A post by Pat

When things get bad we are inclined to console ourselves by thinking they could be worse. When things are the worst we take encouragement that they can only get better.

As Charles Krauthammer describes this last week:

Maybe this last week is more than a passing joy. The magic is gone for Obama and it will never return. The game is over for being a god. Now he’s out there trying to be one of the folks. People don’t trade down on gods. They leave them to crumble on their pedestals in abandoned temples.

We don’t know if the worst is over or yet to come. Still, the events of this week give us encouragement.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. franknitti says:

    Gotta love Krauthammer’s spring break comment. I know the feeling.

  2. jupaczyn says:

    Krauthammer is right, it was a great week for conservatives! WOO HOO! But we should look at it as a brief and much needed bit of refreshment / respite during an ongoing battle. We need to head back into the fight for our Republic feeling refreshed and more determined than ever to drive the progressives and socialism skittering back under the slimy rock from which they crawled. Then we need to keep an eye on that rock to make sure they never re-emerge. Remember, progressives never really go away, they just change their tactics.

  3. ffigtree says:

    I think this is only the beginning. We must dig in our heels and be prepared to hold our ground. Obama, Pelosi, Reed and company will continue to legislate the private sector. They haven’t learned a thing. We must cautiously forge ahead and be vigilant.

  4. Atomic Crusader says:

    Yes, what a week no doubt, there is still some common sense in our society. But, Sarah Palin’s and Scott Brown’s endorsement of John McCain is very disappointing, seems that there always something to spoil the fun. Chas Krauthammer is sharp, eh? Sorry, Palin has shown her hand and is willing to compromise, time to move on. Too bad.

    • Foreverautumn says:

      Well, frankly, I don’t care who endorses him; the only way I’m voting for that RINO is if he survives the AZ primary and his opponent is anything but a conservative (pretty unlikely to be a conservative, since he’ll almost certainly be a dem).

  5. BeforeGoreKneel says:

    Let’s see $735B stimulus program, 85% unspent but in the hands of Democrats nationwide. Unemployment not yet to 35%. So ask yourself, wouldn’t Barry love to preach to a mass of 35% unemployed with all his croneys at his back doling out the funny money? How about in an election year? In a tough race with a truck driving Republican?

    That’s the plan. Whether that’s worse depends upon your seat in the bus or under it.

  6. Mutnodjmet says:

    Pat S.: Yes, I think we have. The main reason for this is that I now see remarks such as this:

    Total Protonic Reversal: Dennis Kucinich Defends Tea-Partiers, Shreds Democrat Hacks and Chicago-style Politics.

    (Note: I love “Ghostbusters” and the post title is hilarious as well as poignant — highlighting that Kucinich is to the right of the Obama Administration leadership. This is not what most Obama voters were looking for during the last Presidential election).

    If you look at last week:

    * Brown’s victory in MA.
    * Stock market dropping 500 points after Obama’s bank-oriented attacks.
    * The Supreme Court over-turning McCain Feingold

    The trend is clear, and so is the message: Obama is Ozymandius

    My name is Ozymandius, King of Kings,
    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

    Truly, this false divinity is already crumbing, as you said. I think it is fitting, given the enormous level of Obama’s hubris, as displayed so clearly in front of the Greek pillars during the summer of ’08. That people are now genuinely debating openly wither he is the merely “Worst President in our Lifetimes” or the “Worst President in US History…Ever” is most certainly divine justice.

    Also, I sense fellow Americans are no longer going to be inclined to put their faith entirely in one person or party. The Tea Party Movement’s clearest achievement is showing citizens that they have to be vigilant no matter who is elected.

  7. Mutnodjmet says:

    PS. Here is further proof: citizen investigators are digging up TONS of examples of Obama-supporting astro-turf. http://patterico.com/2010/01/24/still-more-astroturfing-gloria-elle-and-jan-chen-write-the-same-anti-republican-pro-obama-letter/

    There is only one word to describe this……


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