I think the six people shot to death yesterday in Acapulco (not exactly the Northern Border area) might disagree. But I suppose it is “safe” when you’re the First Lady and have the protection of the Secret Service. And isn’t that all that really matters?

Bullsh in, bullsh out.

First Lady Says Mexico Still Safe for Travel

On a visit to Mexico, first lady Michelle Obama said today that in despite recent drug-related violence along the U.S. border, Mexico is still a safe country for Americans to travel with their families and said she hopes to bring her daughters south of the border for a visit.

Deadly street shootout strikes fear in Acapulco

In the Mexican resort city, gunmen fire at two men in a car and federal police officers. They also shoot at other vehicles, leaving behind casings from AK-47s, which are favored by drug hit men.

A chaotic shootout Wednesday on a hotel-lined boulevard in the beach resort city of Acapulco left as many as six people dead, Mexican authorities said.

Federal police officers patrolling the area came under fire after they heard gunshots and saw attackers shooting at two men in a car, authorities said. The gunmen also shot at other vehicles as they tried to flee, riddling dozens of cars with bullet holes.

The victims included a woman and her 8-year-old daughter.

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JHSII says:

    This reminds me of all of those Hollywood liberals who constantly rail against us having guns to protect ourselves – while at the same time they live in gated communities and they all have armed bodyguards.

  2. IloiloKano says:

    I’m glad to hear Mexico is safe, especially now that George Lopez has told Larry King he would move to Mexico if Sarah Palin becomes president.

    Even so, you probably wouldn’t to bet the farm on it, as liberals are in the habit of promising to leave the country, then reneging on their promises. For example, B. S. is still here.

    Yes, King still has a TV show.
    Here’s the report from ihatethemedia.com with a clip: http://is.gd/buOO4

  3. RuBegonia says:

    Another 2+2 =5 because 4 does not feed the malignant narcissist. And the “why” is lost somewhere in a Monty Python movie.

  4. Chuck says:

    Is that a ghey unicorn?

    • thierry says:

      it’s time you knew- all unicorns are ghey. that’s why they hang out around rainbows and are attracted to shiny glittery things like disco balls.

  5. thierry says:

    mexico has been so bad for so long for indigenous people they have made a saint out of death. the government and the church have abandoned them- really anyone in traditional authority so might as well honor the only real institution of democracy- death who eventually recognizes us all with no prejudice.

    it’s somewhat akin to stating the south was just fine dandy and safe for african slaves as long as the masters could break out the mint julips and party in safety. nothing to see here ! like african slaves in the south, the peasant class of mexico are the force who make that country’s economy possible. shipping them across our boarder enables them to be used as slaves here too and they still send their money home. the local serfs are happy to be destitute and at the mercy of often sadistic drug lords and killers ( the police are corrupt and useless in mexico) but who cares about them in their misery america enables as long as deluded americans will still vacation and do spring break to enrich the spanish overlords.

    as unsafe as parts of mexico may be for americans, and they are not safe and it should be recognized, it’s always dangerous for mexicans because of their broken corrupt government.it’s american politicians not only turning a blind eye to but encouraging the depraved mexican political culture that has helped create the criminal cartel run violent mess it has become.

    funny how the oppression of people of a different hue is only recognized as awful within american boarders. funny how the likes of the obamas, millionaires now, are so oblivious to the suffering of the mexican slave class , true modern day slaves not politically posturing descendants of those who were slaves over 100 years ago .

    these two are so out of their depths- everyday brings a new outrage or another vapid uninformed comment, more proof that they not only do not care about america but pretty much could care less about anyone else on earth but themselves.

    • Mrs. Malcontent says:

      I wish I had your elequence. What you said is very true of what is going on in Mexico.

    • bjohnson73 says:

      Barrack Obama cannot even be categorized as a politically posturing descendant of those who were slaves over 100 years ago. His mother was white and his father was from Kenya. There’s no connection with slavery there at all. And any connection that he might have had with the plight of the lower class was lost after he went to Harvard and moved into that mansion in Chicago. He’s an elitist as most politicians are. 99 percent cannot relate to how the average citizen lives, much less the lower class or the “mexican slave class”. To me, this is why we need to vote out all incumbents and come up with a way for the non-wealthy to get into politics. These days you pretty much have to be a multi-millionaire or have the backing of major corporations and/or very wealthy individuals (such as Obama had with George Soros and Oprah) to get into national public office. It’s no wonder they don’t have our best interests at heart.

  6. morecowbell says:

    Considering where Michelle came from, Mexico is safer

  7. Maynard says:

    I remember during the campaign when she noted how dangerous America was for black people with the statement that “Barry could get shot pumping gas”.

    If we’re not careful, we see what we want to see.

  8. 1elder1 says:

    Michelle Obama is kind of a dim wit. Mexico is safe .lol
    When asked if she knew who Sarah Palin was she said that ,no, she did not not really know her.
    Palin at the time was in every paper and on every TV screen. Michelle what do you read? I want a CATTY Couric award when Michelle stumbles on thet one.

    I want Michelle alert because she needs to lock crazy Erkle in his room. He walks outside naked all of the time. (as in the Emperor has no clothes.)

    Palin 2012

  9. lawmom90 says:

    As Forrest Gump would say “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  10. franknitti says:

    Next thing you know Michelle will say that it’s okay for one of her daughters to take Ben Roethlisberger to the junior prom.

  11. MRFIXIT says:

    Mexico is extremely dangerous. The federalis and the drug dealers had an understanding of sorts about tourist areas, which are a major revenue source for Mexico. The tourist areas were pretty safe. The border areas were always dangerous because of shootouts and getting “hit” due to mistaken identity. The interior is dangerous because of rampant kidnapping. Anyone who appears to have any “means” can get kidnapped. Chance of survival is 50/50. We just lost one of our repair guys to a kidnap and murder two months ago. The same guy was stopped at a drug lord road block a week earlier, and was let go after they found that his car was full of tools, and diagnostic equipment, no drugs, cash, or weapons. The U.S. is helping Mexico crack down, and the drug lords are going for Mexico’s jugular literally. Shooting up tourist spots is going to continue if Mexico doesn’t back off or kill off the drug traffickers. Just for the record, 83% of guns recovered from drug thugs are not submitted for tracing because they are un-numbered or have military proofs on them. They come mostly from asia, and eastern europe. Some are bought from military members of Africa and South America, and wind up on the illegals arms market.

  12. bjohnson73 says:

    Doesn’t everyone have a Secret Service detail? Michelle Obama’s remarks remind me of the South Park episode where Rob Reiner was trying to make everyone quit smoking. When Rob was told that many smoked to relieve stress, he replied that when he needed to relieve stress, he went to his beach house in Laguna. He then suggested that the citizens of South Park go to their beach houses when they’re stressed. Nothing like out of touch elitists!

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