And why I am honored, and grateful, to be an American.

The following is video of a Marine confronting Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) who compared Townhall Patriots of “brown shirt tactics” and compared them to a “lynch mob.” He eventually apologized, but here he learned who makes this country great, strong, and free, and it’s not politicians.

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19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. TammyChicago says:

    OMG! I love the hell out of this clip. Libs just love free speech until it bites them
    in the ass.

  2. JamesKrewson says:

    That guy should run for Congress.

  3. 1elder1 says:

    This guy is freaking me out…..What is his name.?…I nominate him for VP under Governor Palin. lol
    Then he walks back and kisses his wife who is holding their baby? PRICELESS!
    I am going to put this on my site.
    Right now I have up Anne Harpen’s new u-tube .

    *New SONG for the times by @anneharpen Check this video out — Anne Harpen-Walk The Streets In Anger

  4. Maynard says:

    The ironic point is that people like Pelosi and Baird can only get away with that sort of name-calling when it’s a lie and they know it. Try tossing those insults in the face of real Nazis and they’ll kill you. That’s why people like this Marine can be treated with contempt, but Islam is a “religion of peace” and nobody dares publish a picture of Mohammad.

  5. mrcarter says:

    Makes me swell all up and pull my shoulders back and hold my chin up again.
    How about you?

  6. kwebb says:

    This is up there in the top 5 town hall meeting videos for our side. I hope this clip goes national. We all need to keep the fight up until the enemy is defeated and the war is won. This man is a leader and example setter. When you get the opportunity do what this marine did; take it and deliver the truth.


  7. jupaczyn says:

    Fantastic! Why aren’t guys like this running for office? We need leaders who will actually honor their oaths, defend the Constitution and call it like they see it. All of the footage of the Town hall meetings has really given me hope and renewed my faith in the American people, well… most of the American people anyway; it has also made abundantly clear the Americans we need to watch out for. Fortunately there seem to be far more Patriots than poltroons.

  8. Pangborn says:

    Like this stalwart young marine I would like to ask each and every elected official, jurist and representative who has sworn to preserve and defend our besieged Constitution whether or not he or she fully grasps the gravity of his or her fiduciary responsibility to uphold this blessed Republic’s guaranteed freedoms, let alone be faithful stewards of the seized share of our meager earnings in these hardscrabble times.

  9. Tinker says:

    I’m all choked up…

  10. morecowbell says:

    The Rep’s are treating people like this because they believe they are dealing with “professional protesters”, and of course, the protesters are not. Note that during the Bush years, even when “professional protesters” provoked the representatives, they were treated with some decorum. The Rep’s do not seem to understand that they are victims of their own game and are recieving the blowback they tried to evoke from the right over the last 8 years. The double standard is palpable and the irony is sublime.

  11. c4400 says:

    This is the most fu***ng awesome video I’ve seen in months and months!

  12. thierry says:

    this reminds me that there’s now a movement of law enforcement people and military peeps pledging to refuse if ordered to use force against the american citizens if the government attempts to subjugate them. i can’t recall the name or links now.

    just another example of great americans and patriots who realize what a grave threat the current administration poses against all our freedoms.

  13. gothicreader says:

    OMG – how emotional. You will notice that the Congressman couldn’t say anything to defend himself, because it was all true!!

  14. Mutnodjmet says:

    I think this captures the mood of the country perfectly! God Bless this hero!

  15. larrygeary says:

    At least we know the military men are on our side. What I wonder is whether we can stop this fascist takeover without their direct intervention.

  16. ladykrystyna says:

    Couple of favorite parts:

    1. Keep away from my children!

    2. Marine accuses him of calling protestors brown shirts, Baird denies that he said it, but then says that he had apologized for saying it! LOL!

    3. Marine’s final word: He has honored his Oath, when will the Congressman start to honor his!


    It definitely makes me proud to be an American!

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