Amazing, isn’t it?

But now we know B. Hussein Obama’s Pharma Company Major Donors are getting a little payback for all that campaign cash last year! Yep, those pharmaceutical companies liked Urkel best of all and their reward has arrived. Specifically, Congress approved $7.7 billion to confront the Mildly Uncomfortable Not Even Remotely As Dangerous As the Regular Seasonal Flu Scourge, with another $1 billion committed just a day or so ago. But, oh yeah, Urkel’s mob isn’t even sure Americans are going to get the so-called vaccine. After we spend $8.7 billion on it.

“There’ll be another $1 billion worth of orders placed to get the bulk ingredients for an H1N1 vaccination. Congress has agreed with the president that this is the number one priority, keeping Americans safe and secure,” Sebelius said on CNN.

Sebelius has said plans were on track for a mid-October vaccination program, although it was not certain Americans would be offered the vaccine for the so-called swine flu.

Oh, that’s right. We very well may send this experimental “vaccine” to be used on poor children from poor countries whose parents are so poor they don’t have the power to refuse their incompetent and usually totalitarians governments order to have an unproven, probably deadly chemical injected into their children. Make no mistake, though, if they can shoot it into American kids, too, all the better. And boy, I’m sure Urkel’s Mob can’t wait to see if you’ll lineup your kids with their arms out and veins open simply because The Once says Pretty Please.

Now I’m not going to tell you how to raise your kids, nor am I a doctor (but I would smile if you called me Dr. Tammy every now and then 😉 ) so I’ll just tell you what I would do if I had kids–I wouldn’t let them near this crap and I would make my concern and rejection of this scam clear to the school and other parents. I’m just sayin’.

Oh, and I do have some suggestions for a proven vaccine/treatment for many a flu illness: wash your hands regularly; if you’re concerned about the flu, avoid large crowds and major events; don’t let your children play with sick children; if your kid is sick, keep him home; if you’re sick stay home, get some rest and take care of yourself.

I know, radical.

(HT for the inspirational pic above).

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. 1elder1 says:

    Ok, Kiddies/Peeps and various and sundry United States of Tammy readers!

    Dr. Tammy will make house calls if you DO get the flu and have no vacine shots for you or the children. She brings an Italian version of Jewish Chicken Soup called WEDDING SOUP to keep you from starving that flu too much.

    Stay in bed or stay in reading your new $5 membership to the USOT. It will be all you are capable of doing when any flu hits you. Even if you get the shots you may still get a mild case of the flu. Either way we will want a visit from Dr. Tammy WelbyBruce.

  2. haley2222 says:

    Very wise suggestions, Dr. Tammy. Washington would be perplexed for weeks, maybe even months, by your brilliantly simple, logical, preventative and free solution to the problem.

  3. navajosierra says:

    This is why I subscribe to Tammy blog – to get the real news! And, I agree with haley222, thank you for the solution to H1N1; I too am convinced that the regular, annual flu is a far worse threat than H1N1, but hey when you can invent reality to suit your control needs, I am sure that is way more fun! I long for the day when the truth of Urkel is OUT in the open and people finally get it!

  4. MRFIXIT says:

    I got a mandatory Swine flu shot in 1977. The universtity made us get one wether we wanted it or not. They gave us a card that we had to take to the Registrar to show we had recieved the shot. There was an “opt-out” for those under 21, but your parents had to write a letter requesting that you not recieve the shot.

    I agree that this is payback. Vaccine makers just about went under during the Clinton administration. They were getting hammered by lawsuits and jury awards for claims that could not be definitively supported or refuted. Clintons answer was to buy all the unused vaccines after the end of the season, based on the fact that market-wise it’s a real crapshoot for the vaccine companies. They have to guess how many people will get flu shots, and if the flu is mild in the early going, lots of people won’t bother. Then there’s the little matter of just plain blowing it, and having an ineffective vaccine. A few news reports about people getting the flu despite the flu shot and your’re cooked. Clinton saw this as the major source of losses, not the lawsuits, so here we are. There used to be 7 domestic manufacturers of vaccines, now there are two. Soon they will only be available from China — and they’re not going to stick me with that.

