
I’m proud to announce the official release today of my new book. I view it as a third in the trilogy of my work. My first two books detailed why the Left does what it does, to give you the power of information you need to reject their depraved and nihilistic agenda. This new book explains how we have changed since September 11th, and the importance of the power of the individual. We are indeed taking this nation back from the elites in Washington, Hollywood and the Mainstream Media. None of them have this nation’s best interests in mind. We can only trust ourselves when it comes to a better future. That is what has made and kept this nation great–our understanding of the power and freedom of the individual, and as importantly those values to other nations on this Earth.

It’s also a Featured Selection with the Compass Book Club. So for those of you who belong to that conservative club, you’ll see it available there as well. For that feature, Compass interviewed me about the book for their club. Here are their questions and my answers which will give you a more complete sense of what “The New American Revolution” is all about.

1. The word ‘revolution’ is powerful. You don’t mean an armed uprising is coming, right? So what kind of revolution is it?

You’re right, this is not about violence–it is more an uprising of our frames of mind. Our view of the world wasn’t the only thing that changed on September 11th, our view of ourselves also changed. I contend that 9/11 woke us up to the fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed. We began on that day to realize that every decision we made mattered, every choice we exercised meant something. We woke up from the cultural coma the Left demanded of us for the past four decades, and embraced our individualism as Americans. What I speak of is a revolution of ideas, of personal frames of mind, and a return of expectations. It is ultimately a renewed love affair between America and her people.

It is also a return to the values and expectations rooted in the American character, devoid of political correctness and moral relativism. The New American Revolution is Americans deciding they’ve had enough and aren’t going to be dictated to, culturally or politically, by the leftist extremists in our midst.

2. Who are the counterrevolutionaries about whom we should most be concerned?

The counterrevolutionaries are those who have the greatest stake in society remaining as it has been for the past four decades. The average American has been told how to view the world by the few who control Mainstream Media. Left-wing leadership, the black, gay and feminist establishment leadership in this country has grown fat, rich and powerful through intimidation and threat. Career politicians believe they are owed their offices, running over and over and over again, never considering the fact that new ideas from a new generation are needed and invigorating.

Entities like the ACLU, New York Times, and even the IRS, previously thought to be invulnerable, now feel the earth shaking beneath their feet. They’re finding Americans are no longer afraid to say no, cancel subscriptions, organize against them, and even ask for their abolition.

These entities and the people behind them have the most to fear and the most to lose. The establishment, leftist special interest groups, those who rely on the predictable status quo, should hang on tight. Their work is based in the presumption the average American knows nothing and can do nothing. They’re now finding out how wrong they are.

3. You describe yourself as an “openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Bush progressive feminist.” Do you find it hard sometimes to find common ground with the conservatives who are
inclined to reject about half of that?

Interestingly, it was when I was on the Left, mired in leftwing leadership, where I saw the most racism, sexism, and homophobia. As I spoke with more and more conservatives through my career as a writer and radio talk show host, I found that even though they disagreed with many things I represent, there was a genuine curiosity, compassion and tolerance that has affected me greatly. I have been honored to experience the common ground of being an American First with conservatives and people of faith in our great nation. It is that respect, understanding, this love of country, freedom and liberty America represents which has made this nation the greatest on earth. This nation has been made strong and my life has been made better because of the values and passion of conservatives and people of faith. This special common thread, known only by Americans, does indeed transcend everything else. On the left the concepts of tolerance and understanding are mere slogans. On the right, they actually mean something, and for that I will be forever grateful.

4. What’s Job One for patriotic individualists who want to save America from the extremists?

The first thing the American individual must do is TRUST YOURSELF and remember who you are. We live in an age where every message sent by the mainstream media, the leftist elite and even the bureaucracy of government is, that your opinion does not matter, that you have no power, that things are bigger than you, and that someone else knows better than you. This is the message that had kept the American public mollified. I am here to tell them differently and to show them how. Once you trust yourself, you begin to wonder about who you are, what you
think, what your opinion is. It is that reawakening that reminds you that we are the sovereign in this nation, not Teddy Kennedy, not George Soros, not Barbra Streisand, not even George W. Bush or Jerry Falwell, but each and every American citizen, leading quiet lives as we work our way up the road of the American Dream

I contend September 11th was our tipping point, the day when Americans didn’t necessarily wake up with new attitudes, we simply remembered who we are, and decided never to go asleep again.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    YES!!! I stand with Tammy and other revolting Americans!! 🙂

  2. BGF says:

    “It is also a return to the values and expectations rooted in the American character, devoid of political correctness and moral relativism.”

    “On the left the concepts of tolerance and understanding are mere slogans. On the right, they actually mean something, and for that I will be forever grateful.”

    I like those sentiments, Tammy! It is a good thing you are a conservative now. I don’t think the Left would ever allow you back into their fold after exposing their hypocrisy that way. 🙂

  3. Asher Abrams says:

    Tammy, this is magnificent! And I’m very excited about your new book. I’ll get my copy right away.

    Keep up the good work!


