Here’s a message from the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action regarding California’s move to restrict sales of ammunition. Senate Bill 962 also includes plans to invade privacy and essentially make the 2nd Amendment irrelevant. Sure, the Supreme Court recognizes we have a right to bear arms, liberals just want to make sure we can’t get ammo for those firearms.


Bill to Restrict Ammunition Sales Takes a Step Forward
Please Contact the Senate Appropriations Committee!

Earlier today [7/7/09], the Senate Public Safety Committee passed Assembly Bill 962. The bill now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration. No hearing date has been scheduled.

AB962, sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be kept in dealers’ records and subject to inspection by the Department of Justice. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.

Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose AB962.


State Senator Christine Kehoe (D-39), Chair
(916) 651-4039

State Senator Dave Cox (R-1), Vice-Chair
(916) 651-4001

State Senator Ellen Corbett (D-10)
(916) 651-4010

State Senator Jeff Denham (R-12)
(916) 651-4012

State Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-7)
(916) 651-4007

State Senator Loni Hancock (D-9)
(916) 651-4009

State Senator Mark Leno (D-3)
(916) 651-4003
[email protected]

State Senator Jenny Oropeza (D-28)
(916) 651-4028

State Senator George Runner (R-17)
(916) 651-4017

State Senator Mimi Walters (R-33)
(916) 651-4033

State Senator Lois Wolk (D-5)
(916) 651-4005

State Senator Mark Wyland (R-38)
(916) 651-4038

State Senator Leland Yee (D-8)
(916) 651-4008

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. barenakedislam says:

    Well, if you think that’s bad, look at the new restrictions the Iraqis are placing on the purchase of suicide vests:

  2. Maynard says:

    The California legislature is constantly looking for ways to tighten the noose on private firearms, one step at a time. It’s the old lobster-in-the-pot trick, inexorably creeping towards that glorious day when law-abiding people are disarmed and all power is held by the State (and of course the criminals, who favor these policies for reasons that should be obvious enough). We’ve got to oppose this sort of creeping fascism, but honestly I’m not sure how…we’re busy earning a living and otherwise getting on with our lives, whereas our legislature is working to screw us 24/7.

  3. mpresley says:

    California is lost. Generally speaking, I do not buy anything at all if the label says California on it, mostly due to these types of shenanigans. On the other hand, I recently purchased a rather industrial looking 9mm pistol. Due to the large capacity magazine, the case sported a warning sticker: Not Legal in California. THAT was a selling point, for me.

  4. MRFIXIT says:

    I’ve been a pest to these people for a year over this. They don’t want to here from me. The staffers are snippy with me like the CNBC lady arguing with the teaparty partier. They even ask if I’m a resident of the reps district, like I can’t be heard if I can’t vote for XYZ. Well maybe I can’t vote for some of them, but I can contribute to their opposition. I used to love living here, now I plan my exit strategy.

  5. thomaslhill says:

    I am not an attorney (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn express last month), however one could argue that the spirit of the 2nd amendment was to bear loaded arms. Do they really expect Americans to believe that the founding fathers wanted Americans to bear non-loaded arms.
    I go through 50 rounds over the course of a weekend at the Lake City shooting range.

    • c4400 says:

      If the founding fathers expected us to defend ourselves with unloaded rifles, they would have put in the right to bear clubs. But hey, I’m not a scholar or historian or anything, I’m just a thinker.

  6. Carol says:

    I guess I’m OK because I have only a small revolver that my grandfather gave me, and no bullets. I had one, but my brother fired it at the ground several years ago when he came across it while helping me move. He was like, “Oh was that your only bullet?”. You’d probably have to know my brother to find that amusing, sorry.

  7. c4400 says:

    Well, guess who’s in the market for a firearm and more than 50 rounds now? Thanks, CA….

  8. eMVeeH says:

    Maybe this is the first step in disarming the general public. If the current government ever decided that the people have become “unruly” or “unpatriotic [i.e. tax protesters],” and thus ungovernable, they would need to send out the troops to restore “order.” I don’t think the military would attack the people if given the order. However, what better scenario in which to put the [d]Ear Leader and the Ballerina’s personal praetorians to the test: on an armed public that has no bullets.

    Just in case you forgot about Obama’s warning that we, “cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Check out this reminder:

    How much you wanna bet that the only ones permitted the “right to bear arms” will be the members of Obama’s Storm Troopers? Wake up folks, there’s historical precedence here: Tyrannical governments have used youth and civilian groups to keep the people “in check.” Methods may be different but it’s nothing new.

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