A post by Maynard

You probably know the story by now.

“Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, ‘slow down, stop everything, let’s start over.’ If you think you’ve heard these same excuses before, you’re right,” Reid said Monday. “When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said ‘slow down, it’s too early, things aren’t bad enough.'”

Not satisfied with that, Senate Majority Leader Reid went on to put his political opposition in the category of those who opposed civil rights and women’s suffrage.

Another day, another vicious insult. Does it matter?

Here’s the key point: Pay attention to the metaphor. Because it’s the metaphor that defines the framework of the way Reid intends to treat you. Words are a precursor to deeds.

The people who dug in their heels against slavery fought in an evil cause, and were subsequently beaten into submission by the guns of the Union army.

The irony of Reid’s charge is obvious enough — to us. The abolitionists fought for human liberty. When the carnage ended, they could say to the oppressed peoples, “You’re now free.”

Reid vows to fight for Washington’s power. Power to seize more of the nation’s wealth. Power to make our life choices for us. Power of life or death over every individual citizen.

Reid does not exactly hold the moral high ground that the abolitionists held. No, quite the opposite. But Reid invokes the abolitionist rhetoric. And these threatening words will, under Reid’s dramatic scenario, ultimately escalate into a violent clash.

Reid should keep in mind that it’s easier to set a fire than it is to put it out. The risk of a bloody flashpoint increases. Once American blood is spilled by American hands, then where do we go? Remember that America lost as almost many men in the Civil War as all the rest of our other wars put together.

The advocates of this health care monstrosity need to consider the price of compelling the entirety of the nation to submit to their beneficent despotism. If your cause is truly the moral equivalent of abolitionism, then I guess you’ll agree that it’s worth killing me when I stand against you.

On the other hand, if you’ll allow for the possibility that those of us who oppose your intrusive plans are reasonable people and not evil slave-holding swastika-bearing selfish paid goons…well, maybe you should stop and think about where your leadership is taking you.

The tragedy of the health care fiasco is that, unlike the battle over slavery, most Americans could find common ground and a common framework. If Washington was on America’s side, then we could go forward together.

Whose side is the Washington leadership on? Your side? Or its own side? Answer that question and you’ll know what you have to do.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. trevy says:

    The looney leftwing liberals are getting desperate! They’re out of logical arguements for socialized medicine are need to resort to attempting to shame their opponents!

  2. lord-ruler says:

    It’s funny how much like Tom Daschle he is. Speaks in a soft voice and says the most assinine things you’ll ever hear a Senator say. The sad thing about him is coal mining is what put food on his table as a child and now he is trying to do everything he can to make sure every Coal miner is out of a job. He is also one of those fence sitters that try to have it both ways. He is very much like John Kerry in that he proffesses to believe in a Religion but does not follow much of what it teaches. Within the mormon church he holds the most comtempt for former Secretary of Agriculture (and later church president) Ezra taft Benson . Mr Benson was a vehemant anti communist and wrote several books on the subject. If Harry Reid wants to talk about being wrong about freedom and slavery why does he dislike Mr Benson so much?

    “If American freedom is lost, if America is destroyed, if our blood-bought freedom is surrendered, it will be because of Americans. What’s more, it will probably not be only the work of subversive and criminal Americans. The Benedict Arnolds will not be the only ones to forfeit our freedom.

    “At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected?” asked Abraham Lincoln, and he answered, “If it ever reaches us, it must spring up among us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher; as a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide.” (Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1837.)

    If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers–normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free–Americans who have been lulled away into a false security”
    Ezra Taft Benson

  3. franknitti says:

    Whorehouse Harry Reid (to use the nickname of another talk show host) looks exactly like one of my least favorite college professors. They were/are both mild-mannered, friendly looking gentlemen in their 60’s yet they were/are both nothing but senile old clowns. They prove it every time they open their mouths. I think that Whorehouse Harry was originally nothing but a puppet for the far Left Senators who control things in the party (Schumer, Boxer, Dodd, the late Fat Ted). They put him forward as their front man Majority Leader because they felt his appearance and mild demeanor would appear non-threatening to both the public and media in general. Unlike Tom Daschle who was more openly partisan and in your face. The only problem is that Whorehouse Harry soon broke off from the puppet strings and began to dance his own little dance. Every time he opens his fat mouth it’s just to change feet and there’s seemingly nothing his fellow Democrats can do about it.

  4. k.nelson5047 says:

    Reid has lost it like most of the rest of the democrat party. Oh the irony is right! Who fought against abolishing slavery? Who fought against civil rights in the 60’s? The democrats of course! Obama today blames GOP for jobs loss and the ecomomy (wait, wasnt he in the senate since 2004? I dont remember him saying we should rein in freddy and fannie). Did the GOP tell Obama to pass a trillion dollar stimulus plan? Was Obama against TARP? Did the GOP tell Obama to be like the FDR administration and put uncertainty in the marketplace (stimulus, healthcare destruction, cap and trade or EPA, financial regulations) so that private companies dont want to hire? I think not!

