Obama wanted to be thought of as Lincoln. Instead it looks like he has more in common with Nixon.

This story is beginning to unwind, and the Obama WH knows it. Two clips from the show today. After admitting at least twice to having been offered a job by the White House to drop out of the PA primary (which would be called by some “a bribe”), Sestak suddenly doesn’t even want to utter the words. John King of CNN, of whom I am no fan, actually does an admirable job here trying trying to get Sestak to give him more information. Instead, Sestak does a rather pathetic job of avoiding the question, I would guess on the advice of counsel. After they discuss “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” they get to the job offer issue at 2:22.

Now to Rep. Issa (R-CA), being very clear that this situation makes it seem “crimes” and “felonies” have been committed, at which point he says a Special Investigator should be assigned. Specifically, there are federal laws against offering federal jobs in return for political favors. The specific code:

“Whoever solicits or receives … any….thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.” — 18 USC Sec. 211 — Bribery, Graft and Conflicts of Interest: Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office.

Click here for audio of Issa’s comments to Real Clear Politics.

If Issa is right, and I believe he is, this sort of activity is the ind that gets your thrown in jail. Last time I checked, when an administration (Nixon specifically) was corrupted (bribery, as one might imagine, is a symptom of a completely corrupt regime, not a tiny accidental event), the president himself resigned as the Office of the President began to collapse.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. radargeek says:

    What a cockroach! Oh yeah, this guy puts greater integrity in congress…Oh yeah, feeling it… Thanks PA for perpetuating the problem!!!

  2. dogtown1 says:

    Is it just me or does Joe seem a little bit off? Hard to believe this guy was an Admiral in the Navy. But I am sure that somebody offered him that job, probably Obama himself. I hope those poll numbers continue to drop.

  3. IloiloKano says:

    With Homer Biden waiting in the wings, be afraid. Be very afraid.

  4. Artist4Palin says:

    Looks like a zinger of a sting -this bribery thing.
    I won’t be watching the Impeachment Hearings on TV
    I am so tired of seeing him stepping off the Helicopter on the White House Law. I watch cooking and house repair shows to avoid him
    Life will get better now. *SMILING*

    Palin for 2012

  5. LJZumpano says:

    thank goodness for modern media. We know they tried to bribe him (did the same in New York to keep Dems from challenging Gillibrand (sp)). They know that we know. They can’t deny it without outright lying. The “reporters” know we know, so they can’t back down and let the issue go. And they spin and spin and spin, and the more they try to spin it, the more American people learn that this is a very sereious charge. It goes beyond politics as ususal — even hardball politics– it involves felonies. Oh what a web we weave when first we let a bunch of juneniles into government and elect a malignant narcissistic damaged person into the White House with his facist regime.

  6. norm1111 says:

    Nothing will happen until after the elections…the Obama administration and the minions in the majorty party in D.C. now consider nothing they do as criminal. This tribe of neo-Dems in American politics today are utterly and totally amoral…there is no right and wrong for them…it is the ends to their means that actually counts. However; if things keep as they are…and I believe they will…Obama will be lucky to carry even one state in 2012……

  7. thierry says:

    america( and apparently the congress) is in the midst of battered wife syndrome- it’s a question of the scales falling off finally and leaving the cretin or getting dead. urkel doesn’t love you, he’s smacking the sh%$ out of you, using the house money to go out partying. he’s terrorizing your kids and ruining their future. he is little more than a criminal- a cowardly thug. he will not stop. he will not get better. he doesn’t love you- he loves to dominate and control you . and no one who can stop him- the congress, the press, the justice system- will step up.

    the press are the 1950s-ish era cops who come to the house, see you with the black eye and broken ribs and choose to believe barry when he tells them you ‘ fell down the stairs again’ because back then no one spoke about spousal abuse – it was ignored and tolerated and not considered a crime. barry is big daddy- he can do whatever he wants to you . best not to get involved in personal family matters.

    nixon was a lot of things but he did not hate america, he did not hate americans and he had enough respect for us, himself and the office of the president to step down. what is especially disturbing now is no matter what, like clinton, this tool will never step down willingly. he’s too arrogant and self absorbed coupled with having no respect whatsoever for the office he sits in or the constitution that created it. the press of fawning lackeys will never go after barry the way they did nixon. in the 70s the name nixon and crook became synonymous through media, a media nixon, never came off well on anyhow.our darling dear leader comes off as a preening pedant, easily angered when he doesn’t get his way and tin eared and still they follow him around on their knees hoping to get their press passes soiled.

    now that he’s ignoring the press, because they clearly, no matter how fawning, can’t turn around his train wreck of falling approval numbers and pro-obamatons bounced out of office, draining his power away. they consider themselves so much smarter than we are- the stupid tea baggers. why can’t the media see barry has quit their sorry asses? he used you and now he won’t talk to you or let you in to see him sign big important papers. boo- f’ing- hoo. just like garbage says- stupid girls. wise up.

  8. Tinker says:

    I’ve been wondering why this has taken so long to catch on. Seems like I first heard about Sestak outing them weeks ago.

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