A bit of language NSFW or the kids, just FYI. The good thing is, whenever there’s crappy news (and there will be) you can always turn to this for some relief. Enjoy 😉

Via Boing Boing.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Patricia says:

    Whew! Thanks Tammy I feel so much better. 🙂

  2. dennisl59 says:

    Best Prop Telephone Abuse Screaming Rant:

    “I don’t live in the ******* world!!!, I live in ******* New York City!!!!!”

    F-bomb count: 7

    posted 8/22 535pm Texas[Thanks Tammy, I needed this!]Time

  3. trevy says:

    Todd Akin, ya dirty, rotten, low-down shnake-in-da-grass! 🙂

  4. lawmom90 says:

    That was F&*(-in awesome!

  5. geezee says:

    omg, i’m laughing… wow, we needed that!

    just heard that Romney Ryan were playing the song, “we’re not gonna take it any more” as a theme song, and whoever that singer is asked RR to NOT use his song. and Paul Ryan said, “we’re not gonna play it any more.” haha, that is GREAT!


    I LOVE PAUL RYAN!!! Paul Ryan for prez 2016!!!!!

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