A post by Pat

Some Arizona legislators teamed up with Mexican legislators to challenge S.B. 1070 in international legal forums. The conference received considerable coverage in Mexico, virtually no coverage in U.S. media.

Mexican senators, local officials formulate plan of opposition against SB 1070

A delegation of eight Mexican senators was in Nogales on Monday as part of a fact-finding mission on Arizona’s impending immigration law. The senators, who came from high-migration states such as Michoacan, Zacatecas and the State of Mexico, met with local and state officials from Arizona and Sonora to formulate a seven-point plan of cooperative action in response to the law.
The seven points included supporting the array of lawsuits that have been filed to stop the law, and presenting a complaint against the measure with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Santa Cruz County Supervisor Rudy Molera, who attended the meeting, said it had helped leaders of Arizona’s border communities to distance themselves from the law, which derived much of its support from the Maricopa County area.

AZ State Legislators Team Up With Mexican Counterparts To Challenge SB 1070 in International Court

As one of my favorite bloggers would say, it’s come to this (El Semanario via Google Translate):

NOGALES, May 25, 2010 .- To reverse the effects of SB-1070, legislators in Mexico and the U.S. (EU) have agreed to submit an appeal to the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), since this initiative criminalises migration with racial profiling in the state of Arizona.

Amanda Aguirre, state Sen. governed by Jan Brewer, read-after a closed-door meeting in the City of Nogales, “a joint statement announcing the promotion of comprehensive immigration reform” before the U.S. Congress- to enable the safe and orderly flow of migrants, in response to the reality of both nations in labor.

“We will seek to denounce the SB-1070 to the Organization of American States (OAS) through the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (…) in order to determine if the imminent implementation of this legislation violates the human rights of residents Arizona, regardless of their immigration status, “he said.

So not only will Eric Holder and the Justice Department be challenging SB 1070 in federal court, but the law may also be challenged in an international court (IACHR) with the participation of a group of elected officials from Arizona.

And where is the U.S. media on this!? This story is in several Mexican news outlets, but I wasn’t able to find a single mention here.

Here’s the full list of conspirators from both sides of the border:

The conclave was attended by U.S. lawmakers: Amanda Aguirre, Linda Brown, Linda Lopez, Manuel “Manny” Alvarez, Manny Ruiz, Martin Porchas, Rick Flores and Rudy Molera.

Representing Mexico: Alfonso Elijah Corichi Claudia, Emma Larios, Ernesto Saro, Guillermo Anaya, Luis Alberto Villareal and Silvano Aureole

One Arizona Congressman says going through the courts to challenge SB 1070 is better than boycotts and then calls on chambers of commerce throughout the country to weigh in for what he calls a national movement against SB 1070.

Congressman calls for challenge of Senate Bill 1070 in the courts

The forum at the Cesar Chavez Community Center here was organized by the Community Leadership Alliance to inform the public about the provisions of the law that takes effect July 28.

Joining Grijalva at the forum were State Rep. Amanda Aguirre, a Yuma Democrat who opposed the law, San Luis Mayor Juan Carlos Escamilla, Somerton Mayor Martin Porchas and Somerton Justice of the Peace Jorge Lozano, who explain various provisions of the law.

Also present was San Luis city attorney Glenn Gimbut, who described the law as badly written. Gimbut noted that San Luis is one of five Arizona municipalities, along with Somerton, who have committed to challenging the constitutionality of the law in court

It would be nice to hear John McCain stand up more forcefully in defense of his state especially now that some Arizona legislators are more chummy with Mexican lawmakers than their own governor. It would be great to flush him out on S.B. 1070 by way of a debate with J.D. Hayworth, his primary opponent. Word has it from Hayworth supporters in Arizona that McCain is dodging a debate. My guess is McCain is as unhappy with S.B. 1070 as the turncoat legislators siding with Mexico against Arizonans but there’s that danged election coming up.

Come on McCain, stand up and debate Hayworth. The whole country would love to watch that debate and judge his responses. This race has national consequences. Is McCain one of us or is he envious of those legislators who reached across the border?

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Artgal says:

    McCain is indeed dodging a debate with JD. First, he waited until the last minute (May 26) to file his petitions with the state – something JD had done nearly a month before. Until the petitions are filed, the candidate cannot be on a ballot or debate. OK, so the petitions are in, but McCain’s camp continues to stall by directly lying to those trying to organize a public debate in this state. Second, JD is very well-spoken and articulate. He may be a politician, but he’s also very knowledgeable and able to recall historical facts effortlessly. He will clean out McCain’s clock in a debate – and McCain knows it!

    The third reason McCain does not want a debate is because McCain will have to be face to face with the public he has betrayed over and over and over again. He has complete contempt for anyone who disagrees with him and his new campaign staff is quite vicious. McCain has gone so far as to avoid the 5/29 rally in Tempe last weeked where he could have thanked thousands who came to aid AZ; instead, he parked his ever-expanding, aging backside in front of a ‘Los’ Suns game – the ‘Los’ Suns who are protesting their own state (I wonder if owner Sarver’s activism against Arizona has anything to do with the stimulus money he received…). McCain was nice enough to even tweet directly from the bench. Does his campaign think this was really a smart move? Then again, what can you say about a campaign that has a spokeshole, Brian Rogers, who was going to work for Al Gore’s Alliance For Climate Protection as their Research Director.

