UPDATE: Here’s the link to Amazon.

That’s right.

Palin finishes memoir, ‘Going Rogue,’ out Nov. 17

Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, has finished her memoir just four months after the book deal was announced, and the release date has been moved up from the spring to Nov. 17, her publisher said.

“Governor Palin has been unbelievably conscientious and hands-on at every stage, investing herself deeply and passionately in this project,” said Jonathan Burnham, publisher of Harper. “It’s her words, her life, and it’s all there in full and fascinating detail.”

Palin’s book, her first, will be 400 pages, said Burnham, who called the fall “the best possible time for a major book of this kind.”

The book now has a title, one fitting for a public figure known for the unexpected — “Going Rogue: An American Life.”

Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, has commissioned a huge first printing of 1.5 million copies. Sen. Ted Kennedy’s “True Compass,” published by Twelve soon after his Aug. 25 death, also had a 1.5 million first printing.

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34 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J. says:

    It’ll be just like Dreams From My Father, except not full of communist BS or ghost-written by a murdering terrorist. [/snark off]

    Seriously, I can’t wait. Run, Sarah, Run! 🙂

  2. jap81 says:

    I love the title. I really hope she does a book tour and comes out to California. I am so excited. I guess Barney Frank won’t be missing Sarah for long. : )

  3. IslandLibertarian says:

    November 18, 2009, the news will be dedicated to a certain First Ladies fashion statement, a scandal involving a wacko conservative and the latest “miracle” performed by The Big “0”(pronounced zero).
    “Book review? Oh, we’re still mourning the loss of Teddy. We’ll get to bestseller books another time….”

    God Speed Sarah!

  4. 1elder1 says:

    Let’s seeeeeeeee hmmm my choices are Reading about Fat Teddy Kennedy sexually molesting a waitress and drunken rape scenes at Hynnais Port OR OR let’s see…. reading SARAH PALIN UNLEASHED GOING ROGUE

    Let me call Congressman Eric Massa R-NY 29th and get his governmental opinion….ppppffffttttt

    I’ll take ten copies for starters.


    • ChrisL says:

      Just pre-ordered my copy of Going Rogue!

      By the way, Eric Massa has a “D” after his name, not an “R”. To refresh everyone on this jerk, he’s the one who said “I’ll vote adamantly against the interests of my constituents…”, in regard to the death care bill.

  5. morecowbell says:

    1.5 million… is that all ? Are you kidding me? Even her own publisher has underestimated her….. Harper must be located in New York , D.C. or San Francisco. The real question is whether she does a book tour or not….wow…. image the interviews right at about the time the ‘Rogue’ congress tries to ram Obamacare down our throats. Wouldn’t that be soooooo special.

  6. RuBegonia says:

    Go Rogue: no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable – an expression of FREEDOM.

    Go Commando: minus the boxers, briefs or skivvies – an expression of FREEDOM.

    Affirmative – That is a breeze you feel! Fresh Air.

  7. jondavid says:

    I see Palin is outmaneuvering her enemies yet again. General Douglas MacArthur would be so proud of her. If she decides to run & becomes President of the United States in 2012 I will rank her as one of the top political strategists of all times.

  8. lord-ruler says:

    Who cares about Palin!!!! I want to see Tammy singing about a goat herder.

  9. Tinker says:

    First thought as I smiled happily… 1.5 million won’t be enough.

  10. Ginger says:

    I am so excited about Sarah’s Palin’s book. I have a feeling it will be filled with references to Reagan and also positive hopes and affirmations for the United States. Sarah Palin is not the type to give up on anyone or anything. Unlike Obama’s, which as per usual, is most probably, according to excerpts I’ve read, a “tell-all” to us about how fabulous he, himself, is…me, me, me, I, I, I,…

    “Going Rogue” is a wonderful title and fits her for that is what she is and what we need. She is so “different” that she fits in with the ideas of how the nation was founded in the first place.

    Her book is going to be a whopper of a seller. Go get’em girl.

  11. bobdog1 says:

    I’ll take two copies.

  12. RobbieK says:

    Her Book comes out on my Birthday! I’m treating myself to a present! I’m anxious to see the line at the Barnes & Noble down the street. By the way, President Palin looks SO healthy in that photo. Are we sure we are willing to watch such a beautiful and qualified lady age in the office of the Presidency? I don’t know.

  13. Young American says:

    The title of Sarah’s book alone is genius and has the left foaming at the mouth. I know where I’m going to be on Nov.17th 🙂

  14. Tony in LV says:

    mmm. mmm. mmm.
    Sarah’s goin’ rogue.
    She made her choice, now hear her voice.
    mmm. mmm. mmm.

