Welcome to the first TammyBlog live chat! Please make note of the rules, and have a good time. Expect, btw, the first 15 minutes or so of the debate to focus on the economic situation and the bailout and then we’ll get to foreign policy. Also, you can watch the debate online at the C-Span site. After the $700 billion Blank Check debacle, this debate should be especially interesting. President Bush has been an embarrassment throughout this process, and now what we have to deal with is limiting the damage he can do for the next four months. Re the debate, the Christian Science Monitor has 15 questions for this first debate.

So, now on to the Live Chat Rules, and I’ll see you in there : )

1) Please introduce yourself, post a “hello” comment and choose a nickname right away. This is important because the chatroom holds a limited number of people. This also means lurking “guests” will be removed (sorry) to make room for actual chat contributors. This only applies to the chatroom, of course. The rest of the blog is open for business as usual.

2) Please make your comments relevant to the debate. As the room fills up it’s going to get busy. If you want to have Off Topic discussions or private chats, please use the IM option for that person.

3) Moderators will ban trolls and anyone who probably even slightly irritates them. Trolls are people who make comments simply to irritate or inflame or harass the regular Peeps. I’m Italian and Irish and have no patience for trolls.

5) Ignore the pink color of the chatroom. I have no excuse, but it won’t happen again 🙂

7:42pm PT: All done. Thanks everyone. I had to remove the chatroom because it was overloading my blog! It was great having you join me. There were some technical issues related to the number of people trying to get in, and I wasn’t completely happy with the result, but we’ll have all those details worked out, and another provider for the Veep debate. Look forwardf to seeing you on Tammy Radio tomorrow.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. djd11 says:

    HOME BOY is an idiot

    And, he has devil ears

  2. Pathman says:

    good chat, good debate. Both were able to speak their mind. Keep doing this and let the voters decide.

  3. gritster says:

    Is anyone watching ABC news…what the hell is Martha raddatz wearing??? Is that a head covering?? WTF ?

  4. syd says:

    Oh noooo! I think we got cut off.

    Thank you, Tammy, for the forum.

  5. Colocelt says:

    That was awesome Tammy…. I still want you to come to Denver for a visit!

  6. dasche44 says:

    Chat was fun Tammy
    enjoyed it aside from a
    few troll blips

  7. KWH says:

    I thought it went very well.
    Tammy, if you want, I can help look for a chat program.

  8. Judy says:

    Am listening to the aftermath of the debates. Kissinger has spoken up to say that Obama misquoted him and he, Kissinger is not happy about it! Figures. No intergrity. Tonight was fun. Thanks for putting the chat room together. You’re the best!
    Judy in La Mirada

  9. artgal says:

    Well shucks – tried to get into the chat, but I guess I arrived too late.

    I was disappointed that McCain didn’t hammer Obama’s non-tax cut. That was crucial, I think, along with the current bail-out. Certainly McCain won on foreign policy, and he is right on spending cuts. He was also correct to point out Obama’s proposed tax increases. But he did not defend his own plan nor refute Obama’s criticisms very well.

    I had hoped McCain would have delivered something like this when Obama criticized his tax cuts ‘for the rich’:

    “My friends (heh heh, had to stick that in there, peeps!), my opponent wishes to play Robin Hood. The truth of the matter is the top 5% pay 94.7% of all taxes coming into Washington D.C. The 95% paying the remaining taxes are not getting a tax cut under my opponent’s plan. In reality, Senator Obama does not make a cut anywhere at all – only a tax increase on those already bringing in the vast sums of tax revenue into the treasury. It is the money that others have earned that will be taken and redistributed to those who have not earned it.

    “Senator Obama’s tax increases will make it possible for job loss, fewer job creations and a further decline in an economy that is already suffering at this very time. This translates to additional burdens on the middle class compounded by the inflation that will result. Conditions as these only serve to hurt ALL Americans and make it difficult for those struggling to rise above their current economic circumstances. This also fosters an environment of continued class warfare and exploitation by the very politicians who benefit from the pain they impose on the people.

    “That non-tax cut Senator Obama is promising you will eventually be eaten away in more taxation and higher prices overall. He has voted to raise taxes 94 times – that is hardly a move toward making it possible to extend opportunities to all.

    “Now, Senator Obama fails to understand that the money coming into Washington DC does not belong to him, his running mate nor anyone else in DC. It belongs to the people of this nation. Congress has yet to hold a bake sale in order to raise the funds to run various programs. Perhaps if it did, we would have been spared the current economic chaos. So as President, I will remove the programs that are failing this nation and wasting precious dollars. I will return that money to the people who earned it. Doing so will allow for more job growth, expansion of business and security of our nation’s free market economy. It will also ensure the checks and balances needed to keep the role of government minimal yet functional and on the side of the people.”

    His polling numbers would soar tremendously if he would have added:

    “In order to preserve our nation’s economic structure, I will appoint Artgal to teach the nation Economics 101 on CSPAN every Friday night. She is foregoing any pay whatsoever because she is putting her country first. Fox extended an invitation to her to teach America on their network, but her language far is more suited for alternative cable outlets.”

    All right everybody. I’ve got a Fat Tire brew to finish and some housework. Hopefully, I will catch the next chat.


  10. Tink says:

    Nothing very exciting, McCain is still the substance and Obama is still a poseur. Four things stick out in my mind.

    1-Obama’s HUGE lie at the beginning about how he tried to warn everyone about the coming crisis.

    2-Obama’s beyond pathetic “I’ve got a bracelet too” “uh, uh, uh” (can’t remember the name, so he has to look down) I almost fell off the couch. He is cold and empty.

    3-McCain took him to school on Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. I was proud of him.

    4-I was pulling my hair out with Obama calling McCain “John”. Ugh! Drove me nuts.

  11. Koka44 says:

    “Judy” perfect, beautiful, eloquant, and just well said. The AP driven story lines have given these “small” details an under the rug sweep so as to maintain mindless drone following of this guy. McCain needs to nail this stuff in detail and throw Barry up against the ropes with his “bottom up” savior BS- I mean philosophy.

  12. LongviewCyclist says:

    Fun chat. 🙂
    Hoping it happens more often.
    Nite nite.

  13. whitney says:

    Thank you for setting this up and the effort to do so. I couldn’t join in, due to my inability to figure it out; I’ll have to try for the VEEP debate; again, thanks for going thtough the effort to make this available to your audience. It’s really nice being a TB-peep.

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