I would have blogged in this sooner, but was on a plane for the past 6 hours. Just got home from New York and the OSM launch. I’ll blog more on my thoughts about that tomorrow.

I did want to chime in about Representative John Murtha becoming the MSM’s new loverboy because he’s parroting the Democrat party taking points. I know, I know, it’s just shocking when all the Dems line up with the same line, isn’t it?

Via the AP:

“It’s time to bring them home,” said Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record), a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, choking back tears during remarks to reporters. “Our military has accomplished its mission and done its duty.”…

“Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency. They are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence,” he said. “The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion.”

Shame on him. What a pathetic sellout. But gee, his attitude and statements all sound vaguely familiar. I don’t know what Dem party leadership said to him, but the only thing missing from Murtha’s side is Edgar Bergen.

Newsflash for the MSM and everyone else: When it comes to the war, every single Democrat, including the newly beloved Murtha, is an opportunist. What is the message we should really take from Murtha’s “change of heart” about the war? Try this on for size: A politician is a politician is a politician.

For anyone who thought any Democrat in Washington took their positions based on principle, think again. Murtha’s comments reinforce the fact that today’s Dems have more in common with the occupants of the Mustang Ranch in Nevada then they do with any singular troop out there who has put his or her life on the line for this nation, and for the future of our children.

And oh, btw, for those of you who think his “hawkish” postion is one of principle (which is obvious now it’s not), think again. It could very well could be attributed to the fact that his biggest financial supporters are defense contractors and entities. In the next round of fundraising it will be very interesting to see where his money comes from.

The other indicator that Murtha’s turnaround has nothing to do with principle and fact, is that every comment he made about why we should withdraw our troops is not only wrong when it comes to reasoning, it’s wrong on facts.

1) “Our military has accomplished its mission and done its duty.”

Really? Gee, last time I checked Iraq was considered by al-Qaida to be the front line in the War on Terror. Zarqawi thinks so, too. Our mission is to kill and annihilate the enemy. Mr. Murtha, what planet are you on that we’re finished? Why didn’t you then, at the same time, call for a withdrawal of our troops from Germany, Japan and Italy? That war, for sure, is over. Why leave those troops out?

2) “Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency.”

That’s just simply not true. The Iraqi people are the targets, Shiites specifically, in Zarqawis continuing attempts to cause civil war, which has not worked.

3) “They [the terrorist] are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence,”

So now our defense of ourselves is causing the otherwise good natured al-Qaida to strike at us? Zarqawi and all the other savages kill people because, in their words, “they love death.” This is like saying the German’s would normally have been nice to us if we hadn’t had the gall to land at Normandy and invade Europe. Or, it is akin to stating that chemotherapy is the cause of sickness as opposed to the cancer that is being treated. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Fortunately, the White House fired back continuing their appropriately aggressive posture dealing with all this garbage:

“Congressman Murtha is a respected veteran and politician who has a record of supporting a strong America,” said White House press secretary Scott McClellan. “So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party.”

“The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists,” McClellan said. “After seeing his statement, we remain baffled — nowhere does he explain how retreating from Iraq makes America safer.”

Here here. But it’s actually not so baffling. Murtha is a Democrat and now answerable to Howard Dean who is answerable to George Soros. makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. wayright says:

    November 1, 2008: Fox News transcript, Shephard Smith reporting.

    Good evening America…On the eve of tomorrow’s Presidential election, for the first time in America’s long electoral history, the outcome is a foregone conclusion.

    The Republican party’s candidate, (Insert name here), has such a substantial lead in polling that the only worry from party headquarters seems to be over complacency and turnout. (Insert name here) has campaigned largely on the astounding positive outcomes of the Iraq war, and the now acknowledged successful stewardship of that war by the person he(she?) will no doubt succeed, George W. Bush. The Democratic party candidate, (Insert name here) had to campaign largely in a defensive posture since the 800,000 strong Iraqi army mobilized in late 2007 on the Iranian border, precipitating an agreement by the Iranians to disarm and join the world of peaceful nations.

