
Amazing what a few hours of airbrushing a photo can do…

Via Breitbart.

Before her collapse and health scare in New York City, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was interviewed for the latest issue of Women’s Health magazine.

The October issue of the magazine features a glossy photo of a glowing Hillary Clinton in an article that talks about her plans to help women if she’s elected president.

When asked about the biggest obstacle she faced during her campaign, Clinton said it was the new media culture…..

“In the heat of a campaign, in a culture that rewards brevity and clever phrases on social media, it can be really tempting to give simple answers to complex problems,” she said. “That’s never been my style.”….



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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Vintageport says:

    Oooopsie! All the King’s horses and all the King’s men—-

  2. dennisl59 says:

    “Amazing what a few hours of airbrushing a photo can do…”

    No, actually it took 12 hours of 10,000 virtual computers to render that CGI face.

    It’s amazing what Industrial Light and Magic will do when they owe the Clinton Foundation.

    posted 9/13 226pm Texas[Ponds Cold Cream]Time

  3. Maynard says:

    Today’s Taranto column, “The Dead Zone”, is another must-read. Opening:

    The Democratic nominee for president of the United States exposed a little girl to an infectious disease for the sake of a photo-op.

    You can’t make this stuff up. And there’s more: The purpose of the photo-op was to propagate the lie that the candidate—who had collapsed hours earlier at a 9/11 memorial—was physically healthy. The coverup might well have succeeded, except that Fox News broke the story of the collapse, which was subsequently proved when amateur video surfaced. Hillary Clinton’s campaign kept the professionals far away from her.

    Last week this column noted that Mrs. Clinton’s surrogates, and her servants in the press, were aggressively insisting that Mrs. Clinton was in excellent health, even as news had surfaced that she’d told the FBI a head injury caused her to forget important matters while secretary of state. She also had just suffered a four-minute coughing fit while trying to deliver a speech, which she attributed to a psychosomatic allergy to Donald Trump…

  4. hbmuzik says:

    Poor thing…she hasn’t looked that good in….well…..never.

  5. Maynard says:

    It’s been suggested that, at the upcoming debates, after he shakes hands with Hillary, Trump should pull out a little bottle of hand sanitizer while saying, “Can never be too careful about germs.”

  6. Minnie says:

    Old saying might apply here. “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear” !

  7. mdannyg says:

    A conservative I talked to, who is more conspiratorial than I, suggested that the entire illness is completely made up for sympathy and that she is perfectly healthy. An interesting theory I think, especially since it makes her looks like a victim no matter how others respond to it.

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