Hi everyone, posting here from the Conservatives4Palin meetup in Chicago. I will have a more extensive post on the happenings here, but I did want to chime in about a couple of things.

First, let me preface this post with a reminder that I love all TAMs and participants here at the Tammy Blog. But we’ve getting swamped with comments and emails asking questions that, well, have been answered, so I am posting one more time to make sure everyone gets theirs answers.

Yes, there was no podcast for Friday as I was flying to Chicago for the C4P gathering. That is where I am right now. The Weekend Update and Palin Report will post tomorrow (Sunday) when I get back home to the Power Shack in the evening.

Next, it looks like Rachael will have good news today about getting iTunes hooked up with the new subscription server πŸ™‚ As soon as she has specifics, she will post here so keep an eye on the blog. Her post will have information you will need, if you are a TAM, to re-hook into iTunes for the Tammy Radio podcast feed via your TAM paid subscriber account. Comments asking what’s going on and where the iTunes feed is will no longer be published. Weirdly, I have a limit of answering the same question 100 times.

Also, if you did not get the email with the new password for the new subscription service please email rachael @ tammybruce.com. At this point if you didn’t get it, it is likely your TAM membership expired a long time ago and you will not be getting the email, or your email changed since you signed up. So if you expired you will need to re-sign up as a TAM (but check with Rachael re your status), and if you have a new email, please email Rachael with the info. Do not post your emails in the comments section. I just can’t be sure that Rachael will see it, and you are also opening yourself up for bot spam by doing that.

Finally, if you are a Free Commenter, no, you won’t be able to get the iTunes feed for the podcasts. Not because the new system is bad or not working, but because you are a…Free Commenter. The podcasts are for subscribers, also known as Tammy Army Members (TAMs). Join on up and you will get immediate access to all media, including, of course, the podcasts. Oh, and to the person whose TAM membership expired in 2009 and who has been on the rampage about not getting new password info–you expired in 2009, you will need to re-sign up if you want to get the podcasts.

Okay? So be on the lookout for that Rachael post. Considering the emails I’ve been getting from far and wide (and intercontinentally) it has become apparent the iTunes Tammy Feed is the new crack. I, your Hostess, was surprised and, er, humbled in a Tammy sort of way. Who knew?

Love, Tammy xxoo

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
26 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, Anthony G. Martin, Rachelle Friberg, Linda Zumpano, Daniel Morgan and others. Daniel Morgan said: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Quick Note from Tammy in Chicago http://bit.ly/awTNJe #tbrs […]

  2. RuBegonia says:

    For PC: You can load the podcast to your iPod manually by a “right click” and save (from the blog podcast link) to your computer, then going inside iTunes –File–> add file to Library (tho’ will be added to your MUSIC folder cuz it doesn’t know it’s a podcast) then you can drag the file to your iPod manually (or it will sync if u have it setup to sync your new music). Anyway, this works if you need a portable Fix. Remember to retrieve it from your MUSIC folder, not PODCASTs (cuz it doesn’t see it as a podcast when added manually). Whew. Woof.

    • thierry says:

      this won’t work on a Mac unless you have quicktime pro- free quicktime will not allow you to download and save content( although it used to).

      applications like wire tap and audio hijack will allow you to do it but you have to run the whole show through to save it.

  3. noflyzone says:

    Who’s Tammy Bruce? Just kidding!

  4. imacat says:

    Clearly you’re not a mom or a teacher! Our limit is at least 200 of the same question!:)

  5. Carol says:

    I hated to have to e-mail Rachael, but I had the same issue I saw that others had where I could log in yet not get to Member content. Rachael fixed it and responded within an hour today, Saturday. I’m exceedingly impressed. After all, glitches happen, it’s how they’re resolved that matters at that point.

  6. KatieSilverSpring says:

    What the H*ll is a bot spam?

  7. wmdooley says:

    My TAM account was paid up with no irregularities and still got lost in the shuffle. After I emailed Rachael about it, she had it fixed in SIX MINUTES!!!

  8. thierry says:

    don’t be threatening with the sister mary elephant… that’s just cruel and unusual punishment! (rulers = nun version of water boarding)

    • MaryVal says:

      Thierry, the nun in the 4th grade had the “board of education”, as in, bend over and grab your ankles and Sister Sylvaria will educate you with the flat of that board. She “educated” students at the front of the class, so we all had a good view. Kids were very well behaved in her class.

  9. trevy says:

    You sent me a new password, but, for some crazy reason, it didn’t work and my old one still did.

    “I, your Hostess, was surprised and, er, humbled in a Tammy sort of way.”

    Proverbs 3:34
    34 He mocks proud mockers
    but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.

  10. kmsimchak says:

    Is that Sister Mary Catherine or Sister Mary Elephant, little flashback… BTW is everyone ADD these days or do people just don’t pay attention or have patience? I ADD and I got it, LOL. Have a safe flight home Tammy! Thanks to Racheal for all of your hard work for us, you hooked me up in a flash.

  11. Rob_W says:

    For the apple-intolerant among us, the Juice podcast receiver works great, it’s free and does not hog system resources.


  12. ShArKy666 says:

    hey tammy i hope ur having a great time there…if sarah is there, i hope u hug her again for us all!…she’s over 2,400,000 on FB now!…all day today i was watching her followers go up
    & up..i hope her series on TLC will attract more to her page..she also wrote a great post giving advice to the new freshmen congress people recently elected. by the way..just a FYI that log in thing at WP doesn’t work too well, so i only use the one on ur site…when can we switch our passwords back to their original state? sorry if that’s been answered before..lol

  13. Kimj7157 says:

    So…there’s a new subscription server??


  14. Rightmindedmom says:

    Hey Tammy! I just got back from the meetup. It was wonderful to meet you. Your speech was the BEST. This really may sound goofy, or (I hope not) creepy: while watching you speak, and having a relatively “front row”-type seat, is it strange that I was feeling as if I really knew you? I know you don’t know me from Eve (a takeoff of “Adam”), but being a TAM really enforced that feeling of familiarity (listening to your broadcast several times per week reinforced that), so when you spoke, I felt I knew exactly where you were coming from.

    Don’t worry. I live in Wisconsin and have no plans on flying to California to stalk you. I do have a life and a family of my own…(:-P (That’s a sideways goofy face). Still, I felt a real connection to your words — I guess like a sister in a cause. That cause would be doing all we can to propel Sarah Palin to run and win the Presidency in 2012. Thank you so much for your inspiring words.

    Mom in Wisconsin
    P.S. Thanks for signing my shirt!!

    • tabbywabby says:

      Rightmindedmom, I met Tammy in Phoenix last month. My15-year-old daughter was mortified that I said Tammy’s name as she walked by in the lobby and then when I moved in on her at the cocktail party. She was sure Tammy was frightened of me and felt that I was creepy…of course, I wasn’t having her sign clothing. πŸ™‚

    • ShArKy666 says:

      i’ve felt the same way about tammy for a while now. she was the first person i ever saw on TV that i thought…WOW i’d luv to be friends with her cos she thinks so much like me….kinda like the sister i never had…she’s amazing πŸ™‚ i’m so jealous u got to meet her…congrats

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