
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

Not really thrilled with who the Republicans are putting forth for ’08, I was hoping for some surprises. This is a good one and it could make things very interesting. Take a look at the article and then tell me what you think of him.

Republican Duncan Hunter to run for president in 2008

Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said Monday he was taking the initial step in a bid for the presidency in 2008.

Hunter, who has represented the San Diego area district for 26 years, announced the surprise bid at a news conference in front of supporters on the San Diego waterfront.

Hunter said that as he finishes his final two years in the House of Representatives, “I’m also going to prepare to run for president of the United States in 2008.”

In addition to whoever will be top of the ticket, we also have to consider who will be second. Right now, I like Mitt Romney the most, but I need to leanr more about him. At this stage, I could imagine a Romney/Hunter ticket, or a Romney/Giuliani ticket. The only reason I’m not putting Hunter at the top at this stage is because I want to assess him more. This is also a good time for all of you to chime in with your dream pairing.

Related Links:

San Diego Union Tribune: Big game Hunter: Seeks presidential bid for 2008
This link also has video of the announcement.

Rep Hunter’s Congressional Site

Wikipedia Page on Hunter

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. artgal says:

    Though I am just getting familiar with Hunter, I do have to say I like that he opposed NAFTA, CAFTA, China’s favored nation status and is dedicated to protecting America’s borders – and has proven that dedication through more than words. Some of his social issues I agree with, too, but I truly believe 2008 will be a defining moment for the War on Terror and whether America will become insignificant due to globalist visions enacted by the present and past administrations.

    I definitely see Guiliani’s name in the hat and feel he is perhaps the best hope for the Republican party – at the moment. With time, we’ll see who else comes in. I’m just seeing the Republican Party dwindle one opportunity after another and cave into political correctness at the expense of our service men and women – and it makes me absolutely furious.

    You know, I wish there were more Republicans who were as spirited, articulate, forceful and unafraid to confront adversaries as Lynne Cheney! She’s doing exactly what NO Republican has done in this current election season: she’s taken her critics to task, set the record straight and made her adversary answer tough questions – and made him look like linguini, too.

  2. Dave J says:

    Oh no, Tammy, not Romney! As a native Bostonian, I think he’d be absolutely awful. My dear friend Miss Bitter Bitch has put together a vast compendium of reasons to despise him, available for your perusal here.

    I’m for Giuliani, myself. Maybe Hunter could be VP, get both coasts, put both NY and California in play. I’ve heard about his making a comeback, so I’d love Newt Gingrich in the #2 spot, too.

  3. SLABBOTT says:

    I’m holding out for Newt on the top of the ticket because he most clearly articulates conservative principles. I don’t know if he will run but I hope he does and then I hope he selects a woman as his veep choice (and NOT Secretary Rice)!

  4. Rod says:

    I thought Bush purged the GOP of conservatives. Looks like there are one or two he has not forced out yet.
    Primaries will be very much fun next two years! For both of the “big” parties.

  5. cabgx2 says:

    Duncan Hunter has always taken care of the military, military retirees, and veterans. In my book, as being all three, he is a great choice

  6. Kimj7157 says:

    I do like Duncan Hunter. No nonsense and truly serious about border security. I’ve never seen him in a debate and that type of setting reveals much, I think, so I’ll look forward to that. I’m still hopeful that someone will emerge from the Republican party who will just knock my socks off. Can’t imagine who that might be at this point. :/

  7. Tink says:

    I thought we were going to have to settle for Romney or Guiliani… I definitely do not want a Romney/Guiliani ticket or vice versa. No way!

    Having never heard of Hunter before now, I’m surprised to say that I get a really good feeling about him. I love that he wants to secure border and voted against NAFTA, CAFTA, and China—and that he didn’t consult the Republican leadership about his decision. And in my book he gets big-time points for having served in Vietnam with the 75th Rangers. “Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell Out of the Way!” (Maybe that will be his campaign motto)

    At first glance it looks like he would be great on the ticket—I’ll have to see how he handles himself and how he delivers his message to decided if should head the ticket or not. Just one little superficial note, I hope he doesn’t put on a fake cheesy politician smile. I want to see a real person—aren’t we tired of all these put-ons?

  8. cabgx2 says:

    TINK. Great write up. I have watched Duncan Hunter as the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee for years. He is always making sure that the troops are well equipped and trained.

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