
The Messiah and his Helper share a special moment at the Dem Convention.

Michelle Malkin has excellent coverage of the fact that Gwen Ifill, the PBS “journalist” who’s set to moderate the VP debate this Thursday, is an avid Obama supporter. Ifill has a book coming out praising Obama, and among others things, has written an Essence Magazine cover story on the Obama family. WorldNetDaily also has coverage.

It’s one thing to know for whom you’re voting; it’s quite another to be such an ardent supporter you’re effectively working for the candidate. Ifill has been fronting supportive media for Obama foe quite some time and with her book is working to make sure supportive media will be there in the future. She is, essentially, part of his campaign. The link to Michelle has all the details.

Just to give you a comparison here, what do you think the left would be doing right now if Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or myself were set to moderate the VP debate? Do you think they would go quietly into the night accepting this, or do you they’d make themselves heard?

Make it clear to those who can make a change your concern with this egregious conflict of interest. The Commission on Presidential Debates can be reached at 202-872-1020 and the e-mail address of Janet H. Brown, Executive Director of the Debates Commission is: [email protected].

Reports are that both the voicemail and the email are full, but keep trying. And if anyone who has any other contact ideas, please let me know.

Here is the PBS Contact page. I would think they would not like to have one of their ‘journalists’ now with a publicly stated bias in the presidential race, embarrass PBS by presuming to moderate one of the more important election events.

Remember, whomever you contact, please keep your comments clear, direct and respectful.

Here, as an example, is an email from my friend Jason to KCET to the president of our local PBS station here in Los Angeles. The subject line is “Gwen should NOT moderate the VP Debate”:

I am a long time viewer of KCET. I just discovered that Gwen Ifill has authored a book entitled “Age of Obama” to be released on Inauguration Day. Given Gwen’s blatant conflict of interest I hope you can understand why I believe she should not be moderating the VP Debate this Thursday. I urge you to do what you can to have her removed.
Thank you for your consideration,

Good luck everyone.


Via Freedom’s Lighthouse, (HT Marlee) here’s audio of Ifill questioning whether or not Palin can balance being a mom and VP.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. gull says:

    I sent this message to Ifill earlier (via her station email link):

    “Having just learned that you have written positive portrayals of Barack Obama, I do hope that your treatment of Mrs. Palin tomorrow night is influenced by neither your literary “investment” in Obama’s future nor the disdain you exhibited in your report following her speech at the National Republican Convention.

    To show her disrespect or condescension would be a disservice to your professional integrity and to your literary credibility.

    Thank you. I look forward to a debate that focuses on realistic issues which are applicable to both candidates and relevant to the office.”


    Wish I had known about this earlier. Ifill supposedly fell and broke her ankle today — this may influence her status …. but don’t count on it.

  2. Marcus says:

    Hi Tammy, I wrote to PBS ombudsman, Michael Getler. I told him it was sad that a journalist who is “awestruck” by Obama and has a clear financial interest in the outcome of the election (release of her new book) was selected to moderate this debate. There is a clear conflict of interest here.

    Thanks! Marcus

  3. corndog says:

    Gwen Ifill should not only be required to stand and reveal the title of her book, she should state that she is an avid and active supporter of Barack Obama for president. My tax money is paying for this fiasco of pretend journalism. I sent essentially this message to the ombudsman at PBS. Thanks for the tip.

  4. STOICCAT says:

    Thought I would share some definitions of MSM:


    With those definitions in mind easy to explain why MSM is in the tank for Marxist Obama. I guess that’s snarky enough. As for Ifill moderating the debate what ever happened to ubiased journalism. I hope PBS gets the message and gets a not so obvious biased moderator. They have til Thursday to get it right. Will they do it?

  5. dasche44 says:

    This is truly outrageous that PBS would
    think Americans would stand for this obvious bias.
    Obama has been getting a pass all along for the brevity of his resume.
    Now we’re suppose to give his soon to be
    auto biorgrapher a pass as well.

    What is happening to objective journalism in America !!!!!!!

