I was pleasantly surprised, just prior to the election, to be asked by the editor of “The Advocate,” a gay magazine, to provide a letter to the new president. I was asked for letters to each, and they would publish the one for the victor. So, my Letter to Obama has appeared. I am one of 17 gays and lesbians who participated in the section and provided the one letter that wasn’t a swooning homage to The One.

As you can imagine, up until now the gay press hasn’t exactly gone out of its way to present alternative POVs to the gay community especially when it comes to politics. When that happens people get the false impression that everyone, remarkable in a certain group, all think the same. I’ve always found this comfort with conformity in the gay community disheartening and certainly hypocritical.

So I wasn’t surprised at all to find on the Advocate’s website comments on my article that were vicious, misogynistic and even somewhat threatening. Even just one letter of dissent is apparently too much for a community which demands acceptance from everyone else. I also know because moderate or conservative POVs are not usually offered by the gay press, moderate and conservatives gays simple don’t read magazine’s like The Advocate, leaving a ghetto readership of leftists and liberals, hence, the malevolence in the response to my article.

Keep in mind, the hate coming from the anti-hate, liberal, tolerant Gay Gestapo as I term it is also meant to send a message to anyone else who might dare to not conform, so I’m asking that you submit a comment to help send a message to young people who read this that many people, gay and straight, do think differently and it’s okay. Starting with my first book “The New Thought Police” (7 years ago now!) I’m determined that we make sure that no gestapo makes it too dangerous or threatening to speak out. This is especially important for minorities and all of us who think freedom of expression, being different and the importance of individualism aren’t just slogans for the latest protest or banner.

The editors of The Advocate should be praised for being willing to include a conservative POV in this article. Let’s make sure they’re not frightened away from doing so again by a bunch of Thought Police thugs.

Letters to President-elect Obama: Tammy Bruce

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Figlio Perduto says:

    Comment submitted. Great article Tammy. Good to see a conservative point of view where it isn’t wanted by the vast majority, but desperately needed. Big on The Advocates part as well.

  2. Kelly says:

    Well said, Tammy. I made my sentiments known over at the site and it looks like many other peeps have as well. Gay and straight alike need to know that gays and lesbians aren’t a monolith. You make this lesbian very proud.

  3. Actually, I thought you were pretty soft on The One. Though I’m sure if you had really gone for the KO, like for instance reminding them that both Obama and Biden are against gay marriage, we’d soon be seeing your effigy hanging from a house in WeHo.

    I’ve had repeated discussions recently with both gay and straight liberals over the Prop 8 witch hunts and my displeasure with the boycotts and blacklists but time and time again, my views are condescendingly dismissed as internalized homophobia.

    As with black Republicans, we gay and lesbian conservatives are merely self-loathing cretins whose opinions should be ridiculed and mocked at every opportunity.

    If my fellow industry conservatives think they have it bad, just try being a gay Hollywood conservative who is pro-life and supports traditional marriage. I am a virtual pariah.

  4. radargeek says:

    I read your article and thought you made legitimite points whether you’re gay or straight, but an american citizen. I believe the problem with the left’s definition of “diversity” is that the left believes that a certain minority group should all believe the same. They should be lock-step with each other. The left believes that this diversity is the “strength” of America. But, I believe, it is the “diversity of ideas” that made this nation great! Most nations or governments without the diversity of ideas will or have fallen. That is the strength of a nation! You know, back in the day, liberalism used to be the guidon bearers of individualism. They believed in the strength of individual thought and work. They used to shun collectivism because they believed it lead to facism or communism. But today, I have to say they are “stripped” from wearing that honor and are now no better that the facist or communist! DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT IS GREATER THAT DIVERSITY OF COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGN, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, ETC. Diversity of thought transcends these superficial human catigories. With BO, we are going to see more of this collectivism weekness.

  5. storytold says:

    Tammy,they called you a pig! Is that a common word in the gay community? But hey I loved your article. Well written and thought out. Brava!

