This is a big deal, and the focus of my appearance on Fox & Friends this morning.

Via Fox News.

TRUST DEFICIT LIMITS OBAMA OPTIONS – The White House is trying very hard to pretend that the world isn’t falling to pieces right now – sending President Obama off to Ohio to tout global warming curbs and his economic plan and then on to another fundraiser tonight. But as new enrollment numbers show, the prognosis for Obama’s central policy ambition looks dire. It’s becoming increasingly clear that ObamaCare is headed for some major surgery in Congress. So what does the president want to do? For a chief executive famous for an inability to deal with lawmakers, even of his own party, the weeks ahead look perilous. Democrats, including most moderates and some liberals, are decrying the administration’s botched rollout and decision not to honor Obama’s campaign promise to allow Americans to keep their health plans. And the president has precious little political capital to bring them around to protecting his law.

[One month ago, the Fox New poll showed Democrats leading Republicans by 8 points in the generic congressional ballot. Now, Republicans lead by 3 points.]

A damaged brand – A new Fox News poll finds half of respondents believe the president knowingly lied when he made the notorious “you can keep it” pledge, while 40 percent said Obama didn’t know that the promise wouldn’t be kept. Nearly 60 percent believe the administration knew ahead of time that people would be kicked off their insurance because of the law, and 55 percent think the White House has “tried to deceive” people about it. As for his recent apology to Americans losing their health insurance because of ObamaCare, a majority believe it was “mostly for political reasons.” That trust breach has badly damaged the president. Obama’s job ratings have sunk to an all-time low, with 55 percent disapproving of his performance. Perceptions of his leadership skills are also in trouble. Voters are three times as likely to view his leadership as poor (39 percent) compared to excellent (13 percent). On the issues: a record-high 61 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of health care, and an even higher 66 percent disapprove of the president’s handling of the deficit.

Thanks to RuBegonia for capturing Tammy on Fox & Friends.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shifra says:

    The next State of the Union speech should be very interesting.

    I wonder: Will the Democrats will give him the usual standing ovation/cheer/handshaking/kissing/backslapping adoration? Or will the famous words of Joe Wilson reverberate in everyone’s minds: “YOU LIE”


    • Alain41 says:

      Obama (and Democrats) always go on the attack. Instead of using SOTU address to cheer Obama, they’ll simply pivot to jeer Republicans. Eg, Obama will figuratively say, You Lie, while addressing Republicans; those obstructionist Republicans didn’t provide the money for Ocare to succeed (sequester), they protected taxes for the rich to prevent success (SEQuester), and now they want to starve the American citizen’s chance for healthcare freedom (SEQUESTER).

      This is why Republicans need a plan for offense and go on it, not just sending McCain & Graham & McConnell & Boehner out to say, heh heh heh we can work together kumbaya.

      • Maynard says:

        You got it. Obama will strive to move the focus away from his failures and lies, and instead to rally the people against those “extremists” he paints as enemies. His strength is in dividing the nation and sowing seeds of discord and hatred.

        Hmmmm, my fantasy is the SotU speech will break out into a big brawl, like what happens at sports events or on the Jerry Springer show. Even with their deficiencies, I bet the Republicans could pound those girly-men into the ground.

  2. RuBegonia says:

    Here is the video of Tammy’s Fox & Friends appearance: http://youtu.be/B1qfU9y1sq0

  3. Norm says:

    I recently, as in last week, was in a manager’s summit (8 hours)…I am a healthcare professional who manages a transfusion service for 3 hospitals. The presenter was an insurance specialist who actually did read the bill…many, many times. He showed us on the screen the exact place in the bill where millions would be kicked off their private plans so as to fund the ACA. He also said, the pushers of the ACA knew this from the getgo including the messiah (he didn’t say messiah, you know the drill); in short, the bastards lied through their teeth. And he did make us feel much better….as in; Utah jumped all over state driven exchanges (using existing private companies located in the state) and proactively educated providers and patients on state Medicaid, long before the abortion of Obamacare was signed. As a result, small businesses in Utah have choices for their employees and private and non-work related insurers also have been able to adjust to the attack due to Utah state protection laws from the Feds. Notice Utah is one of the states that report no one being kicked off their insurance….thank God.. I knew besides being born here and the fact it is a beautiful state…that there were a lot more reasons to love Utah. Oh yes, speaking of Love…we also have Mia Love….there’s another one.

  4. idaho_karen says:

    I wish Idaho had been as prescient as Utah. And considering we are sisters at the border, we had a good model to follow (that and attempting to get our lands back from the Feds – they ‘own’ 62% of Idaho). But, our slimy, weak governor (ostensibly an ‘R’) wouldn’t listen to the people and bought into the Exchanges. Last I heard, less than 100 Idahoans signed up for Obamacare. (I refuse to use ‘Affordable Care Act’ terminology – POS needs to be tied to this disaster forever).

    I pray the Republicans don’t help him try to recapture his ‘glory’ by helping him ‘improve’ Obamacare. Or maybe he’ll veto the bill!

    I do wonder if his handlers (not the D’s in Congress) will remove their support for him and allow him to fall – either impeachment or resignation. Or maybe he’ll veto the bill!

    • Cathode Rays says:

      “But, our slimy, weak governor (ostensibly an ‘R’) wouldn’t listen to the people and bought into the Exchanges”

      Sounds like he’d be right at home among slimy, weak RINOs that run things back in D.C. Remember when Boehner promised to defund this monster? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/09/20/boehner_on_successful_vote_to_defund_obamacare_a_victory_for_america.html

    • Norm says:

      I feel bad for you all up there in Idaho, Karen. A great state that I love visiting….yes, Utah does have state exchanges, but they have been gone into effect long before the Fed could screw them and as a result, no one’s insurance has changed anymore than the normal annual changes. And yes, we have a tough and smart governor who has been working toward getting our 64% of Fed land back into our hands. Oh yes, and he took over from the worst RINO ever…Jon Huntsman…the state did a sigh of relief when that jerk left. P.S. Our governor, Gary Herbert is married to a classmate of mine Jeanette…a beautiful lady who was drop dead gorgeous in high school 46 years ago…but smart, funny and everyone’s friend.

  5. KCBob4Tam says:

    This would go along well with Tammy’s Obama audio…


  6. Alain41 says:

    Mark Steyn is so good. After calling Obama, Queen Barry Antoinette, he then writes: “…So he’s smart enough to know that if he’d known what he didn’t know he’d know enough not to let it be known that he knew nothing. The country’s in the very best of hands….But on he staggers, with a wave of his scepter, delaying this, staying that, exempting the other, according to his regal whim and internal polling….”


  7. dennisl59 says:

    Found in the archives: El Presidente’s Speech to the Joint Session of Congress on Obamacare on September 9th, 2009. Yeah, this is the one where Wilson says ‘You Lie’. For those that have the stomach for it, read the entire propaganda spew.


    But here’s the paragraph:

    “Here are the details that every American needs to know about this plan. First, if you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. (Applause.) Let me repeat this: Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have.”

    So, he did in fact LIE in front of the entire Congress and everyone that watched or listened. Every Democrat that voted for this should be defeated in the next election. In other words, make THEM eat HIS words.

    posted 11/21 1057pm Texas[Cruz Was Right]Time

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