
Well, it’s taken five years, but it’s beginning to look like Hope and Change has finally begun to be replaced with Mockery and Derision.

Leno, Letterman, Jon Stewart; even Pat Sajak (“Wheel of Fortune”) has chimed in:
Via The Washington Times: Pat Sajak blasts Obamacare: ‘If you like your vowels, you can keep your vowels’

“The Great Pretender” was a big hit in 1955. But could The Platters ever have known how appropriate this song would be in 2013?

Related: NBC/WSJ poll: Obama approval sinks to new low

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kitten says:

    We have waited soooo long for this. Mockery and scorn and ridicule of OBummer’s regime by pop culture. This is where the LIVs live. The blissfully uninformed in America get their news from these venues. Think they’re listening now? The disaster of the OCrapoCare rollout was too much fodder for these comedians not to pounce on, even if short lived. This is another example that, yep, God does have a sense of humor. I’ve got a big ole smile on my face right now that says, “See, we told ya so.”

  2. idaho_karen says:

    When will the MSM begin this phase? I believe they are still trying to protect the POS; using mild criticism to deflect form how bad Obamacare really is for the country.

  3. ancientwrrior says:

    Great animation video, loved it. The big “O” POS to a T.

  4. RuBegonia says:

    Hadn’t seen that animated video. Well done and WooFaw. Conservatives have plenty of “I told you so” smugness these days. Much of it is wasted energy. I was certain that some of my favorite lefty friends and colleagues would finally see the light. Mention the gorilla in the room and they spew talking points or change the subject. Also, there are many in the real world who remain way too exhausted from keeping up with the 21st century to notice that the Artful Dodger is picking their pockets…until he also pinches their butts. Perhaps we are close to a change of tide, and if so, perhaps we can ride that wave through the mid-terms and yet another presidential election.

  5. Dave says:

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all TAMs!!!

    I hope no one comes to my door dressed as the DB.

    btw, tried renewing my health care, usually takes 2 to 4 weeks, I sent it in in last Sept, and still no response.
    When I call Albany, capitol here in NY, they say, The STATE is working on it.
    Oh, Cuomo, and Bloomberg? What could go wrong!

  6. n9zf says:

    ON the NBC drama, Michael the Pretender was really really smart. In real life, Obama the Pretender… not so much

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