  5. ladykrystyna says:

    This constant need for the Liberal Democrats in this country to disrespect its own citizens is getting not only annoying, but highly dangerous and very frightening. As you said, Maynard, how many steps is it from what Reid said to Americans going to blows with each other? Now I do have a high regard in general for my fellow Americans and I do believe we may just get ourselves out of this at the ballot box in 2010 and 2012. That’s my optimistic side talking.

    But I also have a more pessimistic, paranoid side. And while I don’t think Obama and his minions could ever take this country violently (1. I don’t think most in the military would go for it anyway and 2. With a high media profile, I think Obama and his minions would really start to lose support and fast if people in Europe were watching him pull a Hitler or Aquavelvaman, beating his fellow citizens into submission. He just couldn’t get away with it abroad.), I sometimes worry that some kind of civil war could be started and probably for the same reasons, except that this time the “state’s rights” people would be on the RIGHT side this time.

    The more the Left talks like this, the angrier the Right gets. The Right is tired of being bullied and guilted into agreeing to things for fear of being labled racist or greedy or heartless or whatever.

    The final straw is coming. I can almost feel it. Climategate is being ignored, the EPA is declaring some kind of emergency so that it can control more of our lives, cap and trade is still in the wings and so is health care. Any one of these, or all of them together, could be that final straw.

    And I don’t know what it’s going to bring. People are P-I-S-S-E-D. I see it a lot on different conservative message boards. And while we all try to hold each other back, to encourage the use of the ballot box, what if that doesn’t work anymore? What if all the gerrymandering has made it near impossible to get rid of these Lefties? What if we can’t get rid of Obama in 2012 and he has another four years to screw up this country?

    His rhetoric and the rhetoric of his minions sounds awfully like “fighting words” and I’m telling you, I think a fight is coming. If the GOP can’t put anybody up in 2012 to get rid of this clown, we may just be doomed, and that doom may include a second Civil War.

    Also, Reid’s rhetoric sounds awfully Hitler-esque to me – demonizing those that don’t agree; creating a scapegoat of some kind so that if it doesn’t health care reform doesn’t pass, they’ll be a group to blame and they can inflame people to go after them in some way, the way that the anti-Prop 8 people tried to go after donors and voters, the way people went after AIG executives around their homes . . . and maybe worse.

    If anyone sounds like a Nazi, it’s Reid, not our side.

    How do we survive this? Can we survive this without violence?

    Between wondering when the next terrorist attack will come and worrying about a possible Civil War or worse, it has made me quite uneasy for some time.

    I can only that our side is on God’s side, and that we will prevail.

    That Freedom will Ring. That we will again become the Shining City on the Hill, as we once were and not just some European satellite country of no exceptionalism at all.

  6. geezer says:

    “Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, ’slow down, stop everything, let’s start over.’ If you think you’ve heard these same excuses before, you’re right,” Reid said Monday. “When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said ’slow down, it’s too early, things aren’t bad enough.’”

    Sounds like those Republican rascals are at it again, on the wrong side of history again, with those same old excuses, just like way back when they dug in their heels and tried to slow down abolition when pretty much the whole country had recognized the wrongs of slavery. Fortunately there was another great president from Illinois who believed in hope and fought for change. He overcame those bitter and clingy Republicans, and put an end to the evils of slavery, and led the country into a new era of ….

    What? … he was? … they weren’t? … so what party was opposed to? … no way! then how could he use this as an example? [scratches head] never mind, um… Chris, how do I delete this comment?

  7. lord-ruler says:

    Here is another Quote by Abraham Lincoln.

    Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles.

    and an even better one

    When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty — to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy.

  8. Atomic Crusader says:

    I tell ya…with the way things are going…with Republicans applauding, supporting and admiring Democrats the way they do…another 9-11 is on the way, pay attention. Meanwhile, Tiger Woods 24/7…teehee, titter titter. Right.

    And Sarah Palin? A good person, someone normal for a change on the national scene…but what can she do? I’m not buying anything anyone has to sell right now.

    Can I say Merry Christmas?

  9. ArelcaoAkleos says:

    In reflecting over what the Democrat Party, under Obama, has been trying to achieve this past year; the word that won’t go away is “putsch”. As with Venezuela, or Turkey, a fundamental seizure of power is taking place–at a pace those carrying it out believe congenial to their success.
    Given the near absolute, near metronomic, support this movement has within our MSM, our Universities, our political and economic “elites”, quite willing to cast aside any serious pretense at following the will of the people, the ground for this moment has been prepared well ahead of time.
    There was a time I mocked conspiracy theories. I was stupid.

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