bill and hillary

Not sure if Hillary is ‘delusional,’ or just being over-confident.

But unfortunately, her dear friend, Amb. Chris Stevens, was unavailable for comment.

Via Washington Examiner:

Hillary Clinton said Thursday night that she thinks she could beat her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in a general election race.

“If I were going to run against him, would I win? Yeah,” Clinton said on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Thursday night….

The former secretary of state said she already has plans for Bill Clinton if she wins the White House.

“Really, I more imagine asking him what is the best way to create more jobs really quickly and get wages up,” Clinton said. “Because he did a really good job.” Bill Clinton has recently begun appearing on the campaign trail along with his wife….

Jimmy Kimmel: “When’s the last time you got really ‘hammered?’ 1:58
Hillary on why Republicans don’t believe in Climate Change 6:55
Hillary on beating Bill in election 13:00

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dennisl59 says:

    The picture of these two so-called ‘human beings’ provided the opportunity to re-visit a site that outlines, in detail, their pathology:

    posted 11/6 937am Texas[Long Live George Orwell]Time

    • Vintageport says:

      1. Check
      2. Check
      3. Check
      20 Check (Vince Foster not available for concurrence on this one)

      Doesn’t one need to really work at it to meet all 20 characteristics? Nice work, you freaks.

  2. Alain41 says:

    Since there just was a significant Republican Kentucky Governor victory, here’s a wikip. entry on the usage of ‘yaller dog’ Democrat.

    “…The first known usage to date of “yaller dog” in relation to Democrats [in lieu of yellow dog Democrat] occurred in the 1900 Kentucky gubernatorial contest involving Kentucky Governor William Goebel. Theodore Hallam was criticized at a Democratic Party meeting for first supporting Goebel, then campaigning against him. The critic pointed out that Hallam earlier had said “if the Democrats of Kentucky, in convention assembled, nominated a yaller dog for governor you would vote for him” and asked “why do you now repudiate the nominee of that convention, the Honorable William Goebel?” Hallam responded: “I admit,” he stated blandly, “that I said then what I now repeat, namely, that when the Democratic Party of Kentucky, in convention assembled, sees fit in its wisdom to nominate a yaller dog for the governorship of this great state, I will support him — but lower than that ye shall not drag me!”…”

    Bill is a yaller dog. Hillary is lower than that.

  3. n9zf says:

    I wonder if when Hillary says she can beat Bill, she is referring to her old historical practice of throwing table lamps at him.

  4. Piquerish says:

    She would win. First, she’d expose to the fawning, fondling press the multiple rapes, gropes, thefts etc. etc. etc…. Then the Canis Fideli press would finally report it all exhaustively in banner headlines. Next she’d set him up with an infected K-Street creeper and then report the latest medical procedures on our Peyronie’s Diseased “Slick Willy’s” willy. She’d claim martyrdom and yet stand by her mayan. Victory assured – no problemo. And yes, she IS a megalomaniac and also is the Fixer/Plumber for the Clinton Crime Family. Makes me wonder where and how in the hell the New Communist Democrat party gets the human waste they repeatedly foist off on America — and why Americans seem to swoon ass over tin cups to vote for them.

  5. Dave says:

    Scum rises to the top.

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