  15. janicec1966 says:

    Actually I did just pre-order my copy…..run baby, run!

  16. LauraVW says:

    And it’s #1 at Barnes & Noble tonight before it even exists. 🙂


  17. jap81 says:

    I was just over at the Barnes and Noble website and was surprised to find some people have already reviewed her book.. How can you review something that is not out yet? Unless, they are reviewing according to what they think will be in the book. Interesting.

  18. jap81 says:

    It is already starting. Recycled rumors: [http://www.conservatives4palin.com/2009/09/governor-palin-highlights-banned-books.html]. I never realized there was a banned books week.

  19. jiaconis says:

    Just pre-ordered from Barnes and Noble, I can’t wait until it comes out. Hopefully Sarah will visit No. Calif on the book tour. As others have stated…Run Sarah Run !!!!!!!

  20. cmoore324 says:

    Ordered my Sarah book on Amazon yesterday. Today when I went to Amazon, these recommendations were listed for me:

    The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America
    The Death of Right and Wrong (have it, read it, love it)
    Shaun the Sheep (have it, saw it, laughed my ass off)
    Waterproof cannon wick fuse 10 feet. WTF?

    I sense a weird vast right wing conspiracy in the air somewhere……

    of course I did by some salt peter from them a couple years ago to put on the fungus in my lawn, but really, a fuse? Get the picture in your head folks, it’s pretty hilarious, IMHO

    • thierry says:

      i get the oddest amazon recommendations- and they’re often annoying. the only political books i’ve ever ordered from them are conservative but they always toss up any and every anti-conservative book or film as something that’s ‘ especially been recommended for’ me.

      and baby items. i have never ordered anything vaguely related to infants or pregnancy.

      no matter how popular a conservative book is , it’s near impossible to get them in bookstores where i live so i have to use amazon or somewhere else on line.

  21. youbetcha says:

    I know Tammy and many followers love Sarah, although they disagree with her pro-life position.
    In good faith, I ask you to consider the following:
    “The idea of fertility as a medicable condition, requiring powerful drugs or even surgical interventions to prevent a woman’s body from doing exactly what it does naturally, is basically and ultimately the idea that femaleness itself is such a condition, a sort of XX Syndrome. I can think of nothing that is actually more misogynistic than that, although some things are equally so, notably the view that the preborn child is simultaneously insentient and a part of the woman’s body”.
    Quote from Ann Farmer
    I don’t post this quote to be cantankerous; I am a Tammy fan. I post the quote only as a thought-provoking consideration in seeking truth.
    Run Sarah Run!

  22. Carol says:

    I’ll be curious to see what my “fresh” recommendations are! Did anyone else find it a little time consuming to find the book in Amazon? I found it though, through persistence and having to type more of a description than expected. I’m normally lazy and like to do the least amount of typing possible.

  23. LauraVW says:

    It’s official, Sarah’s hit #1 at Amazon.com this evening, too, and going up.


    Figures can change hourly but it is clear booksellers have an unexpected runaway bestseller for the fall–and just in the knick of time because book sales are WWWAAAAYYYYYYYY down.

  24. mindywic says:

    I pre-ordered my copy. I found a link from an article talking about it already being #1 on Amazon. It’s fun to read the frothing lips of the left as they keep trying to say it’s the ramblings of a blathering idiot. Blather on Sarah…I’m listening.

  25. Count Crash says:

    The Left are correct to fear Sarah P.
    I hear them.
    I hear them, shaking in their elitist shoes.
    I hear them, cursing the darkness they have wrapped themselves in.
    I hear them, their souls screaming into the void that awaits them.
    I hear them, quaking under their bed covers with their eyes closed.
    I hear them, crying, alone and abandoned.
    I hear it all, I hear these sounds as music of the righteous.
    Their Nemesis comes……

  26. braxis says:

    Do not forget to buy a copy for: {A Public School Library Near YOU !}

  27. TammyChicago says:

    Palin’s book #1………….. makes Lefties do #2. That is all 😉

  28. cmoore324 says:

    not only is the book #1 on Amazon, but the Libturds are fuming about it already. The vitriol is unbelievable in the Sarah Book forum at Amazon. I’m almost 50, and it still amazes me how cruel people can be, and over someone they don’t know. Titles of some threads are: “Anyone who buys this book is more retarded than her son”, and “I’ll take the baby that isn’t retarded” and stuff like that. I was bullied a lot in school, and NEVER experienced stuff like that, even on my worst days. This nastiness still shocks me.

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