
The beginning of Independent Tammy Radio

**Bumped up for for Laura Ingraham listeners. This post is from June 6th, but I wanted to provide some background on the availability of Tammy Radio podcasts.**

Many of you, like me, have grown increasingly frustrated by the pre-emption of my show in Los Angeles for Dodgers baseball in the summer, as well as the disturbing increase of political correctness weighing down the talk radio industry in particular. We all know with B. Hussein Obama’s War on America this is only going to increase. So, beginning on June 6, I’ve decided to take Tammy Radio Weekend independent (the weekday show remains in the same format and time) with podcast and worldwide stream broadcasting. This means you will still get the same Saturday program but via podcast in addition to the internet stream. Many of you have already turned to the stream as your preferred medium, and you’ll still be able to get the show in that forum, but now you will also be able to download the program to listen at your convenience.

If you are a weekend terrestrial affiliate listener, such as our friends who listen via KABC or WMAL or KDOX, this will have the biggest impact on you, but a good one. While you will no longer be able to access the weekend show on terrestrial affiliates on June 6 you will now be able to download the show into your ipod or MP3 player and listen whenever you like, or still listen to the show live on web hub Talk Stream Live. It’s that simple.

This change also allows me to more freely speak my mind. I already do a lot of that but being independent means there will be no FCC and no Liberal Gestapo threats to hinder what must be said about the problems and menaces our great nation faces. Of course in order for this to succeed I will need your support more than ever.

We’re putting the finishing touches on the technical aspects so we’d like you to sign up now so we can send out the announcement with specific details as soon as they’re ready.

Please click on this link and submit your email, which will not be sold or given to any third parties, it will be for Tammy Peep announcements only, including alerts regarding the Tammy radio, television and book projects. By signing up you will be the first to receive podcast details and receive a special thank you perk thing, too. As soon as I decide what that will be 😉

Thanks everyone. This is a big step for me and I hope you’ll all join me for the ride!

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. terrence says:

    Not a fan of sports radio (don’t they have their own stations!) especially when it (KABC) constantly preempted the one last remaining worthwhile local voice on what has otherwise become a station run by the Marx bros’s (McIntyre, Rantel) now that the venerable Sage (Larry Elder) has left.

    Nevertheless, will sorely miss listening to you live.


    • whitneymuse says:

      BTW, folks in Arizona, please do consider some other person running for Senate in Arizona, too; rather than once again running that “Yosemite Sam” Fellah, and his “nice” bow to Barkey…and Yosemite Sam’s McCain-Kennedy immigration bill don’t forget. I live in CA and did my duty and voted the (R) ticket; even though it had Yosemite Sam (aka, John McCain) on it; what was the theme song, ?…hold your nose and vote for McCain…? but he doesn’t need to go back to the Senate, in 2010, IMHO….We have idiots like that in the House like Mary Bono who voted for the Cap and Trade bill; I even called and wrote her on her website; as have a winter residence in Palm Desert….Have my cross to bear also.

  2. ashleymatt says:


    You will still be able to listen to Tammy live on Saturdays, just on the Internet stream instead of the radio. And the Saturday show will be earlier, 12 noon to 2 PM, starting out.

  3. Kelly says:

    I think this is great, Tammy. I’ve been away for a bit and I’ve missed your wit and insight. Online is the future of all media and what you’re doing puts you definitely ahead of the pack and on the cutting edge.

    Cheers to you and this exciting new phase.

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