was not going to vote for McCain. There were probably two people McCain could have picked that would prompt me to vote for him. Gov. Palin and Michael Steele. That he chose Gov Palin gives me hope for the future.

  24. mrfixit says:

    As usual, you cut right to the core of the issue in one whack.

    Back when Geraldine Ferarro was Mondale’s V.P. pick, I said I had no objection to a woman if it was the right woman. Same feeling today. I think Palin IS the right woman. She strikes me as a Margret Thatcher, in terms of strength, and sheer will. If she plays her cards right, she could be POTUS– right out of left field. No council on foreign relations, no skull & bones, no tri-lateral comission membership.

    Obama and his surrogates are using Lennin’s tactics. They have one message, their actions are the opposite, and then they deny their actions and re-assert their “message”. Can’t believe people fall for that.

  25. I just read this article on RealClearPolitics and loved it. The McCuda ticket is gonna win! GIRL POWER!!! 🙂

  26. Paul From Hamburg says:

    Often, when I read something on Tammy’s page, or any page, I immediately think “I would like to comment”. On some occasions, I realize that I have nothing insightful to add to the discussion, so I just don’t bother. Apparently, at the SF Gate, that would make me part of a tiny minority. As I read those comments, I am reminded of my dog. Whenever any four-legged mammal appears on TV, she starts barking like crazy. Like my dog, most of the comments at the SF Gate page are the result of instinctual habit and not actual cognition.

  27. Jack Bauer says:

    Great article. So much common sense in one concise package.

    I did see the Stalinists were out in force posting their screeds against free speech.

    One interesting point, I dutifully went through about 200 posts, clicking thumbs up approval of the sensible pro-Tam posts, and thumbs down to the loony lefties.

    One interesting point, the antI-Tams were getting far higher disapprovals, and the Pro-Tams were getting far higher Approvals.

    Didn’t that used to be called the SILENT MAJORITY.

  28. 86Jo says:

    Thanks for the excellent article. These kind of sentiments aren’t managing to escape from very many Dem/leftish women. In the immediate aftermath of the Palin announcement, amid the toxic brew of ridicule, sexism and fear-mongering, Michel Martin on Maher and Kirsten Powers at NYPost were two of the few that expressed anything resembling respect. I had heretofore no clue to whom Limbaugh was referring with his term “feminazi” but I believe I begin to understand now.

    It was pretty ugly to see women that had stood up for Hillary against sexist attacks not only NOT defend Palin against similar attacks, but, incredibly, join right on in with the piling-on. I guess I haven’t been paying close enough attention to be able to discern “feminist” from “authentic feminist”. Anyway, the Palin nomination has cast a very bright light on a whole mess of things and very much for the better. This was a move so brilliant I think the ticket deserves to win on it’s merits alone. The opposition is struggling mightily for answers to this woman and the more they struggle, the worse it gets for them; it’s a BEAUTIFUL thing, really.

    Thanks again,
    Reg Dem, male, Hillary voter for GirlPower…who will probably vote PalinPower…

  29. Nonnie says:

    I don’t get it why they don’t get it? Being a feminist WAS about women having CHOICES! I know some feminist women who put down women who CHOOSE to be “stay-at-home-moms!” What a crock! It was about having the choice to be either or (or both) PEOPLE!!!

    Also, to support Palin after having supported Hillary CAN make sense if you would just TRY and strength those little bot brains of yours! It’s not just because she’s a woman (although I admit THAT is a nice addition) but because she is a reformer. Coupled with McCain (also a reformer), we’ll see SOMETHING good coming from their administration. What will we see with Obama? Devestating taxes is one of them and we’re needing government reform with our $ already!!!! Can I say it? Duh (forgive me)

    P.S. The fact that she’s a woman DOES make a difference. It’s a REPUBLICAN choosing a woman running mate, and THAT’S historic. It’s a good thing, okay? I used to call Republicans “Repuglicans,” never showing the willingness to incorporate new information. That isn’t true anymore with McCain/Palin. 🙂

  30. tlatexaspuma says:

    Tammy, great article. I posted a comment but wanted to stop by and tell you to keep up the good work. Senator Obama has alot of paid bloggers that attack websites daily, not just your average social bloggers.
    Stay strong. This former Clinton supporter voting for McCain/Palin.

  31. lnbee says:

    Don’t forget that Michelle Obama, when asked during the primaries if she would vote for Hillary, said she would have to think about it. Think about what??? There was no difference between Hillary and Obama on the issues. What would she be thinking about? I’ll tell you. Whether she could stay loyal to the party who rejected her husband because of his race. That’s how she saw it.

  32. Jennifer says:

    after reading Tammy’s article, and a few of the comments posted “over there” I had a thought…..
    Could it be that it’s not so much her policies that make them angry, but her MOTIVATION. She enter politics from the PTA to make things better for her children, not to further a career. The career came because she was passionate about her motivation instead of the motivation becoming a career.

  33. infidel says:

    Wow, the reaction to Tammy’s logic is disturbing and hysterical……keep it up moonbats!!!

    The panic is a good sign.
    I’m glad Tammy can take it. Better yet, I love that she can dish it out.

  34. ChrisL says:

    Tammy, My initial thoughts about the Palin nomination were none too positive, as I posted in a previous entry on your site. After seeing her in action and learning more about her, I’ve taken the long way around to becoming excited about the McCain-Palin team. I’m going to make a donation, as it’s extremely important that they win, and we don’t let the presidency fall into the hands of those radical leftists at a time when they also control congress. What’s really nice, is that McCain-Palin is a team we can proudly vote for, rather than just holding our noses and pulling the lever for the more palatable of two losers.

    Are people on the left sexist? Yes, and racist too. I’m not sure how much we can count on cross-over Hillary voters. The leftist women in my family will be abstaining. The hatred that is the primary motivating characteristic of the left is more powerful than their desire to see a woman or minority in high office. They won’t be able to tolerate voting for Republicans in large numbers. ‘Good though, that many will also not be voting Democratic either!

  35. GenRach says:

    Once again Tammy; spot on. As a Conservative woman and one who ‘cringes’ at the word feminism, you have through your books and radio show taught me the true meaning – thank you!!

  36. Pathman says:

    I may be repeating myself, but Tammy’s webpage has it right:

    If your opponent is quick to anger, seek to irritate him”–Sun Tzu

    The radical leftists are going nuts and exposing their true nature. Sarah touches a nerve the same way Tammy’s column irritates them.

  37. Perry says:

    I’m a 62-year-old gay woman who feels that we are really ready for Sarah Palin. My only misgiving was when I read an article where Sarah said that gay people should pray to be heterosexual. Well, I’ll bet we gays have all prayed to be like the rest. Who would choose to live a life as hard as being gay can sometimes be? In the 50s and 60s, I thought I was the only one; that’s daunting in itself.

    I will probably still vote for John and Sarah, but I feel sad that she can’t understand.

    Not mad, just sad!

  38. Nonnie says:

    For Perry:

    Of course, she believes same gender sex is wrong. She believes in the inerrancy of the bible. However, she has said she support gay rights but not gay marriage.

    However, it was her Pastor’s choice to mention that “pray the gay away” program to his people and it wasn’t held on their site. The pastor apparently has 2 of his members struggling with being gay.

    What’s sad is that people don’t experience any twangs of conscience when they treat gay people so badly and try to make them feel like they’re filth ESPECIALLY when it comes from the “religious!”

    Take care.

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