    Got my copy today…NOV 1 and ran into quite a hassle at BARNES & NOBLES here in MARINA DEL REY. The book was nowhere to be found in the front of the store with the new releases (NOTE: display table had SIX stacks EIGHT copies deep of the AL FRANKEN book right at door). I had to have a clerk look it up in the computer and much to my dismay, discovered this BRAND NEW BOOK by a BEST SELLING AUTHOR was tucked away upstairs in the CURRENT AFFAIRS section…really quite hidden away. I asked to speak to the manager about this and suggested that perhaps he could move ONE stack of the FRANKEN books to make room for “the TAMMY” and he told me that all BARNES & NOBLE stores are instructed to display the books this way. I demanded the phone # for corporate headquarters in NYC. Due to the time difference it was too late for me to call, but believe you-me, I WILL…FIRST THING tomorrow morning. Here is the # in case any more of you TAMMY PEEPS wanna let B&N know what we think of their brand of political censorship (212) 633-3300. Please, however, wait until THURS 11/3, cause I want to be sure to get the first call in tomorrow !!!!! Thanks. Let THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION BEGIN…..

  5. Joel Schwartz says:

    Hey,don’t confuse conservative with classical liberal. Conservatives have the view that goverment does have an obligation to interfere with people’s lives (for example, abortion, defining marriage, regulating commerce and legality of products). Classical liberals do not.

    And hey Talking Horse! What’s so revolting about Americans? 🙂

  6. Dave J says:

    I only had a chance to skim it, but what I read was fantastic stuff. Great work, Tammy!

    Oh, and the Barnes & Noble at the Prudential Center here in Boston had it prominently displayed–closer to the door than Al Franken and Jimmy Carter–so who know what the story might have been with that, Andrea.


    That’s great news DAVE! I certainly hope it’s like that more places than not…makes me wonder if I was out and out LIED to by the store manager. As TAMMY’s announcer says “one of the few SANE people left in CALIFORNIA”….. It’s really TERRIBLE here in the L.A. area as far as being surrounded by LEFT-WING MOONBATS. Anyway, I DID call B&N corporate and left a polite, detailed message for someone in marketing, basically using the words “surprised and disapointed” to describe my experience at finding THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION hidden away on it’s first day of release, reiterating that “the TAMMY” is a NY TIMES bestselling author and host of a hugely popular nationally syndicated radio program….not some unknown entity. I am VERY, VERY curious as to what others’ experiences in finding or not finding the book properly displayed will be in the coming weeks. I’m sure TAMMY will be too. I’ll bet it’s something she will address on her program and will be extremely interested in monitoring for herself. My prayer is that it makes it into the hands of every AMERICAN who would take comfort and gain enthusiasm by reading it.

  8. GAgentleman says:


    I saw you on TV yesterday. Subsequently, I’ve reviewed everything that I can find on the web about your writings.

    All I can say is WOW! I’m buying all three of your books this morning.

    So far, I find your work among the PUREST FORM of Intellectual honesty that most closely mirrors my own opinions. Rhetoric FREE gets my money every time!

    Brace yourself for serious attacks on your character from both sides of the extremists as I expect your popularity to EXPLODE after “3” consistent publishings and another election cycle coming up next year.

    Good Job Tammy and Good Luck

  9. Dave J says:

    “What’s so revolting about Americans?”

    COUNT DE MONNAIE (Harvey Korman): Your Majesty, the peasants are revolting!

    LOUIS XVI (Mel Brooks): You said it! They stink on ice!

    –History of the World, Part One


  10. zenezie says:

    I plan to pick up Tammy’s new book this weekend. I ‘ll be curious to see how Barnes & Noble display her book. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of Barnes & Noble being accused of hiding conservative-theme books and usually the employees were discplined when customers complained. I think, Andrea, that the employee at your Barnes & Noble were acting independantly and thanks to you, top management will come down on him/them. I live in a town nicknamed “disneyland for liberals”, but our local bookstores (B&N included) are pretty good about displaying the poloar books equally.

    My mom enjoys Tammy’s books immensly. In truth I have more difficulty reading them because most of the examples she cites are so infuriating that I have to put down the book, walk away, and get my bearing. And to think, I once actually supported the leftist agenda.

  11. Navynate says:

    The more people think about the liberal agenda the more they will become conservative as well. I have Tammy’s new book next to my computer as i write this. It’s amazing how libs will be disproven by facts (No WMD’s) and keep repeating the same lies over and over again as if it will become true if they just say it enough times. But truth is truth, if you say something that is a lie once or a million times a day, that still won’t change a lie to become truth no matter how many times you say it. I’ve always thought for myself. Libs have to have someone think for them and use the same old lies of Bush Lied, people died. If they would come up with a new line or two then that would be better, but they can’t even do that. Prochoice groups are really good at lying, they are the experts in that field. Tammy, you talk about the lies that you believed when you were a part of the NOW leadership that supported abortion unconditionally. Prolifers are the true compassionate people when it comes to abortion. Prolife groups will offer to take care of everything a women who is pregnant needs while she is pregnant, and not take one dime from her. Yet, prochoice groups charge hundreds of dollars from the person (or government agency) to pay for an abortion, and then send them on their way after they are well enough to walk out the door. Prolifers love the women who come to them for help.

    You book is super,


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