I especially like Charlie Rose’s response when she says she agrees with the Romney team about the ad.

First, here’s the Obama ad in question:

Huffington’s response on CBS:

I mentioned this and Romney terrific response to the allegation on Tammy Radio. Here first is the debate moment in 2007 with Romney being asked about that comment specifically and puts it in context:

(HT HotAirPundit)

Here’s audio of Rommey’s perfect response today, perfect level of snark and derision while remaining above it all:

Romney: ‘Even Jimmy Carter’ would have ordered Osama bin Laden killing

Asked by reporters following a campaign event here whether he would have given the order to go after bin Laden, Romney suggested that any president would have made the same decision as President Obama.

“Of course. Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order,” Romney said, referring to the former Democratic president known for his reluctance to use military force.

Ultimately, the Dumb Bastard in the White House would love to have the political debate be about anything other than the economy. The Romney team has handled this well so far, but they need to make sure the discussion remains about the issue of immediate impact to all of our lives–the financial health of this nation and getting a president in there who knows what he’s doing.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lawmom90 says:

    Seeing the 2007 debate clip reminds me of why I supported Romney over McCain (pre-Palin VP pick, of course) and shows a tremendous amount of knowledge that Romney has regarding the “players” in the War on terror. I feel more confident about his foreign policy positions after being refreshed on this 5 year old video.

  2. Teri says:

    The dumb stupid freak bastard acts like he sat down, planned the strategy, worked on the plan and then made the decision to kill the beast. All it did was give the OK, which any president would have done. Damn jackass.

  3. Shifra says:

    Brava to Arianna for speaking the truth…. Btw, remember in ’08 when everyone was ooo-ing and ahh-ing about the DB’s “temperament” ??? Well, as it turns out, he is a mean-spirited and angry ——- (fill in your fav expletive). Looks like Romney is the one with the grown-up temperament.

  4. Kimj7157 says:

    Good for Huffington. Very good for Romney. I’m hoping the days of “He’s (Obama) a nice man, but…” are over for good. This is a battle for the very survival of America. The Romney camp needs to attack with both barrels blazing from here on out. No holds barred.

  5. I wouldn’t trust her with an old pair of shoes.

  6. Pat_S says:

    We all know Obama wouldn’t be manly enough to take the blame had the mission failed.

    What’s the point of questioning if Romney would have made the same decision? The only way for Obama to replay this triumph is in his imagination. You can kill someone only once. If he had a second term, Obama couldn’t kill bin Laden again and neither can Pres. Romney. If Obama is questioning Romney’s grit for this kind of action then I’d like to know who Obama is gunning for in his second term. So would the world which thought he was a different sort of leader. Who is Obama planning to assassinate in the future that Romney may not?

  7. rosebud2186 says:

    Looks like Gayle King is ready to go all Jerry Springer on Ariana! LOL

  8. AniMel says:

    After I picked myself up off the floor, I thought, “wow…if Arianna Huffington is saying that Obama’s ad is despicable, the left must be getting pretty irritated with the Prez!”

  9. Alain41 says:

    Petard. Hoist.

    BHO thought that since Hillary’s 3:00 am advertisement was effective against him in the 2008 primary, then a similar ad specific to OBL killing would be even more effective against Romney.

  10. Paul Anderson says:

    U can hear Charlie Rose gasp when AH makes it clear that she supports Romney on this issue. I like Gayle but she has absolutely ZERO objectivity when it comes to Obama.

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