  6. HALEY says:

    Yeah, this is really awful news. It makes me sick to my stomach. It’s bad enough we have had to watch the NASTY Obama campaign and their media coerce America and attempt to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes time and time again…now we are faced with a bias moderator in the debate tomorrow night. Unbelievable. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I haven’t.

    I have tried to call the “202” number a few times. It’s busy.

  7. HALEY says:

    I just wrote to PBS as well.

  8. ashleymatt says:

    I would also urge anyone who has been volunteering with the GOP or the McCain/Palin campaign to get in touch with your local office and your fellow volunteers and organizers.

    They also need to call/email, but just as importantly, need to send the word out to fellow supporters of what is going on. Even if Ifill is allowed to moderate, the public needs to be fully aware of this severe conflict of interest. I’ve been calling my contacts at the Orange County, FL office; many of them were unaware of this before my phone call.

  9. Shawmut says:

    PB$ gets the same government largesse that ACORN gets.
    Let’s not fool ourselves; it’s counter-revolution that we have to wage.

  10. Pathman says:

    Hooray for Heather Wilson. She is out in NM, tried to get Domenici’s Senate seat but got defeated in the Primary. Hope McCain Palin find a good place for her in the administration!

  11. Condignity says:

    I am so sick in my stomach with these shenanigans of the leftists, that upon reading this in your website, I started sending out disapproving e-mails to Janet Brown via all my e-mail accounts. It’s always good to have different e-mail addresses in cases like this. Hehehe.
    Long Live the “Chick with Guns”, Tammy Bruce!!!!

  12. Young American says:

    When I saw this story this morning I was ready to get on the phone and computer yet again to voice my concern but the more I thought about it I figured WTH for ? Who would they replace Ifill with ? Someone fair and unbiased ? Katie or Charlie again ? At least with Ifill she is out in the open with her support of Hussein and her dislike of Sarah. She knows she will be watched very closely at tomorrows debate. We’ll be watching you Gwen.
    Sarah knows what to expect from these people. She will hold her own. She has debated before. I have complete faith in Sarah throwing back whatever they dish out to her. This woman has changed the course of this election and brought us back to life.
    Sarah= genuine, full of grit and character AND smart as hell !

  13. Young American says:

    When I saw this story this morning I was ready to get on the phone and computer yet again to voice my concern but the more I thought about it I figured WTH for ? Who would they replace Ifill with ? Someone fair and unbiased ? Katie or Charlie again ? At least with Ifill she is out in the open with her support of Hussein and her dislike of Sarah. She knows she will be watched very closely at tomorrows debate. We’ll be watching you Gwen.
    Sarah knows what to expect from these people. She will hold her own. She has debated before. I have complete faith in Sarah throwing back whatever they dish out to her. This woman has changed the course of this election and brought us back to life.
    Sarah= genuine, full of grit and character AND smart as hell !

  14. Kelly says:

    I’ve emailed Janet Brown and Michael Getler, the PBS ombudsman (you can reach him via the PBS contact page link).

    I’d like to think that the McCain campaign knew about Ifill and has decided to use this knowledge to their advantage. But, I may be giving them too much credit.

  15. ashleymatt says:


    1) The point is that the general public does not know about this. Even if Ifill is not replaced, there needs to be full disclosure, which will only result if there is a massive communication to pbs and the debate commission.

    2) I actually thought Jim Lehrer did a good job the other night and would not mind seeing him moderate again.

  16. Draybee says:

    Suppose for a moment that Ifill could be completely unbiased and nonpartisan in her performance Thursday night. It’s possible. Still, any decent journalist knows that even the appearance of bias is to be avoided. The classy thing would be for her to remove herself as debate moderator.

    I’m not holding my breath.

  17. LtDan says:

    How can anyone believe there was not some serious “influence” in getting this woman to moderate this debate?

    The worst part is the Left knows that we know, and they don’t care. Like every other legitimate, would-be Obama campaign-killing scandal, talk of this will fade in no time at all.

  18. LtDan says:

    I would love to see Palin open her debate remarks by congratulating Ifill on her book, making sure to include the title, which is “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.”

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