Peep Joel has brought to my attention the fact that PBS has a poll up asking whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as the vice-president. Joel noted this is a poll that deserves proper iCon representation. I agree 🙂

Here’s the PBS poll page. Make sure our voices are heard. 🙂


Ugh, the link is fixed. Thanks everyone and sorry about that. I must have used the link that came up after I voted…

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    The link is not working.

    But why should it? PBS is Democrat Party-run radio, and like their brethren in the Democrat-controlled Congress the Joseph Goebbels wannabes in command are not noted for their competence.

  2. Kathy says:

    Hey all –

    Try this website:

    Sarah is incredibly qualified —

    Kathy, Scottsdale, AZ

  3. Kelly says:

    Hopefully this link will work:

    The poll looks good so far.

    Qualifed = 62%
    Not = 33%
    Not sure = 3%

  4. daredevilaccordian says:

    this one definitely works…

  5. marleed says:

    The link works fine now!  While you’re clicking, Larry King Live has a Sarah poll that could use our help too!

  6. usaguys says:

    Now CNN is pushing the line that Palin’s rating are dropping and that the Honeymoon is over. I have never seen the media taking sides as in this election.

    And isnt it funny we dont hear a thing about the Liberals who sounded off about Patriot Act Wiretaps but have no problem with Sarah Palin getting her email hacked.

  7. KatieSilverSpring says:

    It is definitely working, Tammy; maybe you could change your “front page” on this so others will be encouraged to vote. When I went directly into the front page of they have a poll betting McCain against Obama in resolving the economic mess, as they call it. It 97% (bar length not numbers) for Obama so I voted there too! I’ve always wondered by its name if this show isn’t really National Organization of Women?

    This morning it is 50% for Palin, 46% against and 2% unsure.

  8. marleed says:

    For more entertainment, check this out! Take the test to see if B.H.O. speaks for you! You could have knocked me over with a feather! Turns out, he doesn’t speak for me!!

  9. Beldar says:

    I see that the percentages still add up to 98. Must be the new liberal math.

  10. jerocat says:

    PBS Palin poll:

    52% ready for VP
    44% not
    2% Und

    PBS’s video clip on her illustrates her strengths. Definitely not a hit piece. How shocking.

  11. Jennifer says:

    Hey Marleed! thanks for the link 🙂 I disagree with Obama 98% of the time. The end was the best when it took Zogby poll answers and showed how little the general public agrees with him on the issues.

  12. HALEY says:

    I keep watching as Obama and his troops become more desperate and dangerous every day. I’m somewhat concerned that they could cheat on election day. I’m not a expert on how things work on the “inside”, so does anyone have any insight?

    For instance, I have talked to some people who have decided to vote via the absentee ballots to avoid long lines, etc. What are the chances of ballots being thrown in the shredder by the oh so desperate Leftists?

    They want this election BAD! I have learned not to put anything past these people. Should we be concerned?

  13. lnbee says:

    There’s a poll accumulating on So far, after 3300+ votes, McCain is leading 54% to Obama’s 39%; 7% are undecided. With over 60% of American households owning at least one dog, this looks encouraging.

  14. Ripper says:

    Guys and Gals we are going to win this thing. Ralph Peters has an excellent article on Sarah.

    “Our Sister Sarah Palin’s anti Elitist Charm”

  15. Shawmut says:

    She’s doing 51% @8:04 PM Saturday. Not bad while we’re in a financial crisis and bombs going off in Islmabad. Maybe with “I’m Every Woman” singing O’Man thought he’d get a nudge here.

  16. hjo says:

    Great post Ripper…Ralph Peters hit the nail on the head. She is US and we are her.
    Thanks for the story.

  17. jerocat says:

    Ripper, I read the great article by Ralph Peters in the NY Post.

    Also interesting is this PBS interview:
    Obama in Danger?
    Drew Westen, author of “The Political Brain,” talks to NOW about how appealing to voters’ emotions reaps bigger electoral rewards than hammering home policy proposals

    The bottom line he points to is,
    Repubs lead with their values. Their policy flows from core values.
    Dems lead with policy and conceal their values.
    ……because (I say) their Marxist values are fundamentally un-American and need to be concealed.

    What ever happened to
    red as a symbol for Marxism and
    blue the color of our Founding Fathers?
    How did that switch happen?
    How magnanimous we conservatives are to allow that confusion to blur our national consciousness.

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