  6. marleed says:

    I couldn’t disagree with a word of your letter. I’m a bit puzzled why it would have upset other gays as I don’t see BHO and his traveling salvation show as a gay/straight issue. But since I only have a half dozen or less gay friends (at least that I’m aware of), I may not have a good grasp of gay issues. So while I can understand why liberal readers of the Advocate might get their panties in a bunch over your letter because your philosophy is largely conservative … I can’t see that you being gay or a feminist ought to exacerbate their anger. I’ve seen evidence that it is so, and you’ve certainly indicated that it is so, but it makes no sense to me. Call me “confused”.

    OH WELL! The letter was beautifully written and I second everything you said. I hope the President-elect reads it!

  7. palin2012 says:

    Comment submitted: I am a lesbian and a conservative. It is refreshing to have someone with a voice for those of us who don’t stand screaming in the streets. Read her books – get another perspective people. Thanks to the Advocate for printing her article; I would probably read it more often if there were more than one voice heard. Keep up the good work Tammy.

  8. SlimFemme says:

    I thought it was a well written and articulate. You provided examples of why you were concerned about his presidency. Too bad the majority of Advocate readers are unable to think for themselves.

    These are the same people who are setting Gay Rights back with their obscene anti-intellectual antics. You are one of the few openly gay public commentators who has integrity to speak an alternative view. For that I consider you to be a role model. And believe me, I don’t consider too many people, outside my family, as role models. Keep up the good work.

  9. Chuck says:

    Excellent letter, Tammy. Good job in articulating our concerns about Mr. Obama’s presidency and what he represents.

    It would’ve been interesting to read the letters that the other contributors wrote for Mr. McCain, had he won the election. Certainly, not the kind and supportive type as those written to That One; but rather the kind of the far left, with bile spewing starting from the first sentence.

    The hypocrisy of the left is so blatant and so predictable, that if they were not dangerous they would be a joke.

    Keep fighting the good fight.

  10. Raven_Prince65 says:

    Just wanted to say I support you and agree with you 100%. I am also a Lesbian ICON..and my gay and lesbian friends always say that I’m just wrong with my political views. Thank you-

  11. wilson says:

    Short, sweet, and direct. Perfect.

  12. RobCon says:

    Bravo Tammy.! Here is my two cents on The Avocate comment page:

    “Thank you for publishing Tammy Bruce and giving us a breath of fresh air from all the feverish Obama worship which is quickly becoming rather creepy.
    I think the American gay community has built up enough confidence in itself now to break down another closet door and start accepting gays and lesbians who hold a very different political point of view.
    It is tragically ironic that a free thinking independant lesbian like Ms. Bruce is welcomed and admired in conservative circles yet often is hated and rejected among so-called tolerant progressives in the gay community.
    It is people exactly like Ms. Bruce who will win over conservative straights when it comes to issues like gay marriage provided she gets a crumb of tolerance from gays and lesbians who realize they will not turn into a pumpkin if they hear thoughts they disagree with sometimes.
    Please continue to be a brave publication and have Ms. Bruce provide regular contributions to these pages.

  13. Libby says:

    I just read your letter to BO in the Advocate and it was perfect. I am another conservative lesbian who is Not happy that BO is President. Thanks for taking the heat and posting the truth. Everyday I pray more people will open their eyes to what is going on here, before it is too late.

  14. I wanna thank everyone on this site. For the first time, I have been a victim of the gay pc police.
    I was on a lesbian website and I made a comment about a 70-year-old woman in all leather and a whip at last year’s pride. It was so short and tight, I called it “nasty.”

    Well, I have now been reported to the site’s moderator for being homophobic, anti-woman, classist, ageist, offensive, and anti-leather. One commentator called me fat, while another one said she had no problem with public nudity in front of kids.

    I feel horrible. Maybe that was the intent.
    Anyone want the link to the site I can send…maybe you can point out if I am being homophobic and anti-woman…I’m really confused now…


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