And decided giving back some of their bonuses might not be a bad idea after all. Giving it all back is the obvious final step. Maybe they need a little more tea 😉

Some AIG executives return bonuses

Three-fourths of the top recipients of $165 million in bonuses handed out to executives at American International Group Inc. have agreed to give the money back, according to a media report late Monday. The online edition of The Wall Street Journal, citing New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, reported that 15 of the top 20 recipients agreed to return bonuses amounting to some $30 million in cash. Cuomo said he sees no public interest in revealing names of AIG employees who received the bonuses. News of the hefty AIG bonuses paid out to employees at a failed firm being propped up by government aid spurred widespread outrage earlier this month.

BTW, AIG has changed it’s name. Sorta like calling toxic assets “legacy loans.” Mr. Orwell would be proud.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    I think George would be even more proud of the Pigs in the administration who are soooo much more equal than any of the rest of us.

    Change indeed.

    If you dont understand read *ANIMAL FARM* its avery short book – but chock full of truth about Marxsists/Kyensians.

  2. Dave J says:

    The AIG bonuses are a distraction. Congress would LOVE us to all be mad at the bankers, rather than at them. Thus far, this appears to have largely worked. The outrage is not the bonuses: the outrage is the ongoing wholesale nationalization of the economy.

  3. Deuce Geary says:

    If I were an AIG executive that got one of these bonuses, I’d keep every penny, then SPEND half of it digging up dirt on these grandstanding congressmen and senators, most of whom have received perks that would make an AIG bonus look like a modest tip, and the other half on a lawsuit invalidating whatever BS law they pass to try to take it from me.

    These folks are OWED these bonuses. In fact, “bonus” is a misleading term. These were really just deferred compensation. Only one installment was performance-based. And they deserve that one, too, if they met the performance targets.

  4. Dave J says:

    “…the other half on a lawsuit invalidating whatever BS law they pass to try to take it from me.”

    It’s so blatantly unconstitutional you wouldn’t need to spend that much. If I were in private practice, I’d take it pro bono, or for a very modest fee.

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