Iran’s new president, the man who was never, never a terrorist or involved with the American embassy hostage taking, wants Israel “wiped from the map.”

Speaking at a conference titled, “A World Without Zionists,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad essentially called for the extermination of Jews, words which were termed simply as “harsh” by the UK’s Mail & Guardian as they then labeled this would-be genocidal maniac a “hard-liner.”

Iran’s hard-line president has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and said a new wave of Palestinian attacks would destroy the Jewish state, state-run media reported on Wednesday…

“There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will wipe off this stigma [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world,” Ahmadinejad told students on Wednesday during a Tehran conference called The World without Zionism.

“Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world,” Ahmadinejad said.

“As the imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” said Ahmadinejad, who came to power in August and replaced Mohammad Khatami, a reformist who advocated international dialogue and tried to improve Iran’s relations with the West.

Ahmadinejad referred to Israel’s recent withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as a “trick”, saying Gaza was already a part of Palestinian lands and the pull-out was designed to win acknowledgement of Israel by Islamic states.

Golly, I thought giving land to savages was supposed to make them be like normal people? And is it possible Iran doesn’t mean well? And why would Germany and France be so willing to help them along with the nuclear program, as they have in the past? There’s no way they could want a nuclear missle striking at the heart of Jerusalem to be stamped “Made in Germany and France,” could they?

Let’s be honest here-the world looked away when Hitler made the same public declarations against Jews. We argued after the fact that we “couldn’t have known” what his plans were. Actually, anyone who read Mein Kampf knew exactly what his plans were. Churchill certainly did.
Now, there is no excuse. We know what Jew-hating despots are capable of and we have a duty to confront it.

In the meantime, Europe is once again shrugging its collective shoulder, and as a man calls for genocide in the region, Democrat cowards and appeasers call for our withdrawal from Iraq.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Rod says:

    Those pics taken back when the fascists took over our embassy and the days they held Americans hostage before Ronnie came in to office – that was his twin brother not him in them, right?

  2. CTinker says:

    And what’s the U.S. policy toward Iran? Let’s keep talking to them?

    How about a new policy, oh, something simple like-Any anti-Semitic nation is an enemy of America and will be treated as such.

    President Bush has so many opportunities and challenges before him right now its mind boggling. I know he must be weary, but we must “never weary of well-doing.” The Jews have faced this for thousands of years and those who have sought to destroy them as a race cease to exist or are relegated to the backburner, never to rise to prominence again. I pray the U.S. never falls on the wrong side of history.

  3. Talkin Horse says:

    With Russia and China assisting Iran with nuclear technology, and Europe unwilling to rock the boat, and the US hesitant to act alone, and with Iran on the verge of acquiring the bomb and openly intent on destroying Israel…well, one fine day we’re going to wake up and learn that Israel has launched a pre-emptive strike on Iran to destroy the nukes, much like they once did against Iraq. This will be harder than the job in Iraq, because Iran is aware of the possibility, so it will have to be a bigger attack. The aftermath will be a painful and dangerous mess, but the Israelis will perceive they have no choice if the rest of the so-called civilized world twiddles its thumbs. And then everyone can gather together and blame the Jews and George Bush for all the evil in the world.

  4. neocon cowgirl says:

    Tammy, of course this is being talked about all over the blogosphere and talk radio…I just was listening to G. Gordon Liddy on Sirius Patriot…he had something very powerful on. (I gotta listen to someone else when you aren’t on! ;o)
    He played a recording of a speech by a then-member of Parliament. It was recorded in 1934 and in it, the speaker warned of the dangers that he felt were developing in Germany, the things that he listed eerily paralleled the situation in Iran. He was run out of Parliament soon after for his “warmongering” ways. Course, World War II broke out 5 years later. Unfortunately, Britain refused to take the MP’s warnings seriously and, while they tossed him out of office in part because of them, they did take him back later. The man……Winston Churchill.
    I tell you, it was chilling to listen to in Churchill’s own words.

  5. Danny Lemieux says:

    Sounds like a declaration of war by Iran on Israel, to me. That means that, from here-on, anything goes! If you think Eurabia’s reaction to Iran is pathetic today, imagine what it will be when nuclear-tipped Iranian missiles can reach Rome, Paris, Madrid, etc. Pathetic!

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