Considering the extent of ACORN funny business, and if not challenged to the Supreme Court, it seems like a bunch of people have a lot of work to do in Ohio before November 4th. This is the result of a Republican lawsuit brought because the Secretary of State, a Democrat, didn’t seem particularly interested in dealing with what appears to be massive voter fraud in the state.

Federal Court Orders Ohio Election Officials To Verify Voters

A federal appeals court on Tuesday ordered Ohio’s top elections official to set up a system by the end of the week to verify new voters’ eligibility and make it available to Ohio’s 88 county election boards.

The full 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld a lower court’s ruling that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner must use other government records to check the thousands of new voters for registration fraud…Ohio Republicans sued Brunner, a Democrat.

“Her delay in providing this matching system leaves little time for election officials to act on questionable registrations,” Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett said Tuesday night. “Once again, Jennifer Brunner has wasted valuable taxpayer dollars only to have her partisan agenda rejected by a court of law. Her shameful actions to disenfranchise Republican absentee voters, block the transparency of early voting and refuse the proper verification of newly registered voters have rightfully damaged her credibility as a nonpartisan election administrator. She is destroying the public trust in Ohio’s elections system.” […]

Brunner argued that it would take two to three days to create the necessary computer programs, and that nothing in the Help America Vote Act required her to do what the district court ordered.

Tuesday’s order directs Brunner to verify new registrations by comparing information on them with the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles or the Social Security Administration.

Ah, the sweet, sticky smell of a Democrat committed to keeping our elections honest and fair. Now why wouldn’t she want to help that along, I wonder?

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    What sort of madhouse are we living in when it requires more documentation to rent a movie than it does to vote or take out a half-million dollar loan?

  2. ffigtree says:

    I don’t understand why “necessary computer programs” need to be created. Isn’t that stuff already accessible? How difficult can this be?

  3. snowcloud says:

    Talkin Horse, you are so right. I hadn’t realized that ACORN has been around for over 30 years. This would explain how the dems have gotten and held onto power over all these years. Is this what the commies meant by infiltrating from within? What a shame if we elect someone who has such a big hand in an operation like this. It will be the end of all fair elections as we know it.

  4. Brooke says:

    I’ll bet Brunner drags her feet the whole way… I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if those “necessary computer programs” somehow fail to work and just can’t be fixed in time…

  5. HALEY says:

    I live in Ohio and Jennifer Brunner is awful, awful, awful. I hope they get this cleared up before election day…without delays created by her. In fact, almost all of our leaders here in Cuyahoga County and are corrupt like that and they’re all Dems, which is why I’m voting straight Republican this year on everything. I just saw an article in The Plain Dealer last week entitled, “Vote the Dems Out of Office”…..right on!

  6. Los2000 says:

    Ok, the court ruled that the Ohio Secretary of State has to verify the voter registration. Something tells me she is just going to sit on her hands and do nothing. So what happens to her if she just ignores the court order? Do the voters automatically get thrown out? Does the 6th Circuit Court have any ability to enforce the order? What are the consequences if she does nothing?

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