And warns about the scandal that comes from the amount of money Obama is raising. And who is it that can absolutely make sure the Soros-Obama axis doesn’t purchase this election. Us and only us. Are you for sale? I didn’t think so, and John Kerry knows so. The Dems outspent Repubs in 2004 by $121 million dollars and that didn’t work, either.

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    The instant the Messiah turned down public financing of His campaign McCain should have been all over Him. But by waiting all these months until now McCain gives off the air of being a frantic, desperate candidate.

    This would have been a tough year to be a Republican no matter who was nominated, but McCain’s campaign has been mostly just plain awful, particularly since the convention.

  2. Maxine Weiss says:

    However, there is a question of why McCain waived private donations. I’m not clear on what it is he waived and why. Something about private vs public campaign financing over a certain amount, or some such? McCain kept his promise, but Obama didn’t. I need someone to explain that to me.

    It seems to me the only way to fight money is with money. And, although McCain keeping his promise, about taking certain campaign monies…. is honorable…was it a good strategy, at this point ? It’s nice to be frugal and make-do with less, especially in a bad-economy….but it doesn’t seem as competitive as he could be when the opponent is rolling in dough.

    Hillary went into debt trying to fight Obama. So, it’s nice that the same thing hasn’t happened to McCain. That’s a step in the right direction, I guess—not going into debt.

    But that’s why I’m saying we need to help Sarah Palin right now with a Palin for President 2012 Committee, even if McCain/Palin win the election.

    Palin’s going to need a major level of support, financial and otherwise if she is to run for President, and she must run in 2012 !!!!

  3. Pathman says:

    I have a hunch we have a lurking “silent majority”, keeping their cards close to the vest with the inflammatory remarks that have been made. Not many bumper stickers this year, and just a few yard signs. The hip area of town is Obama, the rural roads are McCain, but most have nothing. Palin gets great ratings for SNL, and is still drawing good crowds. McCain sounded good to me on Fox News Sunday. Talk radio, the internet and blogosphere. Just like Immigration Reform.

  4. NavajoSierra says:

    I agree with Maxine – it would be a really good idea to roll out a game plan for Palin for President 2012, no matter what happens this year!

  5. NavajoSierra says:

    I agree with Maxine – it would be a really good idea to roll out a game plan for Palin for President 2012, no matter what happens this year!

  6. Talkin Horse says:

    There’s another weird double standard going down here. Obama is actually bragging about the moneyed interests supporting him, such as Warren Buffett. Can you imagine a Republican saying, “You know I’m good because rich people support me.”? That’s the accusation Democrats always make against Republicans, because it’s supposedly a bad thing…or at least it’s bad when Republicans do it.

    You’ll recall that McCain bumbled into the Lincoln Savings fiasco many years ago, and this presumably made him sensitive to abuses of campaign finance. With his name on campaign finance “reform” legislation, he certainly feels some pressure to walk the walk.

    You would think this would leave Obama open to a charge of hypocrisy, or a challenge to the people not to allow him to renege on his pledge and buy the election. Presumably McCain’s team will try to showcase this fact and try to make it catch the public eye.

  7. ashleymatt says:

    Mwalimu Daudi, McCain WAS all over him at the time. Tammy talked about it too when it happened and covered the McCain campaign’s statements about it. The media was looking off in some other direction.

  8. Dave J says:

    Fortunately, it’s been proven that money alone can’t win you an election, unless I missed four years of the Ross Perot administration.

  9. ffigtree says:

    Talkn Horse, I agree. A surreal double standard going on. I think Americans are more like Joe the Plumber who have entrepreneurial dreams. Some may even consider running for public office but with Obama’s seemingly endless wealth, it certainly raises the bar and will keep the average Joe from attaining a public office.

    I thought campaign reform would put a stop to sky rocketing campaign donations but apparently The One has found some loopholes.

    From American Thinker: Stealing The Presidency: An Obama/ACORN Primer

  10. pat_s says:

    PBS is hawking a Video the Vote project. Judy Woodruff is cheerleading the effort making it sound like a fun day at the pumpkin patch. Note the partners of the project and you’ll understand what kind of videos they’ll be filtering for to feature on PBS.

  11. PeteRFNY says:

    Re: Pathman’s comments: I am amazed at how many polled voters (actual voters) are STILL showing up as “Undecided”. I’m starting to think that “Undecied” is just a code word for “I already know, but I’m not telling you”. We are going to be shocked one way or the other on Nov. 4.

  12. HALEY says:

    I have always thought that some of the Messiah’s money comes from the Middle East. I think it probably gets filtered through organizations here in the U.S. like the NAACP.

    No matter what…the Messiah is a fraud, a scam, a loser, an idiot, a liar, corrupt, a communist, EVERYTHING America does NOT deserve!

  13. snowcloud says:

    He could spend all the money in the world, but it can’t buy the American peoples’ trust.

  14. esperanza4 says:

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. Hard to come
    by these days.
    2. McCain is talking tougher, finally. As much as I disagree w/Obama, I give him credit for running a much better campaign than the
    GOP candidates, grassroots to donors, to # of rallies.
    They’re running a tight ship, and it’s infectious.
    3. Let Sarah be Sarah! She’s the saving grace in
    this….classy, strong, and vocal on the right topics. Keep it up Palin!
    4. McCain has about 10 days to light a fire under a disgruntled base, and Americans who are
    waffling under the new newsbits about Obama…those hidden from them to date.
    5. It ain’t all Bush and the economy, if it was,McCain-Palin would be 30 points down. McCain
    has room to fight back….but, does he have the
    might to do it in a small timeframe?

    Bush has been proven right on
    so many things…even with all his mistakes (see Colin Powell as one more). The guy
    has an approval rating 4 times higher than the Democratic Congress about to
    be given a bigger majority –
    for failing.
    6. Family Guy episode where Seth McFarlane, Obama
    supporter, wrote in a bit about a Nazi soldier
    uniform bearing a McCain-Palin button. Almost
    as lame as the Brothers and Sisters show where
    liberal Rob Lowe who is married to liberal Calista
    Flockhart, and they play Republicans! Who are
    now hiring the gay liberal brother-in-law to
    be his chief of staff! Yeah…that’s reality.

  15. Shawmut says:

    It’s too late to stop Baraq/Soros from buying the election. The warranty’s expired. We can’t sue because of freedom of the press and ACORN (as a federal subsidy) are above the law.
    BUT: Haven’t we seen a violation of a freedom a violation of civil rights. The press is a freedom that as violated itself.
    ACORN has been linked to the material misrepresention of financial documents which has profited or advanced criminal elements.
    So, let’s add it all up. Civil Rights. Corruption. RICO.
    REVOLUTION that will mean something might save us from becoming a country that has come to mean nothing.

  16. daredevilaccordian says:

    OK, I won’t given up until Nov. 5, but in preparation for the unthinkable, I am submitting now that I am ready to join Le Resistance. It is time now to start stopping this as soon as we can, and it will be important to start now to affect the 2010 Congressional elections… any ideas?

  17. snowcloud says:

    Daredevilaccordian and SHawmut, I agree. I see a Revolution happening or a new Civil War if they try to take our freedoms. American have bled and died for these freedoms these communist leftists are just drooling at the idea of stripping them from us. I have never been so scared of my country and I never thought I’d live to see this. We need to organize. Us conservatives need to band together. They are coming for us.

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