My new column has posted at Newsmax, please do take a look and spread the word 🙂 Thanks.

Cain’s Reaction to Scandal Shows He’s Not Ready for Prime Time</strong>

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kat says:

    Enjoyed your article once again Tammy! Not making excuses, but I think this is a perfect example of what may happen when the “citizen” candidate runs for national office instead of dealing with only the “professional” candidate! Definitely it is proof positive of the difference between the professional vs. the amateur!
    So now the question is not what happened 15 yrs ago but, are we to expect this in the White House if the citizen candidate is elected?
    Personally, I feel he can learn from these mistakes and praying he does if elected president because four years of amateur behavior will have been enough from the present administration!

  2. FrankRemley says:

    I’ve long felt that Herman Cain is nothing but Ross Perot without all the cornpone. He talks in platitudes and cliches and says what he thinks people want to hear. He might be a decent fellow but there’s a big difference between running the country and running a pizza joint. Plus, the man is woefully inept when it comes to foreign policy. That worries me a helluva lot more than some fifteen year old sexual harassment charge that may or may not be true.

  3. CIVLAKFLT says:

    Excellent article, Tammy.

    It does bring up some troubling issues this early in the campaign, but that’s the media’s MO. However, every campaign has its share of early missteps and I will give Cain a pass on this one. It’s no different from the cringe-inducing TV interview Gov. Palin did with Couric, heavily edited as it was. And maybe this is what happens when handlers have too much say. I expect Herman Cain to step up his game and not be blindsided by future probes into his life, nor be so quick to play the race card.

  4. San says:

    You should listen to Mark Levin’s show yesterday. He explains it well. I think Cain is handling this well.

  5. mrcannon says:

    Tammy, I’m really enjoying your columns at Newsmax, a site I’ve had bookmarked for a long while. I hope you’re warming up for another book.

  6. Kat says:

    I have been asked several times this evening (Wed 11/2) why Cain is blaming Perry and not Romney! My response is as follows: “The TAMS esteem leader is right…..again! This to me is PROOF positive that Cain is wanting to be Romney’s Veep!”. Thank you Esteem Leader for your wisdom….you make us TAMS look and sound smart when we actually listen to your words! LOL! 😀
    Love ya!!!!!

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