  5. thierry says:

    if ever there was an evil empire it’s the pharmaceutical industry- and most of the larger one’s are linked to industrial food and agriculture . just whisper the word ‘ Monsantos’ in the bulk herb aisle of your local food co-op and watch the neohippies and enivronazis start convulsing and foaming at the tofu hole as if you sprayed agent orange on them. GM crops anyone?

    if you know anything about they way drugs are approved by the FDA you’d never so much as take an aspirin without grave misgivings. most fda employees get the golden you know what from companies like monsantos the second they leave public office- a fact the far left has no problem pointing out when the hack is a republican but i have never heard a peep in critique of hello urkel-o getting the majority of the chemical-pharmo blood money.

    it’s worth noting that small pox was eradicated through force. certainly small pox is a different beast as compared to flu, however when the government controls the health care ‘choices’ of it’s citizens- what’s to keep them from forcing us to comply to anything politicians and drug companies deem necessary for the public good.

  6. robertgraham61 says:

    Mrs. Peel, we’re needed….

    Let me tell you this story that has been handed down throughout our family’s history. When I was very young, I saw an old photograph of five children and three adults sitting on a porch steps. All had their eyes closed and looked to be distorted and somewhat multi-colored resembling a clown’s make-up. I was told these were my great uncle, uncles, aunts and other grandmother. I came upon this photograph incidently and was not to have viewed it. When I was older, it was explained to me that the people in the photograph were dead. They died in April of 1918 of the great flu pandemic in Scotland. It was very common to have your loved ones photographed when they died. My grandfather was wealthy. He was a working superintendent and owner of a coal mine outside of Motherwell, Scotland.. In a span of 48 hours he lost his wife, five of his seven children, his mother and brother, who were co-owners. My grandfather and two of his children did not have any effects of the flu. The flu had effected most of Great Britain, and as a precaution orderd the mine closed for at least two weeks as to not spread the flu. Because of this decision, he made sure that the almost 200 men who worked in his mine could make purchases on credit backed by him so their families could survive. He also payed for the services of the three Doctors in the vincinity who would eventually aid the families and workers themselves if the flu effected them. Ironically, only the eight members of our family died in that part of of Motherwell. My Grandmother was a school teacher who taught the Graham children. My grandfather and her became close. Because he had given away so much in the weeks that the mine closed, he could barely make it anywhere as profitable as it was. He took on a partner,and with dignity chose to take his two children and his ‘housekeeper’ to America. They arrived here in 192o. They married and had a moderately successful life.

    The most astonishing thing about my grandfather and his common trek to America, his partner was William Gannet, who eventually bought out my grandfather and the mine began one of England’s most successful power companys. Although my grandfather died in 1951 long before I was born , according to my Father, he left it behind because he loved my grandmother and felt her dignity was far more inportant than any amount of money. And the pain of losing his wife and children was too great. I’m glad he did.

  7. kimcliftrn says:

    You could not have said that any better Tammy! I would not allow any of my Family close to this vaccine. Avoid Crowds, wash hands after being around people. No chuckie cheese for the kids, take them for walk outside or go fishing. Better Yet teach them how to hunt and shoot a gun. Get Away Get outside!

  8. paladin says:

    Don’t over look the obvious – Population Control!

    A bad batch of vaccine from China could easily kill couple hundred thousand people before it was it was traced as the source. Last year it took the CDC 9 months to trace the cause of salmonella in tomatoes… Oh that’s right – they never found the cause.

    Mandatory vaccination is on the drawing board, for either this year or next…

    This would not be the first time that a suggested mandatory vaccination was decreed by government, but it will be the first time that the Patriot Act could exercise it’s power where there will be NO EXCEPTIONS! (can you imagine the horrors of trying to enforce it)

    I could be misreading this, but I doubt it…..
    According to the guidelines within the Patriot Act – the Government has the following power:

    * At the State level those who refuse will be classified as felons, subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine of indefinite length in jails or other facilities.
    * At the Federal level those who refuse could be and most likely will be subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine for indefinite length of time, probably in FEMA camps, you know the ones that don’t exist across the US.

    Once the Executive Decision is signed by the President, you will either get the shot or get locked up! Either way, your sorry ass will belong to the government and if you are one of those Right Wing, Gun Totting, Veteran, Patriotic, Christian Extremists, get your affairs in order, the objective is to silence you – one way or the other!

  9. Laura says:

    Yes and those 500,000 FEMA coffins are for those AFTER receiving the lethal vaccine

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