Fishy HistoryA post by Maynard

Headline: White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’.

Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama’s administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.

The “public option” was an obvious Trojan Horse, with the intention of driving alternatives out of business, leaving only a “public option” that was anything but optional.

I’m not yet ready to pop the champagne, but this would suggest the threat of government control over our personal health options is diminished.

I think most of us agree that there are problems with health care that could be reasonably addressed by prudent and limited government policy…which is the polar opposite of that controlled place to which Obama insists on dragging us. Is the man capable of letting go of his goal of absolute power, which was almost within his grasp? I wouldn’t count on it. As a better man once put it, with respect to a situation in which he was negotiating with treacherous opposition: “Trust, but verify.”

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. kkishwat says:

    “Trust, but verify, indeed!” Don’t believe it for a minute….

  2. ancientwrrior says:

    This guy is an arrogant cockroach who always runs away when ever a light is turned on him.

  3. Don’t worry, Maynard, the Dems and B. Hussein Obama are just pulling a ‘little Lenin’ on us. We are just slipping into the NEP period for now…

  4. bbgreco says:

    Ha! I would not trust them with a trillion, they will be going at it again when they think that the water is smooter.

  5. ChrisL says:

    Nope… don’t ever trust another Democrat. Not in our lifetime. And don’t let up. I agree with Tammy, there is no room for compromise on this “health care” power grab. I won’t be satisfied until this collectivist dream is ended, and Obama, who should become America’s last Democrat president of this century, is out of office. Yes, “problems with health care [insurance] …could be reasonably addressed by prudent and limited government policy…”. Government hands off policy; personal health savings accounts combined with privately purchased catastrophic health insurance coverage; risk pool for insurance purchasers with pre-existing conditions (exactly like we have in NYS for car insurance. Companies are required to accept risky drivers if they want to be allowed to sell insurance here. The risk pool premiums are high of course, but still limited and worth the cost. And with catastrophic care only insurance, it would become so much more affordable that the loss of a job or other hardship circumstances would reduce the incidents of people needing to shop for new insurance while having a pre-existing condition. They would more easily maintain the coverage they originally had. I know I would – I’ve done it.); open interstate borders for insurance competition; health care vouchers and/or subsidized neighborhood clinics for children of the poor; same neighborhood clinics with reduced but required cash fees for adult working poor (no free ride for anyone, there’s no excuse for being destitute in this country other than severe mental illness or physical disability, which could also be treated by the low rent clinics and existing state hospitals); one way ticket home for illegals who show up at the ER… all the big problems can actually be solved quite easily, and with a smaller tax payer expediture than anyone imagines.

  6. joydbrower says:

    Skepticism is definitely in order, but we can hope, can’t we? From all our minds, hearts & lips to God’s ears!!! If the so-called “public option” is, indeed, removed (or seriously emasculated), that would make a huge difference in how people feel. But, as you intimate, until we see the whole enchilada, keep the powder dry & the champagne on ice….

  7. Pat_S says:

    They’ll just “reform” private insurance right out of business.

    Love the fishy rumors, Maynard.

  8. morecowbell says:

    No compromises…. not with these clowns in charge. Time to swamp the FED mail servers… type, type, type.. NO ! … send. Rinse and Repeat.

    Just saying…. I am the party of NO.

  9. jondavid says:

    Not backing down … Obama has Op-Ed in Sunday’s NYT … Again not backing down from deathcare … New spin … Health Reform

    Also watched Sebelius on ABC This Weekend … She is not giving up on Deathcare … Playing with words … Again calling it Reform Plan … Also,they all were trashing Palin throughout the show … Which means she did have an effect … A major one!!! Palin … Facebook … type, type, type … Send … Love it

    IMHO if not for Sarah … RHINOs would have already make a deal with Obama & Dems on Deathcare .. still trying to.

  10. lawmom90 says:

    Remember, this is the same man who either stated in a speech during the campaign or at a debate with John McCain that he was going to propose that Americans get the same health coverage as Congress does. Or was that Hillary? Anyway, they LIED.

  11. Artgal says:

    The Obama administration is nowhere near ready to give up on a public option. No, it’s time to manipulate the language and dress the ‘insurance cooperatives’ as a more palatable solution. Nope, not gonna have ‘public option’ – so we’ll just change the name of it and everybody will be happy.

    I understand that Dems have 4 different variations of a healthcare bill. Though I don’t believe they expected us to be as ticked off as we are, they seem ready to pull a rabbit out of a hat at any time.

    Obama is NOT backing down! The ‘insurance co-op’ now being proposed is little more than the public option slowed down. It is portrayed as a non-federal co-op that will ‘initially require’ 3-4 million in federal spending – meaning that over time, more $ will be required, and even though the federal government will not be in control of it (…), Kathleen Sebelius said it will not go into the full control of the free market either. Of course not! Then that means it would not be in federal control at all!

    So this next move is designed to continue the forward march into government hellcare, but a little bit slower and without all that pesky ‘public option’ language. It’s still a measure to get the government bacteria into our healthcare so it can grow and infect the entire system with, ultimately, the public option virus.

    Though it’s nice to see the administration being in a position where it HAS to at least back away from it’s original plan, don’t think for one moment it’s over. The nice thing is this: Sarah Palin won! She’s done something NO other Obama opponent has managed to do: She called them out on it, didn’t apologize or back away and she kept on hammering and it only took a couple facebook posts!

    So, Obama, the congressional mob, media & GOP balless wonders – take that you arrogant shmucks! You just got your sagging a**es kicked by an American chick – and the next American president!

  12. jeweytunes says:

    This is a polititical version of “Victor/Victoria” — a Trojan horse pretending to be a red herring pretending to be a Trojan Horse.

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