    Gas prices at the pump, having plummeted to $1.09 a gallon at the beginning of the campaign season is viewed also as a pivotal factor in Republican political good fortune. All three presidential debates seemed to have been dominated by this issue, as both candidates argued about the cause, with one side arguing that the cause was the increase in Iraqi crude, the other attempting to blame the plunge in prices on now-coming to market hydrogen fueled vehicles, and of course, the tremendous decrease in European demand for petroleum, due to the lingering recessions in France and Germany. Also the oil-price plummet has occurred despite four straight quarters of 5% plus GDP growth here in America and is seen to have boosted Republican fortunes.

    It seems the positive outcomes of the Iraq war began to come in bunches shortly after the Democrats in congress began to clamor for a withdrawal, a move which is now viewed as a huge Democratic party mistake by the electorate, according to opinion polling going back to late 2006.

    Hillary Clinton was to have been the hope of the Democratic Party as their candidate, until it became apparent to Americans that her husband, who had vociferously decried the war beginning in 2005, then flip-flopped, in the eyes of the electorate, when Zarqawi’s DNA was identified conclusively. The separate trials of Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden were seen to boost Republican fortunes also, which occured during that same time frame in late 2006. We go now to Catherine Herridge in Baghdad….”Good evening Shep, I am here in the center of Baghdad where the Iraqis are unveiling a statue of Donald Rumsfeld along side that of our President, precisely in the location where they once symbolically tumbled the one of their former dictator. It is quite a celebration, President Chalabi is here….Catherine, I’m going to have to interrupt you here as we have a bit of breaking news….we go now to Democratic party headquarters where a somber mood prevails, we have information that there will be an announcement protesting what Democrats say is an attempt by a foreign power to influence an American election…..

  2. Dan Patterson says:

    The statements of congressman Murtha indicate either a brainwashing by aliens, or a by-out of him by MMoore. Un-f’ing believable.


  3. Bachbone says:

    All Murtha’s comments prove is that a person can be a strong supporter of the military, member of the Defense Appropriations Committee and former Marine, yet stil be a liberal Democrat with an ADA rating of 85 and a lousy military strategist.

  4. GAgentleman says:

    wayright is “RIGHT ON”!

    Murthas Vietnam experience skews any reasonable intellectual analysis on IRAQ. These military actions are not similar in any way. Murthas allegiance is to the wallets of the liberal democrat political machine.

    “Marines don’t retreat” nor do they cut and run, never condoning spitting on the graves of fellow grunts. The CORP is about HONOR, chiseled into every Marine. Murthas statements do not project anything close to these known characteristics.

    We need to be in IRAQ for at least five years for anything we’ve accomplished to GEL properly. It is true that W has created a magnet for terrorists in Iraq flowing across the borders from Syria and Iran from all points middle east. This Iraq offensive will go down in history as one of the most brilliant military campaigns strategies in our worlds history.

    An enemy without a uniform without a definitive country of origin EXPOSED by W’s exploitation of their hatred of us infidels in the middle of there own world. Its a beautiful thing if you ask me.

    The SILVER LINING in this storm will be OIL GUSHING from Iraq’s worlds 2nd largest known reserves. Dropping gas pump prices and extending our tax cut based economic explosion for another decade.

    What W endured politically in 2004 has no precedent. W is a modest but complex individual easily misunderstood but truly light years ahead of us all. This is a LEGACY president. See me in 20 years.

    Murthas another “Do as I say NOT as I DO” & “Everyone knows this to be true” right? He’s kow-towing to the freakazoid money choir.

    Check this mans bank accounts for the next 12 months.

  5. Warthog says:

    According to the Demognat mouthpieces to disagree with Murtha was to attack his heroic war record in the most slanderous way.

  6. Christine says:

    Here is a message from a soldier in Iraq that he has asked to be spread around.


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