That is all. Talk amongst yourselves. I will be distributing noise makers and party favors soon. Woo hoo!

Books Palin Cover

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. kwilder says:

    She’s HOT… and I’m not just referring to her good looks, either! Run, Sarah, run!

  2. mindywic says:

    I am sooooo excited. I’ve already pre-ordered. I’m making a list for Christmas gifts. I can’t stop giggling at my delight that the pre-sales are doing so well. Very time I hear Sarah bashed I also hear “ka-ching” as another dollar goes into her pocket.

  3. mrcannon says:

    Sakes alive, I cannot wait to read this. Whoever doesn’t want this woman to be president needs to have their head examined. I bet she could have gotten the Olympics for Alaska in Barrow or Wasilla without even trying, much less a plane trip halfway around the world.

  4. braxis says:

    Sarah on Fire – $7 mil
    Obumma Flop-O-lylpics – Priceless

  5. eMVeeH says:

    For someone whom the Left and the Dinosaur RINO’s call unimportant, she sure gets their dander up!

    If Sarah Palin’s book sells like gangbusters, just like Mark Levin’s Liberty & Tyranny did, in spite of being totally ignored by the MSM, it’ll be great.

    But Mrs. Palin won’t be ignored by her enemies ’cause she survived their trial by fire and so they fear her.

    Congratulations, Sarah Palin! May you sell a trillion.

  6. Chuck says:

    The reaction of the media today when the elimination of Chicago as Olympic host city was announced was precious, and it will pale in comparison to when Sarah Palin becomes president. I can’t hardly wait!!

  7. Noonie says:

    Well she’s not a winning candidate in the way McCain is not a winning candidate. Which is a double negative! She’s a positive!

  8. ChrisL says:

    I have excitedly ordered my copy of Going Rogue, and look forward to the evening I’ll devour it. Sarah has not had enough independent exposure yet and I’m anxious to learn more. I’m very much looking forward to seeing and hearing more of her, and hoping to be able to throw my full support behind her soon! We’ll need a lot more than “You only oppose her because you hate women you misogynist degenerates!” to win. But that’s one bludgeon I’ll be happy to use with enthusiasm! Or is it two? All I know is we didn’t get the Olympics because America is a misogynist society. That’s right – it’s about time we end the oppression and break the glass ceiling and elect a woman president. We need to make history!! (How am I doing?) Yes, the planet would be so much coooooler if we had a woman in the oval office. Tod Palin for first first dude! The Iranian freak’s head would explode! (Too much? Right. First, read the book.)

  9. redneckgal says:

    Class! All the way. She is a special person that I feel privileged to support.

  10. CO2aintpoison says:

    HELP! I just checked out the Little Green Footballs site which I do from time to time. Most things I’ve read are supportive of Conservativism. They have Sarah’s book debut announcement as their top story. They ripped her to shreds. I cannot believe how malicious their comments are. The vitreol, appears to be in large measure, due to the her ghostwriter Lynn Vincent (do we even know if she has a ghostwriter? Is that a big deal?). There’s almost 1000 comments – n0ne positive. I stopped reading after about the 20th. I’m SO BUMMED with this insipid commentary from what I thought was a good site. It’s something I would expect from the leftwing propagandist sites. I mean, the book isn’t even out yet! Geez-louise. I’M BUMMED. I’m going to polish my Palin 2012 bumper sticker to make me feel better.

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