    The McCain camp has also been using the same smear tactics we expect from the left. They have characterized JD supporters as ‘the fringe element’, ‘birthers’ and ‘racists’. That is exactly what they have called us in print and media. I have been one of the PC’s harassed by McCain’s former campaign worker in SE AZ (one of the fired staff of a few weeks ago) and so have several of my pals who are PC’s. What was so wrong? We said we wouldn’t support McCain, so the fight began.

    For all the fight McCain says he still has in him to take on Obama – well, that would have been great 2 years ago, but it’s silly now that he let Obama win. Where the REAL fight has been is against Hayworth by McCain. He has lied about Hayworth and even had to retract 2 ads that were completely false that people researched & spoke up about. While McCain says we can’t afford someone who lost in congress in 2006, McCain made the bigger blunder by being a very visible big, fat loser in 2008 in a presidential bid allowing Obama to win. He has already made the distinction of who it is he will fight: independent conservatives. The best friend the left can have right now is a desperate incumbent Republican.

    That is why it is sooooooooooooooooo important to get McCain out in our primary on August 24. McCain will be the best friend Obama could ever have (hey, McCain helped him a lot in 2008!) if he’s returned to the Senate for 6 more years. Just look what McCain has done when he’s been held accountable; think of what he’ll do when he doesn’t have to worry about it anymore!

    While Arizona is poised to lead the nation to better days ahead, there lurks McCain jiggling the handle on the toilet. It’s up to Arizona to get rid of this beast, but we need your help. There are differences I have with JD Hayworth, but when I have spoken with him, he doesn’t cop an attitude and he’s very forthright in his response. He doesn’t hide from his own record or make excuses – means a great deal to me. I also know he is dedicated to securing our border, building a wall and deporting illegals. He’s what we need and if you’re a TAM in AZ (or looking for a vaca!), please attend the June 5th rally in Phoenix (www.Phoenixrally.com) and stay afterward because in the very same park, JD is holding a fundraiser barbeque where he will be speaking from 6pm to 9pm. It’s $25.00 for adults, $10.00 for kids. I’ll be there and so will a lot of my pals. It’s Amnesty’s Last Stand: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e2udlsv9d3da08ce

    By donating, you will help JD put out more tv and radio ads to fight the McCain machine, and you will be ensuring victory in our August primary! It’s something you can do to fight the RINO contingent of the GOP and also to ensure we have a senator who will back up our state and governor.

  2. Gordon says:

    Hey Mexican Senators (aka., descendants of the Spanish Conquistadors), as Pat says, “Es uno de nosotros!” so P*** OFF!

  3. CO2aintpoison says:

    …and as the AZ Gov-nah says: si se puede (read: yes we can kick your illegal ass out of our country – go fix your own damn country).

  4. larrygeary says:

    Seems that when push comes to shove, Hispanics stand with their ethnic brethren against the rule of law, and damn the consequences for the United States. When even “conservative” commentator Linda Chavez stood with the Mexicans during the Amnesty fights, I knew in their hearts they were never “one of us” no matter how long they have been here, no matter how apparently assimilated they may seem. Individuals may get along, but groups will always be in conflict and carry grievances and resentments down the generations. It’s sad, but part of human nature. We can’t change it, and we can’t let visions of rainbows and unicorns blind us to the reality.

  5. Gabster64 says:

    McCain AKA RINO it is time for you to retire and enjoy your 7 houses and your wife’s money. Thank you very much for your military service and your sacrifice as a POW. You are indeed a HERO!
    Now let’s move on….After 28 years in government you have failed the state of AZ, we still do not have the fence to keep foreing invaders out. Now you want to talk Amnesty again? Excuse me but the 1986 Amnesty did not work. Yeah lost of people got legal but many of those are trying to revolt against the country that feeds them and has given them a better life. As a legal immigrant and lover of this country I am appalled by all the Hispanic groups such as La Raza, MECHa, Aztlan and others that want “thier land back” the land that Santa Ana sold (The Gadsden Purchase?) We are tired of your “reaching across the isle” attitude which always gives you the short end of the stick. Tired of the bills you have either sponsored or signed. McCain-Feingold? McCain-Lieberman for Cap & Trade? You co-sponsored the bill now you are talkig agianst it? I was at a Town Hall meeting when you said…”My friends, Cap & Trade is bad for the country, it is Cap & Tax” You wrote the bill now you want your name off of it? Come on…… Enough!
    Please retire and become an honrable Statesman!

  6. eMVeeH says:

    Isn’t it amazing how those bastard-Mexican legislators come to the US to proect the rights of “their” people? Instead of doing it in country? It just makes my blood boil!

    I hope this, among other things, riles up enough of the American electorate so that by Labor Day the Dems and RINOs will be looking at the classifieds!

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