Now that this has been given the heave-ho, (and congrats to everyone who didn’t watch this tripe or stopped watching) what will we all do without a major network making sure that America understands only a Democrat can be president? Mark my words, in these few remaining months (it’s off the air in May) the Republican in the storyline will win the presidency, explaining the television equivalence of nuclear destruction: cancellation.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Stonemason says:

    The first two sesons were great, then Martin must have taken over. Maybe I was caught up in the characters in the begining, I don’t know, I liked it. My wife tried to continue watching…till she saw that picture of Sheen with the duct tape on his mouth. Oh well, Most of what’s on the tube is a waste anyway, I will not be losing any sleep either.

  2. Windybon says:

    When TWW premiered, I was hooked. I had not seen writing like that since M*A*S*H. Then I learned that Aaron Sorkin was the producer, which accounted for the outstanding writing. For the first few seasons TWW was my absolutely favorite show. In fact, it was one of three that were not to be missed. Even if it had a liberal slant, the characters and the story line were such that it always kept me on the edge of my seat. Then when Sorkin left, the show seemed to be more influenced by Larry “Liar, Liar” O’Donnell, and I couldn’t watch anymore. Casting Alan Alda as a Republican didn’t help either. Talk about being miscast . . .

  3. c-c-right says:

    Was never crazy about the program. It seemed to mirror “real life” as the Clinton admin seemed to see it (in the few episodes I saw). I was getting enough of that watching the broadcast news channels!

  4. ballistic says:

    I have NEVER watched TWW, not one episode or even an iota’s part of one. Didn’t need to; Martin Sheen playing the President said it all. You mean we have to suffer its presence through May before it’s finally over? Good riddance.

  5. ballistic says:

    And another thing: what do I, or anyone else with a head on his or her shoulders, need to watch another make-believe political television series for? I get all the entertainment I need from the real thing, plus I can actively participate in the process.

  6. LesbianNeoCon says:

    Apparently, American television-watchers don’t believe only a Democrat can run things. Hollywood is dead meat, if the morons in charge don’t become a little less hateful towards non-liberals. Not holding my breath, but this cancellation is a good start!

  7. OutdoorsPro says:

    I agree with WINDYBON. Although i tended to disagree with the politics expressed, the writing was very good, with very snappy and interesting dialog, and good character development.

    Even with the left-wing politics, they did occasionally present conservative ideas very smartly. Who can forget Emily Procter’s role as Ainsley Hayes? Her conservative rebuttals to the other characters arguments were often exceptional and she usually won.

    I used to think that if more democrats were like the characters in TWW, at least there could be some intelligent debates, unlike the reality we are faced with now.

    Yeah, the show got a bit old near the end, and they were always setting up for a Republican win in this race. I’m glad they are cancelling it then. I’ve always thought it would be much more painful to watch them try to write for a Republican cast of characters.

  8. JJJet says:

    I never watched it so I won’t miss it. The real thing is always more entertaining. The local politics here in Memphis is far more entertaining with King Willie Herenton and the Ford family. What a sad joke these people are on the city.

    I would rather have TWW on and these local ‘politicians’ cancelled.


  9. Ray Zacek says:

    What amuses me is Lawrence O’Donnell’s “prediction” on the McLaughlin Group prior to West Wing’s premiere in the Sunday time slot that the ratings would soar. He predicted 20 indictments from Fitzgerald in the “Plamegate” grand jury too. What a chump.

  10. Ray Zacek says:

    In the final West Wing episode, Josiah Bartlett will wake up and realize his administration was just a dream; in reality he got his butt kicked in the general election.

  11. rogue says:

    I never watched this thru all the seasons – My reasoning was how could a leftist-produced TV show come even close to the adventure of the reality. We have a 36 inch tube and a nice home theater, but it’s usually either Fox (esp on Monday Mornings!) or Netflix.

    We can vote with our feet as well as our remotes. By great good fortune, I happened to be visiting a church in the valley with a friend who is a member there. Bill Ewing, producer of ‘End of the Spear’ was given a minute to talk to the congregation and he noted that we could send the studios a clear message (revenues for worthwhile movies will ensure that more such movies are made) if we made it a point to attend movies like his. I took my son on Sat and will take my wife this week – it’s a good movie, a good drama and does not overdo the proselytization at all – vote with your feet and your dollars – it’s the best way to break the back of movies like Brokeback Mountain.

  12. Bachbone says:

    The Hollowood crowd is free to say and do what it wishes, just as I am free to boycott every movie and television show they appear in. Buh-bye Left Wing ka-ching. Another one bites the dust. Bring us more Tom Sellecks and Patricia Heatons.

  13. PeteRFNY says:

    I always felt that shows like the West Wing were Hollywood’s way of throwing a temper tantrum: “Things aren’t going our way, so we’ll create a fantasy world that we can hide in – and show people how we think things SHOULD be”.

    It’ll be interesting to note down the road that Bush’s presidency lasted longer than this show did.

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And it saved us some money. Yet, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the malignant narcissists in prison and on death row still only obsess about themselves.

I lift a glass to all the victims out there who hoped their killers would suffer, somehow. Well, at least some of them do.


Related Column:

Tammy Bruce
: The Decency of the Death Penalty

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LesbianNeoCon says:

    Am I living in the Twilight Zone?? I am all for the death penalty, but seeing how this guy was so emotionally and mentally tortured, it’s too bad he killed himself. I’d rather see him suffer. If this guy had been overwhelmed with remorse, for murdering in cold blood, then I might feel a little sorry for him (actually, not).

    And then there’s this part:

    **In 2001, Roche and another death row inmate, Gerald Bivins, attacked a guard, and in 1994 Roche fired three shots from a homemade gun at guards in an aborted escape attempt, officials said.**

    Why they didn’t shoot him then, is beyond me. Well, in any event, I am glad he “suffered” before he iced himself, like the coward he was.

  2. That’s not very nice. I myself sent a package of Maxi Pads to Scott Peterson for those rough nights with the boys

  3. LesbianNeoCon says:

    hehehe!! I would’ve sent him a “manpon”!!
    Ok, that was stupid! But funny!

  4. political_junkie says:

    “**In 2001, Roche and another death row inmate, Gerald Bivins, attacked a guard, and in 1994 Roche fired three shots from a homemade gun at guards in an aborted escape attempt, officials said.**

    Why they didn’t shoot him then, is beyond me. “

    Prison guards don’t carry guns. It would be dangerous for the prisoner to get ahold of one so they just don’t bring them in. The only way they could have shot him is if one of the snipers in the tower had a clear shot.

    Beautiful Atrocities:

    What a wonderfully wicked sense of humor.

  5. predoc says:

    “I’m tired of getting close to these guys in here and then watch them slowly crack as they near their fate,” said the note released Tuesday by Roche’s attorney. ”

    Infuriating. These guys don’t “slowly crack” as they near their fate, which by definition implies something beyond their control, as if they had no choice about what is happening to them. They are “cracking” as they near the consequences of the choices they made. I’ll say it again — infuriating.

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