
What’s it been, a week or so since we “sprang forward” and lost an hour? Is it just me or is this man’s manipulation of time a scourge or what?

Without exception, during this entire “season” of fake time, I’m all screwed up. It’s like constant jet lag for me, waking up in the morning is tough, and psychologically dealing with knowing, knowing that the time I’m dealing with is completely artificial irritates me to no end.

And I know from experience it won’t get better. Oh, of course I’ll cope, but if I were to ever become Queen (or King 😉 one of the first things I’d do besides arrest flag-burning hippies and illegal aliens, I would declare Daylight Savings time null and void.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. chase says:

    Although it’s rough in the mornings for a few weeks, I really appreciate the extra hour of daylight. Having the traditional 8-5 work schedule, I have additional time to work in the yard or spend time with the family. If we could ban working weekends … 🙂

    Great show Friday Tammy!

  2. Zendo Deb says:

    Early to bed and early to rise and all that… of course the fact that the early bird got the worm only proves that the worm should have stayed in bed.

  3. political_junkie says:

    I am a little confused, but I think that we just left daylight savings time, and got back to regular time. DST is a useless system, why the hell haven’t we killed it yet. Arizona did and they haven’t fallen off the planet or anything.

  4. Tink says:

    Here Here Tammy! It ruins me too (and speeds up my aging process). Most people I know hate it.
    God created time… The Sun rises, the Sun sets. I fail to see the problem with that.

    It was forced upon us so we’ll work longer hours and spend tourist dollars later into the night. Grrrrr!

    Didn’t Congress pass a bill in 2005 that will make the season of fake time even longer— starting in 2007 it’ll run from early March to late October?

  5. JohnnyJets says:

    Yes….Clock touching is evil. So of course the congress in it’s wisdom is making it even longer next year. We should just stop it and set the clocks once and forget it. Sure it’s nice to have the longer light after work but it seems weird putting my daughter to bed with the sun still up and not even close to slipping behind the hills yet.

  6. Carpediem says:

    Who started that mess anyway ? I hate the “fall behind” because it is damn pitch black at 5:30. I do like the extra sun in the summertime. Off on a six day hiatus. I will miss your words of wisdom, profound thoughts and common sense. Have a great week 🙂

  7. Tink says:

    I believe it was FDR that started all this mess.

  8. lnthomp says:

    Why don’t we just all set our clocks to Greenwich time and change the open/close signs on all the banks and stores to say (on the west coast) open 1700 (currently 9am) close 0500 (currently 9pm) or whatever. Of course, the calendar date would then change in the afternoon rather than middle of the night.

    When you get right down to it, all our clocks and calendars are entirely arbitrary anyway. In San Diego, at least, some of the Home Depot stores change their hours of operation when the time changes so that they are really opening and closing at the same time all year, so no-one loses or gains an hour of sleep.

  9. Glad I’m not the only one. I’ve been feelin’ run down all week.

    Felt like I was coming down with the flu until I figured it out.

  10. PeteRFNY says:

    Hate to admit it, but I LIVE for Daylight Saings Time. I like getting to work and having it not be midnight-dark outside. Time measurement is just a reference number anyway.

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