Obviously, a Good Thing. We’re speaking on Tammy Radio about this right now, and will have more on this through the morning, but in the meantime here’s the Washington Post’s coverage, and check in with Powerline for additional analysis.

WaPo: Miers Withdraws

Ann Coulter has one of the better assessments from a conservative vs. ‘Republican’ POV which these days, when it comes to the elites, are two very different things.

And read this from Charles Krauthammer.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    I admit to being more than a little confused about Miers, considering the almost random mixture of people in the alliances that formed to support her or to oppose her or to wring their hands in confusion. It’s almost a Twilight Zone phenomenon.

    I think part of the problem stems from the insurmountable political litmus tests of the day. An experienced candidate will have a big paper trail, which will be mined and twisted and made into a controversial thing. So, to avoid this conflict, there’s temptation to pick a candidate about whom very little is known — and this candidate will thus be relatively inexperienced. This is part of the reason why it’s hard to get good people into politics. Aside from the fact that they’re going to dig up your boyfriend or girlfriend from the second grade to ask what sort of underwear you were wearing.

  2. PaxAmericana says:

    I am a big fan of Tammy’s and I hadn’t been to the website in a while; I’m very happy there’s a blog now!

    It is a good thing that Miers withdrew herself from the running. Perhaps this is all a ploy by the Administration. Perhaps now Bush is going to nominate Attila Rogers-Brown and two good things will come of it.

    1. The democrats will have to oppose the black daughter of share-croppers (racist democrats)

    2. The Republicans will be able to argue that ‘no-one is good enough for the Democrats.’ (only a far-left nihilist will do)

    Either way, the Republicans win and what’s even better is that Janice Rogers-Brown may actually become a justice.

  3. wilson says:

    “Finally, to throw us totally off balance, Bush did something weird and scary this week: He nominated Ben Bernanke for Fed chairman—A MAN WHO’S TOTALLY QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB. The White House has yet to explain how this happened.
    That’s a bunch of bull-honky-tonk. What about Roberts? What about Bolton and Bush’s other judicial nominees?? Have they not been constructionlists?

    She compares Bush to Nixon? Has she forgotten the tax cut? His faith based initiatives? His pro-life stance? His Christian stance? His rejection of the international criminal courts? The rejection of the Kyoto treaty? His effort and success to drill for oil in Alaska? His anti affirmative action stance? Did he not pass legislation to cut down old trees and under brush in forests to prevent fires (please remember the times we live in?) Has he not come out in support of prayer in schools? 2nd Amendment? I am sure I am missing several.

    Has she forgotten the integrity that has been brought back to the White House? Has she actually forgotten of the sleaze ball that occupied that position for eight years and disgraced the likes of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Reagan? This President has faced disaster since day one. He walked smack dab into a recession and shortly there after 9/11, from there it’s just been snowball. Yet she has zeroed in on a Supreme Court nominee that has no “paper trail.” Yet we know from history that means little or nothing. The President has known Mier PERSONALLY for ten years. You want Janice Brown (or similar,) fine. I’m not saying Miers was the best pick, but I will say I put my trust in this President (oh yeah, Ann makes fun of me to!) and I still have not been convinced it has been misplaced.

    Constructive criticism is fine, but attacking the President in such a manner, well, I find repulsive. I certainly don’t agree with all the spending but did we actually think it was going to come to screeching halt and just reverse itself because Bush was the President? Like we conservatives control the Senate? NOT!

    “After five years of Nixon’s ignoring conservatives—where else would they go?—when liberals came after him for Watergate, conservatives ignored Nixon.”

    With that thought in mind, Ann claimed in her book Vietnam was lost due to the Dems obsession with Watergate. So can I reason we lost Vietnam because the Repubs turned their back or ignored Nixon?

    I love Ann Coulter. I have read all her books and try to catch all of her columns, but as of late and concerning Miers, in my opinion she has been over the top.

  4. predoc says:

    I agree with you, PAXAMERICANA. When I heard of Miers’ nomination, my first thought was that she was a sacrificial lamb, so to speak. I think the ploy angle is entirely possible —

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