But I thought he was the Most Loved President Evah! So they want more unicorns? A brighter rainbow?

Via Weekly Standard.

Stephen D. Abney, the chief public affairs official for the Army’s Joint Munitions Command, recently sent a message to all 6,000 employees he speaks for: Don’t criticize President Barack Obama or any political party to members of the press. The message was received by civilian contractors as well.

“It’s not meant for contractors… It wasn’t intended for contractors,” said Abney of the email, which details how folks should deal with the press because of sequestration (mandatory spending cuts).

But, Abney conceded, he “can’t swear” that contractors—that is, civilians—did not receive the message either. In fact, at least some of the 6,000 contractors that work with JMC received the message.

The message was “intended to remind our employees that they are not spokespersons for the government,” said Abney on the phone today.

Abney says he was just reminding employees that the commander in chief—President Barack Obama—is their boss.

Here’s the full text of the email, which was written by Abney:

—–Original Message—–

From: Larson, Angela M CIV (US)
Sent: Friday, March
01, 2013 5:59 PM
Subject: Sequestration – Media Tips

To JMC employees,

Because of media interest in sequestration and furlough, you may be approached or contacted by a reporter at some point and asked to comment.

If you don’t wish to speak with a reporter, politely decline.

If you agree to be interviewed, remember that you’re expressing your personal opinion, not that of anyone else – and certainly not the opinion of JMC or the Army.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kitten says:

    Pathetic. Can’t you just see ’em running and falling all over themselves trying to head off the onslaught of press trying to interview employees. Hahaha! Nothing to see here…Okay, if you wanna keep yo job, no body better say nothin’ to these reporters, got dat!?

  2. deaves1 says:

    I hope there are no hidden microphones around where I work.

  3. Dave says:

    Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my! Hey Mr. Abney, buzz off.

  4. aardvark says:

    We had to remove anti-O bumper stickers to be able to drive on post. I am also VERY careful about the content of any email I send to hubby at work (he’s a Dept. of the Army (DA) civilian who works on a military installation. I wonder all the time if my activism online will eventually hurt his employment.

  5. TX Soldier254 says:

    That’s interesting, a few months ago on base I was driving behind a woman with at least 10 Obama/Democrat supporting stickers on her compact car, no problems there.

    When President Bush (2) was in office, I often ran in to soldiers publicly disparaging on him, not wanting to go into harm’s way, future Obama Voters, no problems there.

  6. Alain41 says:

    So military can’t criticize the CiC, yet look at who is getting the U.S. Woman of Courage award from the Sec. of State. (From Mark Steyn post.)

    “Samira Ibrahim is one of those women subjected to the post-Mubarak Egyptian Army’s “virginity tests,” and objected to it. Tomorrow at the State Department in Washington, in the presence of the first lady, Miss Ibrahim will be presented by John Kerry with the United States government’s “Woman of Courage” Award….

    Her favorite Hitler quote: I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it…

    And her reaction to the Cairo mob raising the al-Qaeda flag over the U.S. embassy:

    Today is the anniversary of 9/11. May every year come with America burning…”


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