This can only mean Princessa Nancy has enough votes to for an up or down. It also means Democrat House members agree with Urkel–they’re doomed anyway in November, so why not go out with a bang? Obviously, this fanatical attempt to throw this nation into the socialist sewer will not stand. The only ‘legacy’ these dumb bastards are going to have is being the worst, most corrupt, and least relevant congress in our nation’s history. They will serve for something though–what we can never allow to happen again.

Tammy Blog will have a live Chat Room for all readers on the main page on Sunday for this vote. I’ll post the exact time the Chat Room will be live for all shortly.

House Opts Against ‘Deeming’ Health Care Bill Passed

House Democrats on Saturday decided against using a controversial tactic to pass the Senate’s version of the health care bill without an actual vote.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-MD., said he believes Democrats have enough votes to pass the legislation.

The decision capped an ongoing discussion on whether to use a so-called “deem and pass” strategy that would allow House members to approve the Senate version of health care bill without an actual vote before taking up a second “fix-it” resolution, known as reconciliation.

The stage is now set for three big votes on Sunday: the first to bring the “fix-it” bill to the House floor. The second on the bill. Then the final vote would be on the Senate bill itself.

If the final bill passes the House, the Senate plans to take it up next week.

And if you’re wondering how this esteemed American congress is doing business, just ask Alcee Hastings and how today’s Dumb Bastards are making mincemeat of the vision and intention of our Founding Fathers, and how there are simply “no rules” and that they’re making it up as they go along:

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    Kill the Bill – Take the Hill: collection of PATRIOTpic links from DC Rally GO HERE

  2. Palin2012 says:

    Nancy Pelosi has given Stupak and his group the finger – not going to change the abortion language. As you have posted they have decided to vote and not use the demon pass – Nancy obviously thinks she has the votes. They will save the demon pass to add in the public option in the next few months, and this will put all private insurance companies out of business. (Page 124 No company can sue the Gov’t on price fixing – no judicial review against Gov’t Monopoly).

    Will the bill cover alcoholism, because if this shit keeps up I’m going to need that in addition to the mental health coverage! This bill passing will only encourage our malignant-narcissist-in-chief to continue to set fires at an alarming rate: it’s going to be hell my dear, as I’m sure you know!

    The first steps to amnesty are included in this via your report: Page 50 “Health care will be provided to all non-US citizens’ illegal or otherwise section 152.” The death care language will help save a little money when they take care of that problem known as “baby boomers coming of age” – won’t have to worry about them living a long time after retirement. I can only imagine what will be allowed under preventative care – mammograms and follow-up ultrasounds will be limited depending on your age. I have one every year and invariably have to go back for an ultrasound.

    The take-over of the student loan industry, more of our economy in the hands of the government, our health – and amnesty, cap & tax will follow. Urkel, Pelosi, and Reid will try to get all of this done before the November elections and if he succeeds – we may be truly lost.

    There is hope that the states, Virginia being one of them, will put a halt to this abandonment of our Constitution via our Supreme Court. We should watch next for clandestine meetings with the Justices by Urkel and Company and pray there are no changes in the court.

  3. RedMoonProject says:

    I’m not sure that I agree with this assessment. It could be that the rules committee came to the conclusion that “Demon Pass” would make a constitutional challenge in court too easy. I suspect that they have chosen to get the votes the old fashioned way; through arm twisting and bribery.

  4. eMVeeH says:

    Hmm…The BotxBiddy prays to St Joseph for the passage of ODeathCare. Pelosi being a Leftist, JaneLovesJesus asks to which “Joseph” or “Josef” is BotoxBiddy referring: Gobbels or Stalin?

  5. Red Barr says:

    If the Republicans made the same statements as the liberal democrats made the Republicans would be “tarred and feathered” and would be asked to step down from their leadership.
    As a taxpayer, I demand that these leftwing extremist should leave office and have a new election. In addition, the first person who should be “ran out on a rail” would be Barack Obama and his wife!

  6. longviewcyclist says:

    There was a lot of prayer in this house last night and this morning.

    Come the next election, the only people who will get a vote from me are the ones running on a platform of repeal. This bill will probably pass, but even if it doesn’t, the fact remains that not even the most scholarly lawyer is learned enough to know all the laws/bills/crap on the books. That is an abomination. Repeal is all I want to hear from now on out.

    Water is now a bribe…

  7. Carol-1R says:

    Shocker: Urkel’s pick eliminated; Kansas doesn’t even make it to Sweet 16. Hope this is is a sign of things to come tomorrow!

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